By: Justin Dunk

Everyone in Riderville has full attention on Chris Jones and Darian Durant as extension negotiations – and tactics – continue.

Until the situation plays itself out each move will be headline news in Saskatchewan.

There is one major factor that could play into the entire quarterback scenario with the Riders: James Franklin. The 25-year-old is under contract with Edmonton for the 2017 season at a $55,000 base salary.

A theory from sources around the league is that Jones is waiting to see whether he can get Franklin from the Eskimos, which could determine what happens with Durant.

If Jones, whose franchise inquired about the up-and-coming signal caller back in June, can make a trade with Eskies general manager Ed Hervey to get Franklin, he could move forward without Durant and let him leave town. Conversely, if a swap cannot be agreed upon – Hervey will make if difficult and demand a high price tag – then Jones turns his attention back to getting Durant extended before the February free agent deadline.

June was certainly not the last time the Riders had discussions with Edmonton about a deal for Franklin. Sources say as recently as near the end of the regular season Saskatchewan initiated conversations surrounding a possible barter for the Eskimos’ young pivot.

Jones has had an affinity for Franklin since spotting the Missouri product at a free agent tryout camp in Nebraska. Edmonton offered him a contract before the 2015 season and that allowed Jones to get an up close look at the six-foot-two, 225-pounder for an entire year, including two starts. So the Riders’ vice president, general manager and head coach knows Franklin well. And acquiring Franklin means Jones could save funds at the quarterback position to allocate elsewhere.

That’s why Franklin could play a major role in whether or not Durant puts a green and white uniform on at new Mosaic Stadium.


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8 years ago

You just have to have that Gut feeling that Jones will get what he wants and Franklin will be the starter here next season.

8 years ago

Lol if you think the eskimos are going to do anything that would help the riders out even slightly you are insane. The Eskimos would trade him to the other team the the night before every rider game if they thought it would hurt Jones.

8 years ago

You can forget that deal.
Hervey won't be trading Franklin to the Riders after the crap Jones pulled on him last year.
If just Jones had gone is one thing but to take all those assistants with him was a bit much.

8 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

If they don't get rid of him now while he is under contract…he will walk next year as a free agent and they will not get a thing for him. His value to get something in return is high right now. Next year he can go where ever he wants and Edmonton gets nothing.

8 years ago

Oh ya good luck with that!!

8 years ago

So, we are going to get rid of a proven qb, that has taken us 3x to a Grey Cup? For a guy that makes no more than $50,000/year and is unproven?

Franklin may be the future but DD should be our starter and the one to open the new stadium.

Get the deal done with DD now!


Albert Patenaude
8 years ago

If this is Jones plan A I think his time in Riderville could shorter than planned. Coaches always get a free pass their first year but if the Riders lay another egg in 2017 who knows … I like Franklin but he's a prospect remember Drew Willy? Darian Durant is the Riders best option for winning. He's already offered to take a pay cut. Pay the man and sign Franklin as plan B.

8 years ago

I think thats what Jones wants. I think he wants Durant and Franklin with Franklin eventually starter sooner than later.

In this scenario Durant would get to open the season in the stadium and the moment he under performs or gets hurt, Franklin goes in.

Then in Jones perfect world Franklin lights it up and Durant finishes the season on the bench.

Mike D

8 years ago

Most of you guys were running Justin Dunk into the ground for previously spouting unfounded rumours and innuendo, now you are taking what he is saying as gospel? Wow…

Rod S in Saskatoon

8 years ago

Don't kid yourself, Hervey will trade Franklin to the Riders if he gets his asking price. I have no idea what the ask is, but if it involves any starting Canadians and/or high draft picks then we are screwed. Our Canadian depth was already poor when Jones took over (thanks Taman!!) and I can see Jones mortgaging our future to get Franklin. Jones "might" be a good head coach (that jury is still out after a losing season filled with many questionable coaching decisions) but he was definitely fleeced by other GMs in trades last year.

8 years ago

Remember when Darian Durant was a project???? Or was he instantly an immortal Grey Cup champion / Future HOF'er? Can't seem to recall….

Anne Onomys

8 years ago

Durant was a project??

8 years ago

WTF! A 25 year old to replace a 35 year old? Look who is leading a team into the Grey Cup this week – Old Man Henry Burris age 41! Durant should have a good 5 years left in the tank (like Hank).

8 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

I agree he may have 5 good years left as well but if a 25 year becomes available and is the real deal although the jury is still out, you do it.

George Porge
8 years ago

I don't think it even matters what Jones is willing to offer for Franklin – Ed Hervey has been building a long-term contender in the Eskimos – and that means having a very capable, ready backup. Franklin may be a Bo Levi Mitchell in waiting (remains to be seen), but he is in the same place in his career as Bo was in 2012. The Riders have *nothing* to offer right now, and Jones burned his bridge with Ed Hervey in the off-season. I'm sure Jones has spent the season putting a bug in Hervey's ear, but I'm also pretty… Read more »

8 years ago
Reply to  George Porge

Nothing to offer? What about a first overall pick from this year and over abundance of potential all star receivers (Holley, Roosevelt, Edwards etc) Edmonton will be looking for a receiver as they are most likely going to loose Walker.

8 years ago
Reply to  George Porge

All players are available if the price is right. We have plenty of talent that would be good trade bait.

We were pretty raw this past year but you could see the potential. I would be very very surprised to see a repeat of this year again next year.

8 years ago

If nothing else this is giving Dunk some press. Which is what he wants.

8 years ago

Durant is a hall of famer? Sure him and Kevin Glenn will go in on the same day. I don't think Burris was a hall of famer up without the late career burst in ottawa… I like DD and he has risen to occasion is a big way in the playoffs but he hasn't been the best QB in the league 2 years in a row ever. That is the bare minimum starting point for a hall of famer.

8 years ago

Franklin yes Durant no. Young qbs can't lead a team ( Jennings, Mitchell, lulay, collaros, Reilly) just 5 guys that were backups that nobody new that became starters to lead their teams. We have to give a qb a chance to play and grow. Wally buino and Kent Austin are famous for playing young unknown qbs. Durant got a chance to play because of Austin. But Durants money demands are unrealistic for his abilities and skill set. He isn't a top 6 qb. Let's rebuild this thing right and rider fans that means a 3 year plan with 1 year… Read more »

8 years ago

I think the deal will get done. It was already rumored about last year and us giving up St. John. Maybe it is a 1st or 2nd rd pick this year. Either way Franklin is leaving Edmonton after next year so why not get something in return?

8 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

I think looking back if Jones had to do it all over again, he'd pull the trigger on that trade this time.

8 years ago

Franklan on his way to the Riders. Gaedocsh, other player/s to be determined along with draft pick/s returned the other way to Alberta's capital. Joans/Hearvey on good terms, it's all in the name of sound solid business return at the end of the day.

8 years ago

This whole article is based on "A theory from sources around the league" and Rider fans instantly start running around like their hair is on fire.

Darian said he wants to be back. Chris Jones has said he wants Darian back. Contracts take time and this one will get there.

Be smarter than that!

8 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

No one is running around with their hair on fire. It just started a fun discussion with varied opinions.

John Knight
8 years ago

Note, you will NEVER see Franklin in Sask and anyway he hasn't shown he is the next coming. Just sign Durant and let him teach QBs that we develop and give them playing time when we are ahead or behind in games instead of letting the starter fatten his stats

8 years ago

One simple Wikipedia read on Franklin you learn the guy spent half of each of his last two seasons at Missouri injured… wake up people.

And to the poster above, Kevin Glenn will in all likelihood make it into the HoF one day.