Saskatchewan Roughriders Vice President of Sponsorships Steve Mazurak told reporters on Monday that as of 2:00 pm, 1,600 tickets remained available for Saturday’s Farewell Game at Taylor Field between the Riders and B.C. Lions (TSN, 620 CKRM Rider Radio Network).

It’s the last-ever Rider game in the stadium which has hosted more professional football games than any other in Canadian history.

“It’s going to be truly electric folks, so everybody in the Rider Nation is going to want to have a ticket for this game,” Mazurak said.  “Run to the ticket office because it’s going to be truly electric.”

Mazurak wouldn’t provide many details on what Saturday’s festivities include, other than that three distinguished alumni will be featured at the game.  Last week the club announced Saskatchewan music acts Jess Moskaluke, Jason Plumb and Jack Semple will perform at a 20-minute halftime ceremony.

Rumours suggest the postgame ceremony will have a similar feel to the 2013 Grey Cup game in Regina.

“It’s going to be absolutely electric, and that’s without a joke,” Mazurak continued.  “We’ve spent as much time and energy as you can be allowed to put on a fantastic show in the last 30 minutes for this stadium.”

Mazurak, a former star Rider receiver, said the franchise is truly ready to move out of Taylor Field and into the glitzy new Mosaic Stadium across the street but for one more game, the old stadium will be appropriately honoured.

“I’m the first to say ‘Let’s put a bulldozer to this thing and get on with the new’ but it does need praise, it does need to be honoured, and I believe we’ve done a pretty good job of doing that,” Mazurak said.

Tickets for the game can be purchased at www.riderville.com, 1-888-4-RIDERS and the Mosaic Stadium ticket office.


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John Meissner
8 years ago

Oh my, how I wish I could be there. Have fun Roddy. I'll be listening!

8 years ago

I hear it's going to be electric.

8 years ago

Well considering this ole relic of a Stadium has been hindered with "electrical" outages over the past several years, I sure hope they have their "Electric" ducks in order for the festivities.

8 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

⬆⬆⬆let's hope so. Wish we could be there. See you the next week in Vancouver.

8 years ago

Those 1600 tickets would be priceless if the Riders were a football team. But they're not and they proved it last weekend.

I've been a Roughrider fan since the 60's and I've never been as exasperated as last weekend. Nobody tried!

I won't be at your last game.

8 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Don't care whether you are there or not. Also don't care how long you've been a fan.

8 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Stay home then. Do you think the other 33000 of rider nation cares about fans like you. Last time I checked you support your team win or lose. I will be there loud and proud in section 24 as I always do. Cause that's what real fans do!! Go riders.

8 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

There's only one last Rider game ever at the old girl. I'll be there. And my whole family.

8 years ago

Didn't try??? Did u not notice the less than desirable weather conditions. Or maybe u missed the fact that another team was on the field trying to win the game also. These are pro athletes and every time they step on the field they are "TRYING". Just because the results are not what u want does not mean they are not trying. I wonder if after the fans voice there displeasure over a play if the players ever look up to the crowd and think "not a brain in the stands". In your case it would be very true. I… Read more »

8 years ago

"Nobody tried"

I was at the game and you don't know what your talking about!

8 years ago

Jess Moskaluke sings while trick dogs on skidoos backflips over top of a bubble ball soccer game between the Rmf kids and the Junior cheerleaders… and a wild ELECTRIC light show

8 years ago

Did you hurt yourself falling off the band wagon?

joe bunyawk
8 years ago

We were able to make it back for one last game in July with my wife and close to thirty members of my best friend's family. I would love to be at this one too but we knew it wasn't going to work. But we got there for one last look at the field, the stands, the fans, the teams, the colours, the atmosphere, the anticipation, the walk to the stadium, the green and white everywhere, the nods, the stopping on the street from strangers to talk about the team and the game before and after, the site of the… Read more »