1 – THERE ARE NO WORDS:  Two days later, there are still no positive words to describe Saturday’s 53-7 Saskatchewan Roughriders loss at Hamilton which dropped the beleagured club’s record to 1-7.  However there are some words.  Inexcusable, inexplicable and beyond disappointing all come to mind.  There really is no lipstick to put on that pig.

While watching the team’s practice sessions leading up to the game, the thought echoed in my mind that “This offense wouldn’t scare anybody right now“.  They only mustered a pair of field goals and a punt single against the Ticats, but the defense let the club down too.

The “Us Against The World” theme of last week denigrated into “Us Against Ourselves” as the Rider playmakers failed to make plays and an array of penalties shot off just about every toe the club had.

After a display like that, it’s tough to make the case that the football club is getting better.

A Rider fan who made the trip to Hamilton – Lane from Saskatoon – said to me in the Sheraton Hamilton before the game, “Watching this team in training camp, you’d never think they’d be 1-6”.

It’s true.  But the Riders were putting together a punishing ground attack at that time which included Xavier Fulton, Brendon Labatte, Dan Clark, Chris Best and Thaddeus Coleman on the offensive line with Matt Vonk and Andrew Jones as tightends and Curtis Steele in the backfield.

Right now, Fulton, Labatte, Clark, Best and Steele are all on the injured list with no sign of return.

If you got Chris Jones alone with no microphones or cameras around, he’d likely tell you that’s the biggest reason for the club’s first-half demise.  However he wants to build a culture of “No Excuses” and knows Rider fans won’t accept anything less.

2 – THEM’S THE BREAKS:  Even when the Roughriders threatened to wake up early in Saturday’s game, the CFL’s Command Centre snatched momentum out of their hands.  With Saskatchewan trailing 10-0 late in the first quarter, rookie defensive back Justin Cox picked off Hamilton quarterback Zach Collaros at the Saskatchewan goal line and it could’ve been a big swing in the game.  However “upon review”, rookie Rider cornerback Kacy Rodgers was called for Illegal Contact after tugging at a Ticats receiver’s jersey far away from the play.  The Ticats retained possession and wound up with a field goal for a 13-0 lead.

Later in the game, in a similar situation, upon review, what appeared to be clear Pass Interference penalty in the endzone by a Ticats defender was deemed fair play by replay official Jake Ireland.

Riders Head Coach & GM Chris Jones was surprisingly calm about those situations when asked about it on 620 CKRM’s postgame show.

“The CFL’s put this new (P-I) rule in.  This is what they wanted,” Jones responded.  “Sometimes they go your way but right now it seems nothing’s going our way.  We have to keep grinding.  I know the hearts in the room and how much it means to them.  They know how much it means to the people of our province.  Eventually it’ll fall in place.  We got a lotta young kids.”

The same instances occurred the week before in the Riders’ 19-10 home loss to Calgary.

Why even have referees if somebody’s going to play God in the Command Centre in critical situations?

If you have to enforce these ridiculous rules, at least enforce them all the time.

Now with the NFL and CFB starting up, the CFL is in serious jeopardy of losing viewers and ticket-buyers.

3 – HURTING THE CFL:  Just putting this out there — when the Saskatchewan Roughriders are hurting, so too is the entire Canadian Football League.

For instance, what if I said “Don’t bother going to the game in Edmonton this Friday because the Riders are going to get smashed anyway.”

10,000 Rider fans staying away from Commonwealth Stadium this week – at an average ticket price of $50 – would cost the Edmonton Eskimos $500,000.

(I’d never make that statement in the first place, particularly since the Esks have graciously provided my family four tickets for the game).

And how are ticket sales going for the 2016 Grey Cup in Toronto?

With an 0-9 start last season, Rider fans found other things to do with their money rather than going to the 2015 Grey Cup in Winnipeg.  The CFL and the Blue Bombers definitely felt the pinch.

Maybe some of the breaks should start going the Riders’ way.

Post Cereal Curse? Burris & Willy benched

4 – RIDER BASHING:  Right now it’s in fashion to kick the Saskatchewan Roughriders while they’re down.  For the past few seasons – beginning at the tail end of the Decade of Decadence –  the Roughriders were becoming loathed by the rest of the CFL and now with the arrival of Chris Jones and his lengthy list of enemies, it’s created the perfect storm.

Ticats defensive end John Chick alluded to the “circus in Riderville” when addressing reporters at his team’s walk-through on Friday at Tim Hortons Field.  You can’t blame John for still feeling jilted by Jones and Co. for his off-season, life-altering release and no one around here had a problem with his comments.  If the Riders had a do-over, they likely wouldn’t have set Chick free in the first place but that’s small consolation now.

Chick certainly had the last laugh Saturday night with a pair of sacks and a forced fumble.

TSN 1150 Hamilton radio host Jim Tatti said last week the Riders “should be embarrassed” by the litany of fines the club has received over the past few weeks.  It’s a narrative we’ve heard from coast-to-coast lately and it will likely linger for awhile.

To me, the CFL has some fault in this for not disclosing all fines in its weekly news release of player discipline.  To date, the fines for the Rider intro violation in Calgary and Darian Durant’s uniform violation still haven’t been formally announced by the league.

If they want to keep these types of penalties under wraps, the CFL shouldn’t be upset when teams or players disclose them themselves.  Calgary quarterback Bo-Levi Mitchell did just that last week, days before the CFL got around to announcing his fine for Tweeting about the Riders which put the spotlight on Roster-Gate.

5 – BREAKING NEWS:  The MMG is going on the 1-Game Injured List with a sprained thumb after blocking so many Twitter trolls from various CFL cities over the past week.  Hundreds of them.  The most wonderful feature in all of social media is Twitter’s “BLOCK” option, where with a couple of quick taps on your Iphone, the hatred is silenced.

A lot of the vitriol the last few days has come from fans of other CFL teams – and even some fringe media types – for my prediction of the Roughriders to finish in first-place in the West Division this year.  HEY, do I need to remind people again that in 2001 when I predicted Saskatchewan would struggle to make the playoffs, I received a death threat?

Objectivity is not worth my life.

I’m a play-by-play guy who picked his own team to finish in first-place.  Wow.  Lock me up and throw away the key.

6 – WHERE DO WE GO FROM HERE?:  Those were the words of the immortal John Lynch on radio many times over the past number of decades when Canada’s Team was struggling through spells like this.  Some Rider fans wrote into this blog over the weekend saying, “It’s never been worse than this” but that’s nonsense.  It’s dubious to point out, but the club has been through far worse stretches.

When do you really ever know what’s “rock bottom”?  How do you know how much stress is actually required to go on “stress leave”?

Saskatchewan is only three seasons removed from a Grey Cup championship whereas Ottawa (40 years), Winnipeg (26 years) and Hamilton (17 years) all are carrying far bigger bags of rocks.

However Saturday’s lopsided loss in Hamilton was the worst blowout the Riders have absorbed since 2000.

And that 2000 season is coming up a lot recently.  There are certainly some parallels to 2016.  It was the first year of the Roy Shivers/Danny Barrett regime and the Riders – under Defensive Coordinator Gary Etcheverry – deployed 11 rookies on its starting defense.  It was nothing for the Riders to allow 50 points or more on a weekly basis.  It mattered little that prized free agent Rider quarterback Henry Burris – at the tender age of 25 – was putting up 40 points on offense.

It was a rebuild then just as it’s a rebuild now, however we’re now realizing why CFL coaches and GMs are loathe to use that term.  It means a lot of pain, and being able to do nothing about it other than exercising a great deal of patience.

The Saskatchewan Roughriders of 2000 finished at 5-12-1 and out of the playoffs.

That very same season Bill Belichick took over the New England Patriots and led them to a 5-11 record.  They too missed the playoffs.

So Rider fans, if history is any indication, we could very well be headed towards a five win season and that’s exactly what Rider great Wayne Shaw predicted in training camp because there was simply too much turnover of the roster.

Whether the Riders make the playoffs or not this year is anybody’s guess.

When asked in Saskatoon in June what it will take for this season to be a deemed a success, Roughrider President Craig Reynolds responded, “We gotta make the playoffs”.

But if they don’t, what will the consequences be?

Chris Jones isn’t going anywhere and the man will be allowed to finish what he started even if the rebuild extends all through 2016 and beyond.

Although he’s not any happier with 1-7 than you and me, Craig Reynolds isn’t panicking.

Nor should you.

To quote the great Art Buchwald, “Whether it’s the best of times or the worst of times, it’s the only time we’ve got.”

7 – RAZZ MA TAZZ:  Much has been made about Lions linebacker Jason Arakgi setting a new CFL record for special teams tackles with his 185th Friday night verus Calgary, and deservedly so.  However Rider Hall of Famer Dan Rashovich has been getting somewhat worked up over the fact that if they had counted Special Teams tackles prior to 1991, he’d be the runaway winner atop the list.

“Razz” had 153 Special Teams tackles over the final nine of years of his 16-year career, however the league only kept track of that stat for half of his career.  As we all know, Dan battled significant injuries in the twilight of his career.  Being conservative and calculating at the same rate of tackles in his first (prime) seven seasons, he would have had an additional 119 tackles making his career total 272.  That’s being conservative.  It’s not a stretch to think that Dan could’ve achieved 300 ST tackles for his career.

That’s a record that, if kept track of, likely never would be broken.

8 – SNOOP A LOOP:  A hearty congrats this morning to Calgary Colts coach Mathew “Snoop” Blokker who recorded his 100th career victory in Calgary’s 36-17 victory over the Regina Thunder on Sunday.  The former longtime Vancouver Island Raiders head coach has a staff in Calgary which includes former CFL’ers Tim Kearse and Marvin Pope.

9 – FIRE THE CANNONS!:  Another key PFC note from the weekend is that Winnipeg Rifles running back Micheal Richott rushed for 358 yards on 33 carries on Saturday against the Edmonton Wildcats.  That puts him in the top five single game performances in PFC history. Ironically, it came against Edmonton and the Wildcats have four players in the top five.

10 – BUTLER’S:  The weeks of having a weekend day off are coming to an end due to the fact the CFL switches to Sunday games in the fall, however yesterday we were able to enjoy another glorious trip to Regina Beach.  We visited the BlueBird Cafe on Main Street, now in its 88th year.  However everyone refers to the place as Butler’s Fish & Chips.  What’s the reason for this?

Either way, I enjoyed the fish & chips even though it’s the most calorie-rich meal you can order.

Why not live a little?  With the Riders at 1-7, some comfort food was in order.


Congrats to Regina Pats great Jordan Eberle who proposed to Lauren Rodych on the weekend!
She said yes.


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8 years ago

My compliments to you Rod.
I came here wondering what kind of green BS you'd be peddling this week.
Instead I was surprised to see how realistic your assessment is.
Keep it up and congrats.


8 years ago

We are not panicking.

We are just sick and tired of jones.

Some of us , like myself never wanted jones here in the first place or murphy either.
Unfortunatly I/we are proved right and jones should be gone !!!!

Oh and by the way jones will be gone at the end of the year !!! as he should !!!

8 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Very unlikely my friend. Lol. Nice try though. You think the riders will pay Taman, Chamblin, aND Jones plus another GM/coach etc? Feel free to exit out the back of the band wagon where you will not be accepted back. Take DD4 with ya.

8 years ago

Great MMG this morning Thanks for taking the time to try to put perspective into what is happening.Keep up the outstanding work!Polkabill from the Peg.

8 years ago

This read should calm the fans down a bit.

8 years ago

Next up in the Farewell Season is the Riders of the 1990's. Very timely!

8 years ago

I'm tired of all the whining about the PI penalty on Rodgers.
If you watch the replay, pay attention where Collaros is when the tug on the jersey occurs. Collaros is IN THE POCKET. He then scrambles to his left after the penalty has happenned.
So the arguement that the penalty occurred far away from the play is false.

8 years ago

Both teams have to deal with refs and its not just sask that is getting bad calls and by the way, one call wasnt changing a 53 to 7 lashing so get over it. Also saying we have so many injuries…well your not the first team to have them, even the grey cup champs last year had 8 starters out at one point mostly defence and also the starting qb and rb so another one to get over…every team faces injuries also.

8 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Im willing to bet about 7 of the 17 players on the 6 game list aren't actually injured anyway. Only injuries this team can really claim has impacted them are on the Oline. Good teams rise above and poor ones don't. It's part of what makes them good or bad.

8 years ago

If the CFL does not change that PI rule the league is going to suffer more than most will admit. We Fans want an entertaining game not a flag feast. Please go back to last years PI rules. If a DB impedes the players ability to go for the ball it is PASS INTERFERENCE a slight tug away from the intended receiver is not. I am not entertained anymore. Way too many stupid penalties are being called "upon review" It appears every player on the field is under the big eye in the sky on every play. Don't dare to… Read more »

8 years ago
Reply to  Heptiro

Jake Ireland hates all teams except the Eskimos and Argos… do not think you are special… just take a look at the BC Stamps game and please tell me how that roughing the passer call stood up to replay review… Jake Ireland needs to go for the good of the league.

8 years ago
Reply to  Heptiro

To think that any ref has it out for any team in particular is silly. They are equal opportunity mistake makers.

8 years ago

Well established rosters can handle injury with the next man up. However a rebuild year and the very few players of last years team that are still here get injured. The team is going to be effected more than any other team. A team rebuilding has no stability and certainly no depth. So ya… Unfortunately it is an excuse. As you so eloquently put it; last years GC team had injuries. Sure they did but they also have years of the same GM building the team. SK has zero as they released 95% of the players Taman had signed or… Read more »

8 years ago

Not panicking over the 1-7 record. It's the poor effort on the field. If the team went 1-17 and lost every game 29 – 25 you would think they are competitive and on the right track to success. But if what happened in Hamilton happens again this week in Edmonton, even though the Labour Day Classic is probably sold out, there will be lots of BLUE jersey's in the stands as Rider fans dump their tickets.

8 years ago

An open letter to the CFL: I have been a longtime fan and supporter of this league. The fact that it brings together people from all across this great country and enjoys such a rich tradition is one that is to be proud of. I have defended the league against biased broadcasters and fans who are obsessed with the NFL and think that it's the only football that should be watched. These types will say that the CFL is bush league, that the athletes are horrible and that it's a complete waste of time. I've stuck up for this league… Read more »

8 years ago

The rule changes make the league unwatchable. Not sure who endorsed these rules but its barely football we are watching. Having a ref provide feedback into how a league should be run is dumb, They are refs! As for the Riders tough to win with lousy Cdn players and the better Cdn olinemen on the DL. It will take time to build up Cdn depth. Probably should try to trade and get as many draft picks as they can.

Doug Mc
Doug Mc
8 years ago

Great column! I too feel very disappointed, but over the years the Riders have given us many times to be disappointed. I like Jones and Murphy, but I hope that they realize all the mistakes that have gone into the dismal season todate. Disrespecting Chick, who probably would have renegoiated if approached the right way. He signed in Hamilton, for much less ( $175,000 ) and then we sign Lemon for $180,000 and give him a huge signing bonus. John was very happy in Regina and would have been here a long time. Also the players we have let get… Read more »

Rod Jensen
Rod Jensen
8 years ago

It is sad that you believe that everyone who doesn't agree with you is a troll! Many of your followers live outside Saskatchewan but that doesn't mean they are any less loyal to our Riders. We may not agree with everything they do, including the rule violations which saw them fined by the league, but continue to support them just as a parent can be disappointed by their children's actions and continues to support them. We do however have every right to let them know we. Are disappointed. So keep blocking Twitter followers if your ego is too much to… Read more »

8 years ago

Just a few comments Rod, John Chick no doubt still has friends in the Rider dressing room. I wouldn't be too surprised if while in conversation with some of his former teammates someone told him the team is a circus. I sure hope you don't think that the Riders deserve to get breaks just because they are the Riders and are the strongest team financially in the league. They will get the breaks when their play improves both on and off the field. Also by the way the Grey Cup in Winnipeg last year was a sell out even though… Read more »

8 years ago

To answer your question about Butlers, having grown up at the beach…many years ago…the Bluebird was established by the Butler family (Maurice) who also have/had? the campground. Many a warm night was spent on the steps with a box of chips and a coke. It has since changed hands and left the family after multiple generations of operation. It will however always be Butlers to me and will always have THE BEST fish & chips…especially when the grease is properly "aged".


8 years ago

In any given week the league says that they give out 12-15 uniform violations. anything from tucking in a uniform to wearing Nike cleats instead of Adidas… none of them are ever made public… Durant whining about being picked on because of a uniform violation is pathetic. He is not unique. and for Rod to question why the league did not make this public is a red herring in an effort to rile up rider nation. You break the rules you suffer the consequences… in an 20 week season… at 12 violations per week that is over 240 fines… Why… Read more »

Curt Dittmer
8 years ago

I agree with the comments about the CFL challenge system. The "fishing" expeditions are completely destroying any flow the game used to have. The league implemented the system to try and address the sub-standard officiating that has plagues this league for decades. Unfortunately they are still relying on some of the same cast of characters to manage the system. Why is Jake Ireland performing the video reviews? Does anyone remember him as an official? He was horrible. Why is anyone surprised when the "command centre" botches a review and takes forever to make a ruling? They need to overhaul the… Read more »

8 years ago

Watched the Niners-Broncos game yesterday, and all I could say was that every play, would've been reviewed if it was a CFL game. But the refs let them play, like football should be, a little contact here and there, let it go. The CFL has become the Challenge Flag League and it's embarrassing, it actually is losing viewership. This is the first year where I haven't wanted to watch any other CFL game when it's on (I watched 2, and just can't do it anymore) it's just too painful to watch.