Murphy on the SportsCage Wednesday at Griffiths Stadium

Roughriders Assistant V.P. of Player Personnel John Murphy came on 620 CKRM’s SportsCage on Wednesday to update the impasse in contract talks with #1 overall draft pick Josiah St. John.

The two sides are far apart on a CFL deal for the offensive lineman out of Oklahoma whom Saskatchewan took with the top pick in the May Draft.

“I try to look at this from multiple angles,” Murphy explained.  “And I don’t blame the kid.  He’s listening to people that he hired to do his business.  What I can say is that the information that’s been generated, we did not start out by offering him the lowest contract by any means.  We did have a feeling that a couple of teams last year offered contracts that were exceedingly high for a rookie.  We decided we are not going to continue that trend.

“The day of the Draft, we went out of our way to tell all three of the guys who were under consideration that what last year’s #1 pick got would be the high-end that we would offer.  If not, we were just going to offer the 1-and-1 deal and they were free to accept either one.  Josiah St. John and his agent were well aware of that.  I made that crystal clear when we settled on him that they knew that.  Then we tried to negotiate on that between then and rookie camp.

“Once rookie camp started I said at that point if he wants to accept a 1-and-1, that we’re open to it and let’s see how things play out.  Once training camp started we took the stance that we don’t negotiate with holdouts and we don’t negotiate with guys who don’t appear when the dates are that are on the calendar.

“We went back and forth and his agent then sent back an offer that was, again, exceedingly high for any rookie player but I can tell you firsthand that both of the offers we’ve made of the long-term variety – which is what his agent wants – would make him the highest-paid player in this Draft and the second-highest paid player in the history of draft picks.

“So if we are offering a deficient deal, I don’t really see where that’s the case.”

We asked Murphy what St. John’s agent, Jonathan Hardaway, has for a history of negotiating CFL deals.

“About like what we’re dealing with,” Murphy laughed.  “And to his credit, he got Matt O’Donnell and Henoc Muamba into the NFL.  I don’t take any personal offense to it.  I’ve thrown them some zingers.  I told his agent that if he doesn’t sign here soon, he might want to create a time machine to make this kid relevant by the time he shows up.

“But I think you just have to take it day-by-day and if we don’t have a successful negotiation by Monday or Tuesday, we go right back at it Wednesday or Thursday as his agent approaches us.  But again, for the sanctity of your locker room and for the integrity of how we’ve done contracts in our league, you have to look at what the bigger picture is.

“If I give a dollar more than what the #1 pick got last year, I’m not only affecting this year’s cap, I’m then saying next year that rookie pick will go up $5000, $7000 or $10,000 which means we are contributing to a situation that is not realistic.  In the next two years we’ll be dealing with the CBA whether you’re a player, agent, team, GM or coach at every level, you’re creating a false sense of security for these players to think you can enter the CFL at a near $90,000-$100,000 range and that wouldn’t work in the economics of today’s CFL.

“It doesn’t create a good sense of locker room camaraderie and it doesn’t create a good sense of the veteran guys that’ll see themselves in a pinch at the end of training camp.  The last thing we’re going to do is put a guy that’s out here working and sweating and trying to make himself and us better have to take a paycut at the end of training camp because we over-indulged a rookie.”

The Roughriders will be back on the Griffiths Stadium turf – without Josiah St. John – Thursday morning at 9:00 for Day 5 of 2016 Training Camp.

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8 years ago

Nothing quite like negotiating in the media!

8 years ago

Gotta like Murphy and our entire management team! Fully behind these guys!

8 years ago

Josaih St. John will end up in the nfl
the riders will lose
and all because jones and murphy have no idea on how to operate a cfl team

8 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

You're SMOKING CRACK buddy! He'll be with us before the of camp!

Dave Brown
8 years ago

No idea how to operate a CFL team? LOL. Should have put your name to that one bud, I think you will be eating those words soon. Let me guess Dressler and Chick should still be Riders. It's fans like you that drive call-in shows though. Thanks for having zero clue, makes me laugh.

8 years ago

We don't need some
one who does not want to be here. Nfl calibur or not his heart will not be in it and he will not play to his potential. Let him go we don't need him. Anyone can be replaced.

8 years ago

If he was good enough for the NFL he would be gone.

It's unfortunate this kid is getting bad advice from his agent.

Football will go on for the Riders. It may not for him. Loss a year as a rookie, you may never be able to make a team again.

8 years ago

I love these new guys, they know how do get it done with players' agents

8 years ago

does anyone know if a draft pick doesn't sign? Is he free to sign elsewhere or does he have to sit out a year?

8 years ago
Reply to  Dean

Until he signs he is property of the Riders, as far as CFL teams go, forever. Once he signs and either finishes the contract or is released, then he can sign with a different team. So he can hold out as long as he wants but won't play in the CFL until he signs with the Riders

8 years ago

At the end of the day, it's business, it's not personal. The kid is rolling the dice, trying to get the best deal he can. We have been down this road before with Matt O'Donnell, I suggest that if Hardaway is the agent, we simply don't draft the player.

8 years ago

Good for Murphy and the Riders for standing their ground. Just because this kid has a hot shot agent he thinks he can demand more money. Come to camp and prove that you are as good as you say you are. What you did in College doesn't mean anything now. I honestly don't think I would want a guy with a bad attitude like this stinking up the dressing room.

8 years ago

How many offers does he have from NFL teams.

8 years ago

Thanks Rod for all of your updates and info on this years camp.Much appreciated for Rider fans in the 204..and there are a lot of us. With this St John deal, I really like the pattern that is being established by this regime. They are paid employees to run our club and I fully trust we will be light years years ahead compared to last year.The base is already there, a lot of work has been done and I feel we will make the playoffs for sure. Thanks again Rod. Polkabill from the Peg

8 years ago

Sk buffoon speak_ "deficits are like poato chips_ not good for your long yerm health and bet you can't stop at one."

8 years ago

JSJ and his agent need to remember he needs football more than football needs him.Dean

8 years ago

I love these new guys, they know how do get it done with players' agents… Yeah, they certainly are getting it done watching the #1 pick sit at home. Good job guys!!

8 years ago

Surprised that some of these posters are saying go ahead and overpay players.

I like how this new regime is putting a cap on spending and trying to manage the team by finding talent to replace the overpaid players instead of letting the players dictate how much the team should spend.

Long term health for the organization. The previous regime overpaid players because they couldn't go out and find talent. We got old and were overpaid. I sense the current way of doing things will not allow us to become that way again.

Time will tell.

8 years ago

Murphy said, "We did have a feeling that a couple of teams last year offered contracts that were exceedingly high for a rookie. We decided we are not going to continue that trend". Okay, that is fine to believe or adopt that line of thinking as your strategy (to discontinue the trend of actually paying for a number one draft), but if you really believe that, then why didn't you simply trade away the number one draft spot??? Instead, you decided to keep it, then proceed to impose your failing strategy that has got you no where. You could have… Read more »

8 years ago

agree with kel and others

very poor management by jones and murphy which we have seen from day 1 – yes refer to chick dressler fiascoe and others

jones and murphy need to go and the sooner the better

8 years ago

Keep it up Jones and Murphy, I'm on your side.

8 years ago

Roddy, WOW are the people who write in negative dumb nitwits. So we want our new regime to go and overpay for rookies? How did that JUST workout? One idiot even said that their plan isn't working and that they need to go? Are you on crack sir or mam??? So you are gonna sit here and say we have had a long enough look at their plan and it's time to fire them? Honestly Roddy, the stoopid is thicker than ever in here. This is what you get when you get a bunch of small town banjo pickers giving… Read more »