It’s Friday and that means another set of thoughts running through my muddled mind and as always, they are in no particular order:

— I don’t know about you, but I think we are in for three outstanding football games this weekend in the CFL.  The Argos are going to be a lot better at home against Hamilton and they may be wanting to shut the Ti-Cats up after they started getting a little mouthy on Monday at home.

Meanwhile, I think the Calgary-Edmonton matchup at Commonwealth could be a good old-fashioned slobberknocker.  If Devon Bailey hangs on to Mike Reilly’s pass at the two yard line on Monday, the Eskimos might have had a chance.  That game had a playoff feel to it and both defences came to play. I see the same thing this time around.

— There is some talk around the league about Eskimo linebacker Deion Lacey being classless for trying to stare down Bo Levi Mitchell and refusing to shake his hand during the coin toss. PUUUHHHHHHH-LEEEZ!!! Any thing you can do to try and intimidate the opposition which is in the rules is fine with me. There is no rule in the rulebook that says you have to shake hands with one another after the coin toss.

— Calgary radio personality Jock Wilson let the CFL have it this week when their power rankings came out as it had Hamilton ahead of Calgary. Mr. Wilson maybe needs to take a look at what is happening in the Steel City. Mr. Wilson also needs to realize no one really cares about the power rankings and we will truly find out in late November who is #1 in the power rankings.  Meanwhile, the Riders moved up to 8 from 9. Despite this, the Green Mile was silent.

— Matt Nichols or no Matt Nichols, the Bombers need to play much better to beat the Riders than what they did last week. Being at home will help, but I see the Riders playing a good enough game to get the job done. They are now a more confident group after winning their first game last weekend and to a man they realize a loss to the Bombers would be a big step backwards.

— Nichols will be the 8th Bomber quarterback in the last 8 years to start the Banjo Bowl. Who are the others? Think about it and then scroll down.

— Sportscage analyst and former Riders o-lineman Mike Abou-Mechrek thinks Nic Demski was out of line with his touchdown celebration on Sunday. NOPE!! It was the rookie’s first touchdown, it came against his hometown team and it lit a charge into the Riders. I would like Demski to make sure you are 100 percent into the endzone, but I had no problem with the celebration. Does he need to do it this week or in the future? The answer is probably not, but when it is your first, there is excitement and adrenalin pumping through your veins so go nuts kid.

— Week 1 of the NFL season gets underway in earnest after tonight’s season opener with many Sunday matchups and a Monday night (late afternoon) doubleheader.  If you want a surprise team this year, go with the Vikings and if you want a team that made the playoffs last year that won’t this year, I am taking Cincinnati.

— The Patriots are now being accused of stealing play sheets. MEMO to teams playing the Patriots–you don’t have to steal their play sheets, but you might want to cover Rob Gronkowski. He is as close as you can get to unstoppable.  I thought Tom Brady might send a message to Roger Goodell and the NFL with his opening night performance. I think a 4 touchdown night means message delivered.

— Week 1 Lock of the Week —  Miami over Washington
    Week 1 Upset Pick of the Week —Jacksonville over Carolina

— I am returning to the House of Horrors for yours truly!  I will be calling the Regina Rams-TBirds game which will be online at Saturday night.  Many, many years ago when I worked at CJME, I called what was perhaps the best football game I had ever seen when Simon Fraser defeated Regina in a playoff game by a score of 53-46 in what was Jon Ryan’s last game as a Ram.

On that afternoon, my colour man — former Rams president Sheldon Stener and I — were shuffled to three different locations to do the game and it was a complete schmozzle until kickoff.  Fast forward to last year when Marco Ricci and I went in to do the game. We had been told we couldn’t be in the actual pressbox, but they had a spot for us and it would be fine.

WRONG!!!  No broadcast line had been put in so despite the tremendous efforts of many at UBC to get us on the air through our broadcast equipment, I had the misfortune of having to call the entire game via my cellphone and it may have been the worst play-by-play ever of a football game in the history of CKRM and perhaps radio altogether.

Marco can attest as to what a frustrated, embarrassed and angry individual I was on that afternoon. I will walk back into that place this weekend hoping the third time is a charm and to bring you the broadcast on without a problem as U of R Sports Information officer Braden Konschuh makes his debut beside me in the booth.

— The 8 different quarterbacks to start the Banjo Bowl for Winnipeg in the last eight years are Nichols, Drew Willy, Justin Goltz, Joe Elliott, Buck Pierce, Steven Jyles, Michael Bishop and Kevin Glenn.

— Can the CFL somehow find a way to partner themselves with FanDuel or DraftKings for daily fantasy football?  The one week games which are offered are a tremendous success and we all know CFL fantasy football is so much different from NFL fantasy football for so many reasons. Having one week games would be a huge plus for the league and perhaps draw some fan interest. I’d be playing!

–That’s all I got! Have a great weekend! GO RIDERS

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9 years ago

Jock Wilson is an idiot with his over the top homer support of the Stamps. Power rankings are interesting and great at creating a talking point with fans. It's obvious that the Ticats are top of the heap right now. Lots of season left for that to change. Go Dyce Go!


9 years ago

If you don't think Lacey's behavior in Calgary was classless that tells me a lot about you.

9 years ago

Don't worry about it Scruffy. I am sure you will give it another go this year for worst broadcast ever.

9 years ago

Good read scruffy, thank you

9 years ago

hey Dan have you ever read Mitchell Blair or pedersens crap? they might just be over the top homers as well. just another example of rider fan not being able to see anything with the green glasses on.

9 years ago

A one day fantasy league would be a great thing for the CFL to get involved in. Fantasy football and fantasy sports in general are where it is at because it gets more fans interested.

9 years ago

Agree with you on Demski's TD celly. That whole column from Abou and many of his Sportscage appearances make you wonder how much padding was inside his helmet.

9 years ago

fantasy sports are for dorks and geeks. i was in a establishment beside a table with 2 "men" all they did was talk about theyre f__ing fantasy teams like get a bloody life!

9 years ago

Sign me up for a CFL/Draftkings game. I have an account for NFL games I started last year and I broke even. I think it would create a lot of fan excitement and maybe some additional viewers. It's a win-win as far as I'm concerned. Great idea Scruff!

9 years ago

A question for ya Rod which is completely unrelated to todays offering.

While at BP's watching some football last night, we got talking about the Sportscage. Who was the girl you had to promo the show when you started? Was she a local? Is she still around?


9 years ago

The girl in the ad got cut cause the former cover girl (BT) got jealous and told Rod she'd never talk to him again.

9 years ago

There must be millions of dorks and geeks out there than because fantasy sports is huge and has been a boon to all leagues. Perhaps you are the one who needs to get a life pal. Get on board and enjoy the ride instead of sucking your thumb on the side of the road, life is a lot better for me than it is for you.

PS: Brady got me huge points last night!

9 years ago

Fantasy sports is indeed huge because it gets the fans involved in the game. The CFL dragging their heels at getting on the bus is another example of their piss poor marketing department. Hopefully Mr Orridge gets that fixed and soon.

9 years ago

We've got that Tiger Pride, a feeling you just can't hide, a feeling deep inside, Tiger Pride … Tiger Pride …We got that Tiger Pride, Tiger Pride … Enough with the lame pansy a** songs from Goofville Sk. (Regina). Tiger Cats don't play that way. Here's some real football juice for your reading pleasures courtesy RODPEDERSEN.COM Go Cats Go ! Go Cats Go ! Go Cats Go ! Oskee Wee Wee,Oskee Waa Waa,Holy MAKINAW !Sk Roughriders are the lowly Bums of the CFL and in the basement of the whole league, what pathetic wannabe putz's. PS. Winnipeg Blue Bombers kick… Read more »

9 years ago

Sports betting has made it interesting for those of us who otherwise care less if Whodunkit State wins on Sat. Bet a few bucks and have some fun cheering for some place you couldn't find on a map. What's the harm. (Old enough to remember the glory days of horse racing. It was reported as a sport but once there were other gambling alternatives it began to die)

9 years ago

It is puzzling to me as to why the Sports Cage still bothers with the 4:30, 5:00, and 5:30 news breaks to repeat the same old stuff. Why not just have brief commercial breaks every 20 minutes and get on with it? As a listener it seems like such a waste of valuable air time and is simply annoying. It may have made sense at one time, but now a day with the internet and all the vast range of news sources and devices, reading out the news on a sports show should come to a quick end – time… Read more »

9 years ago

So much talk about young Demski's first TD celebration… Give the kid a break, not only was it great for him, but the momentum of that play changed things around for the Riders as they went on to win…

However if we are going to start to get critical of celebrations or class-less acts, we all better get used to it if Hufnagel comes to town. Since being in Calgary, Huffanagel's teams have been profoundly known as a classless act.

That is the future of Sask Football if the Huffer comes to town…

Kel in Vic

9 years ago

Gotta love the Oskee Wee Wee guy! Always good for a laugh. Seems to sum up well the mentality of the average Ti-Cat fan.

9 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Oskee is,
Highly intellectual, very high IQ score, intelligent good looking, good people, respected.

9 years ago

Re: Comments from Old Hank

I have to agree with this. I listen to both shows while driving home and my radio turns to the other station when commercial breaks hit. Both shows are ruined by commercial breaks that are wayyyyyyyyyyyy too long. I realize you have to pay the bills, but the ad breaks kills show momentum
