Commentary: Happy Thanksgiving!



(Listen daily for the RP Commentary on the All New Hits 98 CKHD & LTD Radio)

A coupla three or more thoughts entering the weekend …


#1 – Life is a lot different for me now, but as long as I roam the earth, I’ll likely always check in with the Riders on Plaza of Honour weekend.

This year the Roughriders will induct into their Hall of Fame former General Manager Roy Shivers and quarterbacking great Darian Durant.

Nowadays the Plaza doesn’t resemble anything at all like what it did in the 80’s when it began, and when my Dad would come home with that year’s giveaway and a boatload of stories.

Usually they were topped by Dad’s tales of giving Leader Post columnist Bob Hughes a piece of his mind, or passing along whatever Rider greats he got to rub elbows with.

I heard at last night’s banquet Shivers referred to his nemesis – Roughriders owner Tom Shepherd – at least four times in his speech. Roy reportedly also said he is not mellowing in his old age and that, “I’m still an asshole!”

The Plaza of Honour dinner may not look the same as it used to, but I suppose the idea of it all is. It remains one of the greatest dates on the calendar yearly, even if the average fan can no longer afford to go.

It sure was a treat to be able to MC the Plaza for almost 20 years, long after my Dad first went.

Have fun, all!


#2 – It’s one more day of my NHL picks taking a butt-kicking. I picked only two of the nine games correctly Thursday night and to be honest, I’m following the NHL more closely now than I have since childhood.

Who the heck saw the rebuilt Detroit Red Wings and Nashville Predators losing their home-openers? Not this guy.

Oh well, I’ve forever warned listeners not to follow me for betting advice.

Their of plenty of people who make quite a good living at that.

Follow them!


And #3 – One week from today I’ll be travelling back to the 306 for the first-ever Wolseley Sports Celebrity Dinner on October 19. Veteran hockey coach Lorne Molleken, Rider great Bob Poley, Paralympic curler Gil Dash and I will be helping raise funds for the arena there and to be honest again, I really can’t wait!

During last season’s Kraft Hockeyville contest, Wolseley was a finalist and realized during the contest just how bad of shape their rink is in. Since they didn’t win the big one, they still need to rundraise for a new iceplant as they’re still functioning off the original from decades ago.

If you can help out and would like to join us, purchase your tickets by emailing

Happy Thanksgiving!

That’s today’s Rod Pedersen Commentary.

(The Rod Pedersen Show airs daily at 12 pm & 4 pm ET on Game+TV, WQEE Radio, Podcast & YouTube Live)

Join Us In Wolseley October 19!

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