TORONTO (October 27, 2016) — The Canadian Football League (CFL) announced today:

BC Lion Adam Bighill was fined for a low hit to Edmonton Eskimos quarterback Mike Reilly.

Montreal Alouette Winston Venable was fined for leading with the crown of his helmet on a hit to Saskatchewan Roughriders running back Joe McKnight.

620 CKRM reported on Thursday Venable’s fine was $1000.

As per league policy, the amount of the player fines was not disclosed.

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John Knight
7 years ago

Wow, they finally got a couple right

7 years ago

So if a Zebra had noticed that hit the Riders would have got another play and may have won.

Everybody but the officials saw it.

7 years ago

There is no way that Venable should be fined. McKnight was in bounds standing there with his head stuck up his a….. trying to figure out what was going on and had his mouthguard out long before the play was on as he had checked out of the game. Anything that happened was no ones fault but his own.
As the TSN panel stated – most of the rider players had checked out, that is quit, before the game had started

7 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Your funny. He launched himself in the air and aimed at the head.

This concussion problem won't be solved to stupid players like this Als player start taking responsibility for there actions.

3RD and 1
7 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

What kind of a comment is that? It's McKnights fault because he had no where to run. That made it ok for the Montreal player to lead with his helmet and leave his feet turning himself into a missle. Man give your head a shake. It doesn't matter what your doing on the field of play. That hit is dangerous and is out law'd in football today. Only a competing fan would say something as stupid as that. Ridiculous comment with personal agenda written all through it.

7 years ago

As the third anon said, "As the TSN panel stated – most of the rider players had checked out, that is quit, before the game had started"

Earlier this week on this blog I posted that most of the Riders hadn't 'tried' in the Montreal game.

I got lambasted by about a dozen 'real' fans.

7 years ago

Bighill is appealing his fine. I suspect he has a case and once again Orridge has pie on his face.

7 years ago

Suggest that commentator 3 watch a replay of the McKnight hit. McKnight was at least 1 foot outside the white Boundary markers. Venable may have launched himself prior to McKnight going out of bounds… the end of the day did he have any right to aim his helmet at McKnight's jaw……clearly a dirty play…..another Rider loss that could have gone the other way had the Refs got the call on the field.

7 years ago

Okay I am neither a Riders fan or a Montreal fan but any idiot that thinks the hit by Venable was okay by any standard puts all players at risk for dirty shots…was it an intentional shot? You damn rights it was and should not just have a fine but a suspension with it, concussions end careers and that is cheap shot garbage that doesn't need to be part of the game. Hope McKnight is alright though, he has proved enough to take Sask's #1 RB spot for next year in my opinion so give him rest till next season.… Read more »