1 – What did people do on these Mexican vacations before the internet and smartphones? Oh ya … relax.

2 – The Regina Pats. When do we start to panic?

3 – Why is this James Wilder Jr. story still a thing? The rules are the rules and they aren’t changing for the CFL Rookie of the Year, no matter how much complaining he does. 1-year contracts for American rookies would be the deathknell of the great Canadian institution which is the CFL. Life’s about choices.

4 – Did I miss something? Commissioner Randy Ambrosie announced a tour of all CFL markets this off-season which includes Halifax. I’m all for expanding to the Maritimes, but have they been awarded a franchise yet?

5 – If anybody thinks there will be fan apathy towards the CFL in Halifax, they simply have never visited the city. Football fans there are already tied up in knots wondering who their QB will be! (My vote is for Kevin Glenn. Some say it will be Darian Durant).

6 – Ambrosie’s CFL tour will feature townhall meetings in all 10 CFL cities. He’ll be in Regina February 10. What would you say to the Commissioner if you had the chance? Fortunately I already had my opportunity and remarkably, he listened!

7 – Ambrosie’s reign in the CFL reminds me of Doc Brown in the movie Back To The Future when he said to Michael J. Fox, “Roads? Where we’re going, we don’t need roads.”

What a time to be in the CFL!

8 – The NFL Network is part of the basic cable package here in Mexico and as such, I’ve enjoyed wall-to-wall coverage of Super Bowl LII from Minnesota. Do you realize how massively it would grow the CFL’s global brand if Commissioner Ambrosie is able to finalize a deal for the NFL Network to carry all CFL games???? The prospect is head-spinning and, reportedly, talks are well underway.

9 – Good on Tom Brady for calling out a WEEI Radio host for making disparaging remarks about his 5-year old daughter. It’s about time people were held accountable for their hateful remarks (see: Kathy Griffin).

10 – I’m still simmering from a situation here at the resort where a guy asked me to hand him a drink. I replied “Yes sir” and he responded with, “Don’t call me sir. I’m younger than you are.”

What’s wrong with people?? I had to point out that it’s a sign of respect.

Y’er welcome,