Saskatchewan Roughriders General Manager and Head Coach Chris Jones read a statement on Friday afternoon regarding the $60,000 fine the club was hit by the CFL on Thursday for roster violations.
“We received notice from the league office a few weeks ago regarding this inquiry.  I was comfortable enough with our process, the way we do things, that was developed through 14 years and four teams in this league, that I’d invited the league representative to a practice, which they did July 25.
“We were found to be in violation of having 6-Game injured players participating in rehabilitation workouts after practice as well as having practice roster players, and players here for evaluation, participate in developmental periods follow our team’s practice.
“I accept the League’s decision, and am aware of the errors.  We’ve made the necessary adjustments and we’ll be moving forward accordingly.
“I’m only here to speak on the Saskatchewan Roughriders, but I hope the situation results in all nine teams being held in the same regard and to the same standard.  After getting clarity from the CFL, we will continue to bring in players, many of which are Canadian, on an evaluation basis.
“We owe it to our fans to do everything humanly possible to field a winning team.  I’m proud to work for the greatest franchise in the CFL.  We look forward to the continued opportunity to create a winning team that our fans and province can be proud of.”
– Chris Jones
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Keith Pottruff
8 years ago

Sounds reasonable to me. And lets face it, the other teams are doing things too. The Riders were the ones who got caught and made an example of.

8 years ago

After all the Blunders Jones has accomplished here in Regina this year he needs to get down on his knees and apologize.

8 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Not man enough to put your name where your mouth is?

Evan Wiome
8 years ago

The only thing that would have made this statement better is if Jones had actually gone ahead and listed all of the rule violations that he had witnessed during his four previous CFL stops and then Murphy detailing the similar approach used in Calgary to stockpile and recruit talent under Huffnagel's direction. Jones and Murphy are both products of their environments, so you know that this was not an original idea that came from either of them.

8 years ago

Leave it to the media to make a mountain out of a mole hill. Whatever sells …

8 years ago

Tough to believe that Jones didn't know he was cheating. I have lost total respect for him and the Rider management that knew what was going on, if the rumours of paying guys not on the roster is true. But I don't know if that is true. Why else would the salary cap be reduced? They can't afford to fire Jones but someone should be taken to task? Reynolds must have known what was going on.

Will we ever know the truth? This is a community owned team not some big corporation.

8 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

zip it.. you don't know what you are talking about. This happens all over the league.

Christopher Evans
8 years ago

Somewhere in the middle of both tales, lies the truth. I trust Jones & co. has the best intentions for the Rider organization… an organization he was hired to turn into a perennial contender.

I equate this exercise by the league to amount to a speeding ticket for us regular folks… many people do it, we do it knowingly, and a mere few pay the price. Some folks take extreme chances with the speed limit and I believe this is how Chris Jones got caught!

It's a mistake that has been paid for… time to move onwards and upwards!

8 years ago

The fine should come from Jones' salary.

8 years ago

Translation: The Riders broke the rules but other teams break the same rules and the Riders are the only ones who have been called on it.


8 years ago

Now, on to this week's game at Mosaic….

8 years ago

Thanks Coach. This reminds me of the Eskimo teams of the '70s. Taxi squads is what they were back then and the we were famous for them.
Double E Tom

8 years ago

I believe Chris Jones and company knew exactly what they were doing but only because it has been done before many times by many teams, perhaps all of them. It is no coincidence that certain teams can roll out new players when there are injuries and they know all the plays inside and out and the team does not skip a beat. It is common knowledge that certain coaches are allowed privileges others are not and certain GMs tend to bend the rules to fit their needs. Chris Jones has been tagged as one of these coaches but there are… Read more »

8 years ago

Whatever, I'm over it.

Does this taint the Schmos Grey Cup last year, maybe.

Also, it seems the league is out to get the Riders. Not sure why but maybe Rider fans should stop going to games in other cities. Talk about sending a message to Oridge.

I know there are a lot of other teams fans on here. They cannot deny that the Riders are the engine that drives the CFL.

8 years ago

The green zone are a bunch of scum bags for the way they are trashing Jones, I guess a guy shouldn't expect anything less from them

Evan Wiome
8 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

They have the same mentality as Sportsnet when it comes to the CFL.
They trash the Rider administration because they are not the official broadcaster. When the team travels they do their show from a bar due to the fact they can't get media access and their station doesn't have the money to send any of them.
It's also funny how Warren Woods has gone from having his own TV show to second fiddle on a second rate radio show.

No need to thank me Rod, it's a pleasure to bash that crew o'losers.

8 years ago

Riders fans need to boycot games in other cities. Then laugh when the stadium is half empty with only the home fans there! Ie Calgary, Edmonton, Toronto, Winnipeg

8 years ago

Jones fails to kiss butt with the media so of course some on the Green Zone and other sport pundits will be ready to pounce. The Riders have been losing for so long, ripping into the team when they lose a game or otherwise mess-up is standard operating procedure, not that it makes much difference in the grand scheme of things.

8 years ago

" In Jones We Trust"

Jack A
Jack A
8 years ago

The Riders have made mistake and have been fined. Let's move forward. I am sure other teams have been doing the same type of things.
I have full faith in the Riders management. Why are so many people keyboard warriors on here? But too afraid to add their names.
Keep up the good work Rod!!!

8 years ago

Evan Wiome you nailed it, kind of sad that a Saskatoon based radio station finds it necessary to bash the Riders. When you lack knowledge it's easier to criticize. Pathetic

8 years ago

My take: If it was a financially struggling team there would be no fine. Especially Toronto or Montreal. Privately owned teams would be exempt because you can't be chasing good owners away from league. Wally and Huff as elder GM's wouldn't get touched as everyone is scared of their bark. Winnipeg and Sask are fair targets. Ottawa is still in league honeymoon stage as a failed franchise there wouldn't look good so they get all the support and smoke blown up their asses. We are the envy of the league in regards to money, new stadium and fan support so… Read more »