Photo by Rob Williams/Daily Hive

By: Rob Williams
The Daily Hive Sports Editor

VANCOUVER – Oh no, a Saskatchewan Roughriders billboard ad has popped up in Vancouver!

The ad, presumably paid for by the Riders, reads “Roll Call” and sits in a parking lot across the street from BC Place with less than two weeks before Saskatchewan’s only visit to Vancouver on November 5th.

I’m sure it has Lions fans shaking in their boots.

The Roughriders, who have fans across the country, have put up billboards in many CFL cities.

In August, they did something similar in Hamilton…

…before getting lambasted by the Ticats 53-7.

In 2014, the Riders put up a billboard in Vancouver that read “Green is the New Orange,” which drew enough attention to get the Lions to guarantee a win for that game. Unfortunately for BC, they lost 20-16.

This billboard ambush made sense in 2014, when the Riders were the defending Grey Cup champions. But now?

Will anyone care this time around? The Riders, with a 5-11 record are a terrible football team. They’re going to miss the playoffs, as they did last year when they finished the season with just three wins.

The Lions, by contrast, are tied for the second best record in the CFL at 10-6, which is extra impressive when you consider they’ve only had a chance to pad their stats against that garbage team from Regina once this season.

Even if the Riders sweep the final two games of the season against the Lions, BC will be in the playoffs and Saskatchewan won’t.

So nice try Saskatchewan. Real cute.

Maybe fix your dreadful football team next time before you try peacocking in this city?

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7 years ago

The Lions should be happy if this billboard gets the attention of some of their so called fans and gets them to show up for the game. I know there will be Rider fans there despite the poor record.

7 years ago

Hey Lions, try keeping your CFL team afloat. With average attendance of 20,378 fans through 8 games in Vancouver, the future of CFL in BC is in jeopardy.

7 years ago

Exactly, Danb. It's nothing more than that. "Calling All Rider Fans" is how I read it. No "peacocking" whatsoever.

7 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Absolutely. They should be happy they'll make money from the real fans in BC. The Rider fans. What an idiot.

7 years ago

With this being the first piece I have read from this reporter I have discerned 2 things; 1) He doesn't follow the other teams as closely as BC, otherwise he would see the leaps and strides this team has made in the last half of the season after setting roster records across the board. 2) He doesn't have faith in the last two games against our "dreadful football team" otherwise why bring up losing out the season? If this is the kind of reading that happens in other cities, it makes me that much more appreciative of your writing and… Read more »

7 years ago

Who is this piece of work? Why give him any attention whatsoever?

7 years ago

And this Vancouver knobs opinion matters because?

7 years ago

If the purpose is to call Rider Fans, why not state something like "Let's see if the BC Rider Fans can out number the BC Lions fans at the game"
At least that might get both pumped.

7 years ago

…and the Lions have done what in recent past?? More likely put up by BC to try and get some fans into the stands…

7 years ago

Jealousy is a terrible thing. Sure you're 10 – 6 but your attendance is poor. Sure, you may beat the Riders when they visit BC but you can thank Ridernation for helping to fill your stadium and provide the BC Lion's football club with revenue they wouldn't otherwise received.


7 years ago

This is nothing more than the Riders trying to prop up a sucky fanbase in BC. Get to the game and enjoy your 10-6 team before you don't have one to enjoy. The Lions franchise should be damn lucky the Riders are willing to help them market. How old is this blogger, 6? If so congrats to the Lions. They have one up and coming fan.

7 years ago

Hey Riders! Why waste money on this garbage especially when it really doesn't matter if you win or lose?
These Billboard Signs are very costly so why not save your big bucks and put it toward signing decent football players next year. Another bonehead move by this organization.

7 years ago

^^^^ These guys have no idea what they are talking about. The shear amount of rookie talent on this team is staggering, couple that with signing Muamba, Jefferson, and many many others throughout the season.

Don't know if people can look past the record and see the team underneath. We are in next year territory, have been for a while, but next year these nay sayers will be eating crow.


7 years ago

I'd rather be 10-6 with average fans, then 5-11 with a sell out

7 years ago

I guess what folks find funny is the riders had stopped buying billboards around the league since they got pasted by the Ti Cats. They had no stomach for billboards in WPG, Calgary and Edmonton while the team got thrashed. They play against a Lions team that has been under performing the last while and suddenly here is a billboard.

7 years ago

We booked our trip to BC to watch the Riders way back at the beginning of the season.

Why? Because we are true fans.

As the saying goes "we may not win them all, but we've never lost a party!

See you November 5!


p.s. we were a party of 5, but one of us suddenly passed away in September. He was excited to book his first trip to the BC stadium. We will honor him by cheering that much louder!

7 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

We'll be there with you on the 5th. Got our flights booked.

7 years ago

"Hey Riders! Why waste money on this garbage especially when it really doesn't matter if you win or lose?These Billboard Signs are very costly so why not save your big bucks and put it toward signing decent football players next year. Another bonehead move by this organization." Because bonehead annon, this helps the entire league. The Riders help the whole league and are Canada's number 3 sports brand ahead of the Raptors and Jays and Oilers and Flames and Canucks and Jets. Think about that for a minute. We are what we are because we take care of the ENTIRE… Read more »

7 years ago

Use your manners and say Thankyou to Rider Nation because even as a terrible football team we continue to support our team at away games. We agree with this reporter, our team was terrible for most of the year, but we're working on that and sooner or later BC will take their turn at the bottom of the heap. Good luck in the playoffs, I might just cheer for you.

7 years ago

Hey Barry BigWheel…I have mad respect for Rider fans. In alot of ways they do help the league because of the way they turn out for their team. The Riders, as an organization however, are a complete joke and let their fans down annually. It is an organization that despite being in an 8-9 team league has never been able to put a consistent and credible product on the field year over year. So why do you continue to market like gangbusters to an existing loyal fan base. Why?…because they care more about the Rider brand than Rider football. So… Read more »

7 years ago

Why are rider fans so full of themselves. Total attendance doesnt count in standings if it did the leafs would be winners. Remember in the 90s when garage sales and childrens penny jars and the rest of cfl bailed out the riders… Lions have 6 cups despite being in the league only half the time the riders have been around.

7 years ago

"I'd rather be 10-6 with average fans, then 5-11 with a sell out"

The problem with this statement is that it's not average, it's below average, and after Toronto the worst fans in the league.

Fan rankings
1) Sask
3) Winnipeg