1 – DISCLAIMER: I realize this is a sensitive time for a lot of people and not everybody appreciates us talking sports & entertainment while they struggle personally, professionally, financially and perhaps even medically. I’ve had people say this to me. So if that’s you, I strongly suggest you stop reading this column right now. However I can’t just quit. We wish you well and hope you come out of this just fine. On the other hand, if you welcome the distraction that sports and entertainment coverage provides, read on ..
2 – TIPS 1: Instead of torturing yourself about what you “miss” during the pandemic crisis, why not think about the first thing you’ll do when it’s over? (For me, it’s hitting the steam room at Evolution Fitness). Instead of listing what “sucks” about being forced to stay at home, why not make a list of what’s good about it? You realize that for the vast majority of people in this situation, the biggest enemy is their mind, right?
3 – TIPS 2: If/when you find yourself being triggered by what you’re seeing on social media or on TV (see point 1), might I suggest you turn it off? You’re not going to change people, and especially not now. And if you REALLY want to go down the bottomless rabbit hole of self-improvement, stop and examine what’s triggering you. Then try to find out why it bothers you so much, and work on accepting those factors in your life. Y’er welcome. No charge.
4 – WWE: For the first time in weeks we had the opportunity for something to look forward to in the “sports” world. It was Saturday night’s Wrestlemania 36 and I was glad to pay Access $11.95 to watch it on the WWE Network. It was the first time I’ve watched WWE in 30 years. It took some of the lustre off to learn that it was taped previously, but Vince McMahon should be applauded for taking the safe approach. I’m not going to get into a blow-by-blow analysis but here’s what I found the most refreshing after watching pro wrestling for the first time since the Mulroney administration: there was no video review and the rules haven’t changed from the last time I watched! The highlight was the Boneyard Match. And tonight, it’s my buddy Brock Lesnar on Night II!
5 – BE REAL!: I drifted away from pro wrestling when I went away to college, mostly because I always knew it was fake. Nothing’s changed there either but you can’t deny the entertainment factor that the WWE provides. Bringing in 3-time Super Bowl champion Rob Gronkowski as the host of the broadcast was a nice touch, and the interviews between fights are still full of bravado and colourful outfits. (It reminds me of the back-and-forth banter I have with Bo Levi Mitchell, Simoni Lawrence, Brandon Banks etc. IT’S FUN! Maybe one day they’ll realize that’s not real either).
And chew on this: WWE fans are mocked and scorned by others who ridicule pro wrestling for not being legitimate, yet millions ignore that and continue to pour into arenas and watch on TV. Why can’t CFL fans be the same way? Must be a Canadian thing.
6 – CALL TO THE HALL: The NBA was in the news on Saturday when the 2020 Basketball Hall of Fame induction class was announced. Included in the 9-member group are Kobe Bryant, Tim Duncan and Kevin Garnett. The announcement got huge pub in the U.S., primarily because of the inclusion of Kobe but also because of the lack of anything else going on in sports. The 2020 Canadian Football Hall of Fame induction class announcement is around the corner too, and it’s going to have a distinct Roughriders flavour to it! I’ll leave it up to CFHOF Executive Director Mark Denobile to announce, but it’s going to be a rich class.
7 – BACK ON THE ICE: As of Friday, ESPN reported the Chinese pro basketball league is moving ahead with the “Bubble Cities” concept of quarantining players in selected cities, in order to resume play before no audiences, but on live television. Meanwhile the talk of Saskatoon being a bubble city for the NHL went away almost as soon as TSN Ottawa’s Shawn Simpson brought it up on Tuesday evening. However SaskTel Centre confirmed to CJWW that they’ve been contacted about the possibility. Fingers crossed that a return to the ice is imminent. As my friend Wes texted this week, “I’ll watch anything. I’m ready to watch Chinese basketball”.
8 – BACK TO POINT 1: I’m shocked that there’s so much opposition to Saskatoon opening its doors to the NHL. (Public opinion votes hovered around 50/50). For starters, they wouldn’t do it unless it’s safe to do so. And if people still are of the mind, “How could you think about sports at a time like this?”, you need to examine the role sports plays in society. Getting the games back on TV will turn the taps back on, return the TV anchors to work, and get the ad dollars flowing again. I realize that doesn’t mean a lot for the out-of-work restaurant staff, hairdressers, service industry, etc. here YET, but it would be a start.
9 – BUC UP: The fact remains that it’s the sports industry that was hit the first, and the hardest by Coronavirus in North America. Has the toll hit the trillions yet? It wouldn’t surprise me if it had. Meanwhile the Tampa Bay Buccaneers didn’t seem to get the memo. They immediately hiked ticket prices 15% after signing QB Tom Brady. This after they used to have a policy that once you’re a season ticket holder for the NFL in Tampa Bay, your ticket cost will never go up for as long as you have them.
10 – RANDOM THOUGHTS: I erred when I said I could name 5 guys JUST LIKE the Tiger King, Joe Exotic. The fact is I could name 25-30 without pausing for a breath. … Please Shop Local. … Famous quotes from my Mom, Judi Pedersen who left us on June 13/2019: “The more you lay around, the more you wanna lay around. Get up and get going!” … I wish the weather would decide what it wants to do. … At the moment, the new bypass doesn’t seem to be much faster. Don’t @ me. … Gronk may have a future in TV broadcasting. He certainly as the on-camera charisma. And he has a distinct Pauly Shore-type delivery. … A favourite line from Brock Lesnar when I asked him what he says to people who say wrestling’s fake: “Of course it’s fake!” he laughed. … Wendel Clark’s Classic Bar & Grill in Saskatoon is offering free delivery or takeout. You can feed your family for $30! Check their Facebook page. … Meanwhile The Tap Drive-Thru Beer & Liquor Store in Regina remains open. Please support our sponsors! … The Seattle NHL team says it’s close to announcing its name. It has to be the “Metropolitans” doesn’t it?? … Stay home and stay safe!
Y’er welcome,

Great post Roddy. But the word ‘fake’ appears way too often. People know what wrestling is and they either like it or they don’t. No apologies or rationalizations necessary. You can just enjoy it on your own terms.
Professional Wrestling, WWE style = Kayfabe.
Rod, I really enjoy your columns and I was slow to the boat, but eventually got there. Keep up the sports and entertainment talk. Anyone that says “sports” doesn’t matter. It’s those guys like Dave Naylor that I actually take great delight in the national media companies cutting staff left, right and center. We’re entering a new age and the guys who cover things and want to say it doesn’t matter. I have some news for them. Zach Collaros played on 3 teams last year. His knees are blown out, his head is ringing and this kid ends up a… Read more »