Justin Cox

There wasn’t a lot of good news coming out of Mosaic Stadium on Tuesday when the Roughriders returned to practice for the first time since Sunday’s 28-25 loss to the Winnipeg Blue Bombers in the Labour Day Classic.

Roughriders Head Coach & GM Chris Jones reported that fullback Spencer Moore suffered a broken lower leg in the loss, and will be out for an extended period.  Jones says it’s a huge blow to the club since Moore is one of their better players and a team leader.

Jones said that was the only “significant injury” coming out of the game.

Quarterback Darian Durant was more devastated than normal after Sunday’s loss and was asked why he took it much harder than the others on this current six-game losing streak.

“To fight back the way we did (erasing a 19-3 deficit), especially where we are in the standings, it being Labour Day, it being a game we really needed and wanted to have to keep pace in the standings, for it to end on like that with a questionable call in my opinion, it sucks,” Durant shrugged.

Durant was alluding to the last-minute Pass Interference penalty on Rider defensive back Justin Cox which negated an interception.  Had the pick stood, the Riders might’ve had a shot to win the game in regulation or at least force overtime.

“Again that’s just one play of many,” Jones said.  “If we think that that’s the only thing that caused us to lose the game, that’s inaccurate.  The things that we can control is how we coach it and how we play it.  That’s what we’re gonna concentrate on and hopefully things will be balanced up in the future.”

Cox called the referee’s decision a “bad call” after the game and on Tuesday, the rookie from Mississippi State said he hasn’t heard from the CFL regarding a fine for his comment.  He seemed surprised at the question.

Chris Jones was also asked if newly-signed defensive tackle Khalif Mitchell will be ready to play in Saturday’s Banjo Bowl at Winnipeg (2:00 pm kickoff Sask Time, TSN, CKRM Radio Network).  Jones said it’s too soon to tell.

In an unrelated story, we learned on Tuesday that CFL Commissioner Jeffrey L. Orridge will not be attending the Plaza of Honor induction dinner on September 16. It was a mutual decision between Orridge and the football club.  Orridge was scheduled to be a part of the program that evening.
Orridge has been underfire from the Rider Nation after a barrage of fines from the CFL and perceived officiating injustices in some of the team’s recent games.


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8 years ago

Good idea for Jeffrey to duck out of this one, there is no way this would have gone well for him or the Riders if he had showed. Not impressed with anything he has done to this point. Ever since the logo launch I have wondered if he knows what he is doing. His approach to this job has been a 180 from the Cohon's, at least in the public eye. Had this been happening during his tenure he would have addressed the issues (penalty calls, video review, fines, etc.) in a public manner and not let it get to… Read more »

8 years ago

I don't blame Orridge for not coming one bit. With the way you and the other local media have been trying to convince everyone that the league is against the Riders I wouldn't show up there either.

Also …. learn to spell HONOUR.

8 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

H o n o r

Please go back to grade school kindergarten and learn how to spell correctly as soon as possible.

Dockby & Digby Granger
Spear Fish,

8 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

I am with you on that one.

Greg A
Greg A
8 years ago

No hes Ducking out because Rods an idiot. But Rod has never asked a tough question once. Not to Brent Parker, Roy Shivers, Tillman, Taman, Curtis Hunt any troubled rider, so why would he start now?

Rally Driver
8 years ago

I agree 100% with Darren, "Jeff" might have been ducking other things had he attended. This might be his first smart decision. I usually only attend the Plaza dinners when a friend is being inducted, but was really thinking about it this year on the off chance I could rip "Jeff" a new one. As for terrible PI calls, there was 1 in each of yesterday's games worse than the phantom call on Cox. The rules seem to allow the receiver to initiate contact resulting in a defensive PI call. I am not enjoying watching CFL games as I have… Read more »

8 years ago

Hey you want to know the deal? Don't break the rules, and don't think you're entitled. You of all people would think you'd know that or maybe you're "Club" as you call it isn't holding you to be rigorously honest. Orridge has a job to do he is doing it. Under Cohan's watch this team went over the cap and ran itself into the ground so because it's the most popular team they get a pass? You want to know who runs this league? Edmonton and what the Riders did in getting Jones and company out of dodge didn't sit… Read more »

8 years ago

Thank god he's not coming. The spotlight has to be on Ivan Gutfriend and Matt Dominguez that night.

8 years ago

Prediction – There will be a new CFL Commissioner in 2017.


8 years ago

Of course Orridge won’t be coming. The guy doesn’t have an answer to any question asked, so why would he come to a place where he’d get asked more questions in one hour than he’s been asked since he became Commissioner?

Orridge comes across as a pompous p.o.s. who thinks he’s too good for everyone in the CFL.

8 years ago

I hereby nominate Scruffy as the next CFL Commissioner! A guy who knows his football and will kick butt and take no prisoners.

8 years ago

I agree, Rod made couple of references to the Commissioner and his attendance, that I believe were inappropriate. On another note, does anyone have much background on the defensive lineman Henry other than he is a Burlington graduate. What are his credentials? I think it was his first time on the field where he got blown away. I noticed that he tried really hard, but he just didn't seem have an impact. There were no tackles in the stats, were there? Some of the player additions have really left one to question the scouting and/or coaching. Wide receiver transitioned to… Read more »

8 years ago

Yeah I guess you have to have the Cfl let you break all the rules to win before he is good in your books hey Sask…win with some class, sorry I forgot you have to be able to win first hahahahaha

8 years ago

Hey Dockby & Digby Granger, This is the correct spelling in Canada 'Honour' so seeing this is a CFL teams site I guess your incorrect with your USA wording…so piss off.

8 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

It would be an honor.
The Real World

8 years ago

Labor Day is over soooo move on. If we rehash every bad penalty every unfair thing that happens to the Riders we will simmer at the bottom of the standings for a long time to come. Focus on the positives and get ready for the Banjo Bowl.

8 years ago

Rod, you are losing control in this comments section again. I thought there were no more "anonymouses"? They are back and hiding behind their gutlessness. As for Jeff, his name might as well be Anonymous. He has done nothing to date and runs to mommy's skirts if there is potential conflict, especially if he created it. Dockby and Digby Granger, thank you for helping eradicate the European influence in our language as we use it. Thanks for being CFL fans and participating here. Do you have any friends we can trade a few gutless, anonymous Canucks for? Anything to improve… Read more »

Pearse Gribbon
8 years ago

When a team that is 1-9 is keeping the league afloat you have issues. He has been a terrible replacement.

8 years ago

The Riders are 1-9 and Roddy has them as the most talked about team in the CFL.

Now that is truly amazing work!

Tanner in Cgy

8 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Tanner, young man, welcome to the truth.

8 years ago

A bunch of cranky Rider fans with an unlimited amount of alcohol in the same place as the Commissioner – what could possibly go wrong with that – LOL. Good call to have him stay away. That would have been a disaster waiting to happen.

Steve Johnson
8 years ago

Orridge belongs in the Plaza of Horrible.

Tim from Kansas
Tim from Kansas
8 years ago

Good point Tanner.

BTW there's about a 1000 good players, in shape and on the street right now after NFL final cuts. Hoping some of them show up in Regina real soon.

8 years ago

They might already be here, staying at comfort inn… ��

8 years ago

A masterful distraction from the fact the Roughriders are 1-9.