The weekly assortment of thoughts running through my muddled mind and as always, they are in no particular order:

— The University of Regina Rams begin the Canada West season and I’m excited.  It will look different seeing Mike Gibson on the field calling the shots instead of Frank McCrystal and I think I’m safe in saying the Rams won’t be considered Vanier Cup contenders in Gibson’s first year, but he has a solid group to work with and I’m looking forward to their season opener at Mosaic against the University of Alberta Golden Bears. You can go to the game, you can listen to the game on 620 CKRM with Michael Ball or you can stay home and watch it on Access 7 as I will have the play-by-play. I highly advise Option 1 or 2 in this scenario.  The game will also be televised back in Edmonton for those who have SHAW.  Its part of an expanded Canada West football package that will see the Hardy Cup broadcast on Global television along with one of the two semi-final games. This is great for the conference and for CIS football as a whole. I hope its the start of bigger and better things.

— While the Rams do their thing Friday night, the Regina Thunder will go up to battle the Hilltops in an all-Saskatchewan PFC final and what really should be the first of 3 games between the two as they are head and shoulders the best in the league again this year and should meet in the final. I don’t know about you, and maybe it is because one team has done better when it comes to wins and losses over the last couple of years, but for the first time, more people in this town it seems are talking Thunder than Rams. Yes, the Thunder gets a head-start on the Rams, but I am hearing more and more Thunder chatter this year and less and less Rams chatter.

— Everyone else is doing it so I might as well too when it comes to the Saskatchewan Roughriders as they are taking a gamble and “rolling the Dyce” in the second half of the season which begins Sunday. I love what Dyce could bring to the table, but I hope a rabid fan-base isn’t expecting any miracles out of the 48 year old. There is an excitement out there with the coaching change, but just because Bob is the head coach doesn’t mean those guys on the injury list come back and it doesn’t give the young players on the team more experience, but it may give them a different attitude and it may very well give them the chance Sunday night to talk about a win instead of a loss which I think all players want to do.

— I was asked if Tino Sunseri was the worst quarterback the Riders have had since the end of the Ron Lancaster era this week. I couldn’t say yes, but I couldn’t remember anyone who might have been worse. He was the most frustrating quarterback I’ve ever seen in the green and white. THROW THE DAMN BALL!!!! By the way, there are a lot of bad quarterbacks that have worn green and white in the post Lancaster era.  Let’s not forget the likes of Marvin Graves, Bernard Quarles, Jonathan Beasley, Keith Smith, Floyd Patterson and Seth Doege—although Doege didn’t give us much of a sample size, but remember his debut against Calgary last year.

— Has anyone checked on the fine people of Chamberlain to see how they are doing in the wake of this week’s news from Riderville?

— The L-P’s Rob Vanstone makes a very great (R)observation.  The Riders do not employ a quarterback coach, yet they have a running back coach and the running back hardly runs the ball. I don’t see a QB’s coach being added this year, but I do next. Khari Jones value in the 2013 season mentoring Darian Durant was huge. Can anyone say Kevin Glenn?

— We are now less than one week from the start of the NFL season. WOOHOO!!!

— Congrats to all members of the 2015 class going into the Regina Sports Hall of Fame next month. Once the class had been named, I immediately e-mailed Vanstone and asked “the rumpled scribe” when and what it will take to get Principal Richard Pound (John Cozman) in the hall. He would be a tremendous addition and those who follow the independent wrestling circuit would agree. His schtick was outstanding and is still missed today.

— The Regina Pats started the pre-season with a game against Calgary on Thursday night at the Co-Operators Centre. The start of the regular season is just a couple of weeks away and after a year last season where they re-captured the imagination of the hockey community, they have done absolutely nothing when it comes to an ad campaign for season tickets. Does anyone see a Pats logo anywhere around town outside Evraz Place? Fans aren’t going to come into the building through word of mouth and while I don’t know what the end results of this team is going to be, when you have the likes of Wapple, Zborovsky, Steel, Leschyshyn and Wagner doing their thing, it will be an entertaining product. You might want to promote it because the big flashy scoreboard is no longer a drawing card!

— Sadly “Deflategate” is not over as the NFL was quick to appeal the lifting of Tom Brady’s suspension. Will this stupid story ever end? Roger Goodell has embarrassed himself and the NFL with his witch-hunt in this case and it has to stop. I still think Brady knew exactly what was going on, but I also think he isn’t the only guy to do this and it takes nothing away from what he has done in the past.

— Connor MacDavid spoke with this week as teams start getting ready for training camp which will begin soon. McDavid was asked if he has spoken to head coach Todd McLellan about expectations and what role is expected of him. His answer “That is getting a little ahead of the game. I haven’t even been to training camp yet. I’m kind of taking it one step at a time. I just want to have a good training camp and prove to the staff and my teammates that I am a player who competes, works hard and does all the right stuff.  Connor, I think you will be just fine.

— Finally, another tip of the hat to Rider Nation. Labour Day games are usually a big draw, but with the team at 0-9, it wouldn’t have surprised me to hear there was no sellout this year and why would Winnipeggers want to travel to see that team. This team has been through a lot this year and the first half of the season certainly tore at the fabric that is Rider Nation, but once again they are coming through for what will be the 2nd last Labour Day game at the old Mosaic Stadium. With rain in the forecast, I hope everyone is in their seat at kickoff and it appears as if the Riders are going to have one of those card stunts to “BRING EM OUT”.

— Have a great Labour Day weekend everyone! GO RIDERS!

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9 years ago

Jeff Bentrim was pretty bad.

9 years ago

Hey Scruffy. Rod and Kelly got into it yesterday in a spirited debate on the Cage.

Rod thinks the Riders still have a chance at playoffs, and should continue to field a veteran team each week with playoffs a priority.

Remple thinks at 0-9 the playoffs are a long shot, so refocus on giving younger talent more reps, and start looking to the future.

What is YOUR opinion?


9 years ago

For the first time in my wildest of imaginations I actually agree with that waste of time Rempel. Playoffs are done, so years like this are hopefully are and few between so, build for the future so this never happens again.

Follow the Calagary or now more recently Hamilton model and build within, grow your own talent so everyone knows the systems, playbooks and culture and only trade to improve not to try and get wide sweeping wholesale changes in knee jerk reaction style.

9 years ago

Thunder and Hilltops are an undercard match. The main event this year for amateur football is the U of S Huskies.

9 years ago

Can't wait till the Riders are losing on Sunday and all those cards come cascading onto the field …… lol

9 years ago

Great point on the Pats. I didn't even know there was a game in Regina last night until I heard it on CKRM. You wouldn't want to promote a tournament or anything. While I am glad to see the Pats under new ownership, they could learn a thing or two from the old ownership about marketing a team.

9 years ago

Mitchell Blair is the Tino Sunseri of Regina media. That I know for sure.

9 years ago

only in the joke CFL could you be 0-9 and still even talk about playoffs. lose 50% of your games? sure you can make the post season.

did anyone notice LULAY went down last night and their back up QB came in and wasn't dog shit. must just be a rider problem I guess.

every CFL "fan" is loving that "Canada's team" (self proclaimed) is on this streak. with the country club attitude from the first practice lets hope it all stays the same.

9 years ago

If you don't field the best lineup possible until you know you are mathematically eliminated, you are hurting yourself, your fanbase, everything. Remple just comes off as some blowhard who thinks he is always right when he is 90 percent of the time wrong.

Once your fate has been determined, throw in some of the younger guys and see what they can do, but the bottom line is YOU PLAY TO WIN THE GAME!!

Any idiot can see that. Oh wait, Remple can't


9 years ago

RE: Thunder/Rams It is a no brainer. Everyone is talking Thunder because the Rams have become irrevelant. Bryn Werrett has done a fantastic job with this football team and it is showing on and off the field. As for the Rams, most of Regina's football community have found out over the past few months about the sleaze that has infested them. Frank didn't decide to step down and everyone knows that. Everyone also knows there were more qualified people than Mike Gibson, but the team's brass did no homework and went for what they felt was the glossiest resume. The… Read more »

9 years ago

To the comment regarding Beck's play last night as not being 'dog shit' in place of an injured Lulay and this issue being only a 'Rider problem'; open your god damn eyes and watch the game. The play of Kevin Glenn and Brett Smith has been far from 'dog shit'. Don't pin these losses on the play of our QB's; place it where it belongs. Short of the Edmonton game (Smith's first start) and Ottawa (Sunseri) the team has put points on the board. If the D could make a stop every once in a while the Riders could conceivably… Read more »

9 years ago

The judge sided with Brady so someone has to do something about that. Where is Tonya Harding when you need her?

9 years ago

Regardless of the score or the weather it will be a breath of fresh air to go to the game and not have to see the 'soup nazi' running the show.

9 years ago

Man there's a lot of anger on the blog today. You all need to eat a snickers.


Gunderson's Yorkton

9 years ago

Rumour has it that Remple will be featured as the centrefold in the next issue of Prairie Dog magazine.

9 years ago

Well if the truth be known, the Tino SUnseri of Regina media is probably Jamie Nye, because he carries the same attitude and has the same level of talent. Example of this is the Jacques Chapdalain interview RP had on the show yesterday. Diamond Ferri last year and Chapdalain next. I am waiting for the day an "errant throw" takes him out while he is sitting on the sidelines.

9 years ago

HAHA, love the Sunseri = Blair comparison. Classic.

9 years ago

riders by a boatload!! HM put the crack pipe down, this is a classic example of rider fan on a power trip. we got the coach fired, we have the greatest offense in the history of the game and can beat anyone! you are 0-9, take the glasses off and sit back and see if anything changed before you are scoring boatloads of points. about the Brady stuff, this was about deflated footballs. not beating a woman or child but air out of balls. not sure CFL guy should mention Brady, he is a real QB, playing real football winning… Read more »

9 years ago

Agree with Remple 100%… Anyone here who actually believes that playing old tired veterans with a 0-9 team is just plain stupid. How dumb would you really have to be to actually believe there is still a chance? Ok morons, look at it this way… BC is 4-5. Riders are 0-9. The Riders must finish AHEAD of BC, they can not tie BC for a playoff spot. So even if BC shits the bad and goes 3-6 the rest of the way, does ANYONE with a football IQ of over 15 believe this lousy club will win 8 of 9… Read more »

9 years ago

Remple speaks the truth. He doesn't kiss ass like most hosts on that show do. Most of the clowns on this blog dismissing his opinions would never in a million years a) have the balls to say this smack to his face, and b) would NEVER be able to tackle the guy in a debate on football or hockey. He knows his shit, get over it! I heard the show and Kelly never one single time said "The Riders should forfeit the remaining games" or "The Riders should try to lose from here on in". What he said is so… Read more »