The Roughriders got back to work on Tuesday and they were a jovial bunch despite their 27-10 loss in Calgary Saturday night, which dropped their record to 1-3.

There were plenty of lively quotes coming out of the session at Mosaic Stadium.

Roughriders Head Coach & GM Chris Jones was asked about Saturday’s pregame dust-up between receiver Duron Carter and Stampeders safety Joshua Bell.

“First of all Duron and I’ve spoken on it,” Jones explained. “You can’t cross midfield (in warmups). He was totally in the wrong and I know Duron got fined, and rightfully so. None of that stuff ever makes you play better. It certainly didn’t help us.”

As far as he’s concerned, Duron Carter wasn’t aware of any fine and said the whole situation is much ado about nothing.

“I don’t know if I got fined yet,” Carter smiled.  “I was talking about (Bell’s) make-up or his facepoint, or whatever, and I guess I crossed (midfield). He took offense to it but we’re all grown men. You know what you can and can’t do before a football game. It was just for entertainment. It wasn’t anything for real.”

The confrontation was captured by the TSN cameras and replayed during the game broadcast however Carter never saw the video.

“To tell you the truth, I don’t watch too much TSN,” Carter smiled. “I didn’t really see anything after the fact. It happens, and I forget about it. I’m just focused on the next week, for real. No hard feelings, I guess, it’s football. That’s what we do out there.

“To me, if I can get under somebody’s skin, it just seemed like I got in his skin and I wore it, like it was a bodysuit. It felt kind of good.”

Meanwhile Rider quarterback Kevin Glenn talked about hitting the 50,000 yard career passing plateau in Saturday’s game. He’s only the 7th CFL’er in the league’s history to hit that milestone.

Glenn was asked if he’s had a Hall of Fame career in the CFL.

“Of course. No doubt,” Glenn shrugged. “Is an elephant heavy? Next question.”

Regarding the loss, Chris Jones said they’ve had plenty of time to pour over the film of the lopsided defeat.

“It didn’t look any prettier the second, third, fourth time we watched it,” Jones explained. “They were the better team, the more-prepared team. They played faster, they executed at a higher level and we’ve got work to do to get to that level.”
