TORONTO (August 11, 2016) – The Canadian Football League (CFL) released the following statement on Thursday:

The CFL today levied a $60,000 fine against the Saskatchewan Roughriders, as well as a deduction in excess of $26,000 off the Roughriders’ 2016 salary cap.

This decision was made after Commissioner Jeffrey L. Orridge and the CFL completed a thorough investigation, spanning several weeks, of the Saskatchewan Roughriders’ alleged roster violations. The investigation included CFL officials visiting team practices in Regina. After a review of the findings, it has been determined that the Saskatchewan Roughriders were in violation of policies which prohibit practicing with ineligible players, players participating in practice who are on the 6-Game Injured List and having free agents practice with players who are under contact.

Each of these actions constitute a violation of CFL bylaws.

“As Commissioner, I am compelled to make decisions consistent with protecting the competitive balance within our League, the spirit of our rules and the integrity of our game. The recent conduct, behaviour and activities of the Saskatchewan Roughriders have compromised the reputation of the CFL.”

– CFL Commissioner, Jeffrey L. Orridge.

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8 years ago

Hope Bo Baby enjoys his fame since he's a terrible QB.

3RD and 1
8 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Sadly Bo is a great QB but he's an Ass of a human being. Not just because of his tweets. Any CFL QB that tries to be a taddle tail about a common practise in the CFL. Shows just how much of a turd brain he is. Just like his Vancouver Resteraunt introduction a couple years ago to a small group of people who didn't know who he was. HI… ""Bo Levi Mitchell"" Grey Cup MVP… how you doing? I completely understand why a few LB's and DB's called him some degrading names on the field of play. So much… Read more »

8 years ago

I am disgusted that our team has been reduced to this.

You cannot tell me that after looking at 3,000 players you cannot find anyone, and still have to bring in more.

Our team has been reduced to the laughingstock of the league.

I feel no affinity to anyone on that team, as I don't know anyone, and cannot get used to anyone, as they only play for a game or two.

When will this insanity stop?


8 years ago

Good on Bo for rating out the Riders!

Doovy 49
8 years ago

Bo Baby seems to know of what he speaks. Fines to the Riders of $100,000 this year. Mr. Jones needs to have some very good answers.

8 years ago

What a joke, another freaking free pass for the criminals. This is beyond ridiculous. It is a slap n the face to all the other teams. Jones is laughing at you cause he knows he got away with it.

8 years ago

So they have been cheating ans still giving up 40 points a game? Geez at least cheat better

8 years ago

How can the worst team in the league be cheating?

How bad would they be if they weren't cheating?

Maybe there was so many players around that nobody was getting properly coached.

These Riders are getting harder and harder to love.

8 years ago

Short on details, who was the player on the six game who practiced? Was it the kicker? Was there more than one? How many free agents under contract participated in a practice? John Murphy has the gift of gab and would seem the guy to hear from in terms of the finer details.

Anyways, too bad about all the distraction before Saturday's game. Hopefully the coaches and players ignore all the noise from the media (whose job it is to make noise).

8 years ago

Now that the Riders have been fined, all other teams better be prepared to have the CFL make 'surprise' visits to their practices and review their personnel decisions. As was stated in previous days, it is highly unlikely that the Riders are the only team playing fast and loose with the rules, they were just the ones that got caught. I would challenge the CFL to review every other team and let us see what occurs.

8 years ago

Now the question is what disciplinary action will Rider Board and Reynolds take against Jones for belligerently bringing the Rider brand into the mud.

8 years ago

3rd and 1 pathetic!!!! Maybe cheer for a team that operates within the spirit of the rules.

3RD and 1
8 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Hilarious; you sir are pathetic. Hide behind your anonymous name while you blast others. Is your name Bo Levi Mitchell.
If you truly think this team is the only one playing fast and loose with the rules. Your a joke! Hell even EE Ed Hervey admitted that all teams cheat. Whether it's talking to players under contract or what ever. They all fricken cheat! Grow up and open your eyes.

8 years ago

The rules say if you rough the quarterback you get a 15 yard penalty. The rules get broken from time to time. BLM might find that out a time or two on Saturday night.

Christopher Jones
8 years ago

I find it very sad and discerning that rider fans cannot accept this… They need to deflect the guilt to all teams… making wild accusations that this is a league wide problem….. not one other team has been accused of doing this. I would have a very difficult time believing that the majority of teams would even dream of doing this. Also to continue your assault on BLM is disgusting… the man was right… you guys are being bullies…. BLM probably should not have done what he did but would we even know if he did not??? The serious question… Read more »

8 years ago

Obviously the CFL were investigating before Bo Levi made his tweet. Things moved very fast so it was probably the CFL'so worst kept secret and his comments just sped up the process. Some rider fans owe him an apology especially those homophobic slurs

8 years ago

Maybe it does go on in other teams, they are just better at hiding what they do.

8 years ago

There's a lot of schadenfreude going on here! Typical whiners.
Do what you must to find the appropriate players, line 'em up and play. Go Riders!

Rob in Stoon

8 years ago

An absolute must win for the Riders on Saturday night.I don't like the way things are being portrayed in this once proud and respectable franchise. I know and understand every team at one time has played the "hidden players" card but to do it to this extent in today's social media world is beyond crazy. I have no idea of Jone's plan but it seems they are in a state of disarray at present. I will give them until years end to at least show that the program is on the right track because to go into that beautiful new… Read more »

8 years ago

What about other teams spying on the Rider practices? Oh I guess that is wide spread.If I was Jones I would close every practice to the public. Let them pay their dollars to see the Riders.Who has time to sit through practices anyways. People with no life and spies. Glad to hear today they spies had to sign in.I agree with the person who said all CFL teams must have a secret visit. Let's see who else is guilty. If nobody else then the fines are appropriate. If everyone or most or some then get after them too.Jeez it just… Read more »

Wyatt Mercer
8 years ago
Reply to  Heptiro

Spies???!! Hahaha
Wow so delusion really is rampant in those parts. Trust me nobody is out to get you guys.
Your at the bottom where you belong!! And nobody needs help beating you

Phil Miller
8 years ago

Some very funny comments on here. Of course it is a league wide thing. Of course in some years since 2006 this was bigger in SK than other teams who could not afford it… but certainly not even most years. Of course the Riders are the leagues worst example of it right now as they struggle for legitimacy. Of course given the situation of the Grey Cup week being tarnished by the media leak, the Riders were under increased scrutiny. And finally… BLM is a really hard guy to like. Arrogance can come from ability and he has plenty of… Read more »

8 years ago

What the heck happened to Rod's Thursday column?? It was excellent and now it has disappeared. What is going on??