On Tuesday afternoon the Saskatchewan Roughriders announced the release of quarterback Tino Sunseri.

The Roughriders hit the practice field on Wednesday at 11:30 am for Day 1 of the work week with interim head coach Bob Dyce in charge.

The Roughriders (0-9) host the Winnipeg Blue Bombers (3-6) in the Labour Day Classic on Sunday at 2:00 pm on TSN and the CKRM Roughrider Radio Network.

Bob Dyce will be the special guest on 620 CKRM SportsCage’s Coaches Show Wednesday at 5:00 pm.  Also on the show are Paul Lapolice from the CFL on TSN, Regina Thunder head coach Scott MacAulay and NFL Insider Jim “Clubber” Lang.

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9 years ago

I really wanted Tino to stay because I wanted Owen to be safe for the year at least

9 years ago

What a crazy few days in Riderville! Who knew when we sat down on Sunday to watch football things would blow up the way they did? The first part of that game was pretty much the same as a lot of the games this year, close in score and looking pretty good for the Riders. An interception, a benching and boom! Goodbye Chamblin, Taman and Sunseri. Cautiously optimistic about this team, they have shown they can play with the best teams for part of every game, now let's see full throttle for full games.

9 years ago

I feel for Tino, good college kid, throws a beautiful ball. Placed in an impossible position trying to replace a future hall of famer, in the black hole of George Cortez' offense. Then let go and still returns knowing the O-line isn't what it was before. He should get a bravery medal after the Red Blacks game. Happy trails Tino, wherever the future leads you. You did your best, and some of us know it.

9 years ago

GOOD ! Now lets keep it that way . This guy is not even CFL material and should never have been back with the Riders in the first place. Another stupidity move by Chamblin and Company. Let's go with Smith from here on in and see what happens. I think the Riders should be able to pull a couple of wins against Winnipeg and get some momentum going. Let's start with a 33 -17 victory on Sunday.. Go Riders !

9 years ago

Another stupidity move by "Taman" and Company.

9 years ago

I'm looking forward 10 years from now reading about Tino taking over a Division 1 NCAA coaching job and making $3M a year. No different than Steve Sarkisian. He'll have a future in football.

Y'er Welcome

9 years ago

What type of people keep thinking the O-Line isn't good? The OLine has been a bright spot on a dismal season. Clark has been outstanding in his first season as as a starter. Adcock is a monster. And LaBatte has been LaBatte. Don't let the penalties they have taken fool you into thinking they aren't good. Why has the running game been good – it is not because of Messam! Personally i think many other RBs in the league would have significant more yards right now. But agree Tino should be applauded for coming back and giving this team his… Read more »

9 years ago

Nice hair though..

9 years ago

"legit NCAA" means squat. some guys can play at this level, and learn the CFL game, some can't. Tino couldn't. It was plain as day last year.

9 years ago

I also feel sorry for Tino. He had the stuff (Four consecutive 2 point passes, old rules) but George Cortez and CC totally mishandled him. Best of luck to you Tino.

9 years ago

I felt bad for Tino last year. But he had a whole preseason not to suck and he did. Good cut by the new interim regime. He never should have been back. If he never came back, Smith would have played and Chamblin would probably still have a job today.

9 years ago

tino did not have the stuff. slight flashes of competence does not a quarterback make.

9 years ago

I never liked Tino's quarterbacking. he always had a deer in the headlights look and could never get anything going. Even after a few games last year, pre season this year he hadn't progressed at all. Had all the same problems on Sunday as he did before. Best of luck Tino

9 years ago

#12 is as annoying as Blair.

9 years ago

All the best Tino. Thanks.

9 years ago

Too slow in his reads and not elusive … not sad about him getting sacked this time.

9 years ago

Agree with GangGreen…

Not at all sad to see him go. No ability to throw a receiver open…He liked to stand in the pocket and wait till he saw an open receiver…but by then he's sacked…Zero escapability…terrible foot speed…Zero pocket presence…Good riddance..