EDMONTON – When Jason Maas was offered the position of head coach of the Grey Cup champion Edmonton Eskimos there was no hesitation whatsoever before he said yes.
The former Eskimo quarterback was introduced Monday as the team’s new head coach, replacing Chris Jones who left to become vice-president of football operations, general manager and head coach of the Saskatchewan Roughriders.
Maas, with three Grey Cup rings to his credit – two while playing for Edmonton – said the opportunity was simply too good to pass up.
“I’m thrilled, I’m very passionate about the city and I’m glad to be back,” Mass told a news conference in the Eskimos dressing room. “My goal was always at some point to come back to Edmonton. This is always where I wanted to end up.”
Even he admitted, however, he didn’t expect it to happen so quickly. He’s only been coaching three years since retiring in 2011. He was quarterbacks and receivers coach for the Toronto Argonauts from 2012 to ’14 and this past season was offensive co-ordinator and quarterbacks coach with the Ottawa Redblacks who lost the Grey Cup to Edmonton.
“I understand the expectations of Edmonton,” he said. “I would prefer to come into a situation with great personnel and great staff and great people and when you’re 14-4 and you’ve won the Grey Cup I believe it’s obvious you have that here.”
Maas said he will be making announcements in January on assistant coaches.
Still to be worked out between the Eskimos and the Redblacks is the issue of compensation. Traditionally CFL teams have not asked for compensation when coaches leave for better opportunities but Ottawa has asked. Hervey, who did not ask for compensation from Saskatchewan when Jones left, said he had no comment to make on the situation.
Maas spent nine years with Edmonton, 2000-05 and 2008-2010, helping them to Grey Cup wins in 2002 and 2005 and was the Eskimos outstanding player in 2001 and 2004.
Returning to Edmonton, he said, will also provide the opportunity to reunite his family in a city they love.
“It’s been a long journey. It’s been four years of us being apart, with an understanding wife and kids, to allow me to have my passion for football and to realize a dream and a goal,” he said.
Although he and general manager Ed Hervey were teammates on the Eskimos and remain good friends, Hervey said that wasn’t a big factor in his decision.
“The process was very thorough. Many may feel that because we’ve had an existing relationship with each other that it was a slam dunk decision,” he said. “There were many qualified candidates out there but I felt that where our organization is moving forward, this is a seamless transition for us.
“Some may question if there’s experience there but I take a look at his background, not only how he prepared as a player, how he prepared as a position coach, but the excellent job he did as offensive co-ordinator in his recent position.”
In Ottawa, Maas installed an offensive system that saw the team lead in the CFL in offensive yards, passing yards and rushing touchdowns and his guidance helped veteran quarterback Henry Burris become the league’s leading passer and the CFL’s Most Outstanding Player.
It was that ability to work well with young players and veterans alike, to earn their respect and get them to accept his offensive schemes was one of the factors that appealed to Hervey.
(Canadian Press/
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8 years ago

Jason Maas……….one more losss. Best chant.

8 years ago

Can you find an even tighter picture of Maas?

8 years ago

I wish Maas luck.

Just not with EE.

8 years ago

Jason Maas the traitor?

8 years ago

The greenest coach in the CFL for 2016!!

8 years ago

Great hire for Edmonton. Looking forward to seeing his fire on the sidelines.

Christopher Evans
8 years ago

If you want to bitch about the content, how it's presented, etc., how about starting your own blog!! Then we can stop by and bitch about what you do with it all the time!

8 years ago

EE come out with a better HC after all of the coaching moves – this from a Rider fan who is very disappointed with who the Riders signed as their new HC

8 years ago

A good young coach. Good choice by the Eskimos.

8 years ago

How dare Maas leave Ottawa, how dare he! Traitor if I ever seen one. It should never be about money and advancement…………ya right! Maas is taking over a "JONES" stacked team. Let's see what he can do with it.

The only way anyone would be disappointed by the hiring of Jones would be someone with a direct connection to O'Day. That's so petty it's despicable. The only other reason are very uncomplimentary. People like you should seriously stay off a computer. Disgusting response to a great move by Reynolds. Please don't watch, listen or worse yet, post!

8 years ago

What makes him such a great coach…I believe it is the fact he can here the opposing coaches whispering on the sidelines.


8 years ago

Excellent hire by EE.

Compares to Riders who hire an inexperienced GM, VP etc – that would be Jones who immediately fires all of the ASS coaches leaving the Riders on the hook not only for BT, CC salary but also all of the ASS coaches. Then hires all of his buddies for more money. Yes Jones is bankrupting the Riders.

Get real Rider fans and see what is really happening.

8 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous


Tell me, what colour is the sky in your world.

I do appreciate your concern though. We all know if the Riders go bankrupt, the league will fold the next day.

8 years ago

Wow, gotta love the people who actually take some time to post dumbass comments like the ones from the fools with the anti-Jones crap. I especially get a chuckle out of the clown who is clearly an jilted Eskimo fan but claims to be a "Rider fan".

8 years ago

Compensation? OK…..a bottle of Scotch and a 6th round draft pick. Beware Red Blacks or you might start something that will bit your ass.

8 years ago

I see that not all Rider fans think that Jones was a good hire for the Riders.

At least some fans are using their heads for more than keeping their ears apart.

8 years ago

The dream season Sliders 3-15 worst team again in cfl Esks 14-4 Grey Cup Champs

8 years ago

I have lost all respect for the Redblacks mgmt. Cry some more about how hard done by tou are. You got to cherry pick your talent 2 seasons ago and got into the a Grey Cup this year. Pretty easy to build with a clean slate. You should look at it as a compliment that other teams are looking at your staffers. Suck it up and move on.