OTTAWA — It’s officially a disaster.  Perhaps more than we even know.

With their season on life support, the Saskatchewan Roughriders came up with one of the most uninspired efforts in years Sunday in Ottawa which ultimately led to an embarrassing 35-13 defeat.

The Riders’ record dropped to 0-9 and virtually any hope that the season can be saved was lost.

Why?  Because no indication was given that this trainwreck of a season is anywhere close to being turned around.

The Riders won the coin toss at the outset of Sunday’s game but deferred to the second half which gave Ottawa the ball.  They promptly moved 82 yards in just five plays for a 7-0 lead before rookie Rider quarterback Brett Smith even got a chance to touch the ball.

You’ll hear a lot about Brett Smith coming up.

After a prompt two-and-out by the Rider offense in their opening series (which included the first of 10 RedBlacks sacks on the day), Ottawa then put together a 78-yard drive which culminated in another touchdown.  14-0 Ottawa before the game was eight minutes old.

Ready to play on defense?


But the game turned in the second quarter.  Both ways.  The Riders got on the board with rookie Naaman Roosevelt’s first career touchdown, a 9-yard pass from Brett Smith, 2:36 into the second quarter.  14-10 RedBlacks.

However seven minutes later an ill-advised Smith pass was intercepted in the Ottawa endzone.  He was given the hook.

That’s okay, we thought.  Back-up Tino Sunseri would get a look for a couple of series and then Smith would be back in there.

That, apparently, was the plan initially.

Sunseri’s first drive seemed successful enough until Rider kicker Paul McCallum clanked the upright on a 35-yard attempt late in the half for no points.

The teams went into the break with Ottawa still up 14-10.

Surely we’d see Brett Smith – the rookie gunslinger from Wyoming who’s gaining more and more Rider fans with every snap – in the second half, right?


Saskatchewan had six possessions in the second half and Sunseri quarterbacked them all.  As the Riders fumbled the ball away time and again, as offensive linemen went down like flies and the Ottawa sacks mounted, it turned into an incredibly wretched display.

All the while, Smith stood stoicly on the Rider sidelines while clutching his helmet.

We were assured in the broadcast booth that Smith was indeed not injured.

So why wouldn’t he come back into the game?  Surely he represented the Riders’ best chance to win, no?

“There was a thought to putting him back in but things transpired that made it a moot point so we stuck with Tino,” Riders coach Corey Chamblin told 620 CKRM after the game.  “I’ll leave it at that.  It started temporary but ended up being longer than that.”

When asked again hours after the game, the Roughriders refused to reveal what “transpired” with Smith on the sidelines.

That’s fine.  That opens the door for us to speculate.

And my guess is that Smith told off whoever made the decision to yank him from the game.  Could it have been offensive coordinator Jacques Chapdelaine or Chamblin himself?  At this point, it doesn’t matter.

And, if my theory is true, how could you blame Smith?  His defensive teammates were missing tackles left and right and early on gave the Riders no chance to win.

And Smith throws one interception and gets pulled?

It would seem inexplicable, but then again no one can explain what’s gone so horribly wrong week-in and week-out in the worst Roughrider season in nearly 40 years.

My theory of a spat with Smith was confirmed in the Leader Post’s postgame story by Murray McCormick.  Apparently, he didn’t take the news of being pulled well and that’s why he was benched for the duration.

Can’t blame him.  Dwight Anderson used to scream at the coaches on a weekly basis but I guess that was okay.

Also, I don’t know why Chamblin would divulge the Smith info to the rest of the media, but not during a live interview on the radio rightsholder 620 CKRM.

Regardless, clearly things denigrated into a ‘I’ll show you who’s boss’ situation at around the 8:00 mark of the second quarter on Sunday.  At the expense of the game, and of the team.

This tells us so many things about this football team right now and not one of them is good.

“There was some good things in all phases but as a team we lost,” Chamblin shrugged afterwards.  “Not enough guys rose to the occasion to win this game.”

How many guys rising to the occasion is it going to take to win a game?  You can’t fire 44 players but you can fire one coach and that’s what the Rider Nation is screaming for today.  Chamblin was asked afterwards if he expects to be directing this football club in next week’s Labour Day Classic against Winnipeg Sunday at Mosaic Stadium.

“Every week I come into this whether we’re 8-2 or 0-9, the decision is never mine,” Chamblin said incredibly calmly.  “I still come to work and do what I need to do.  The decision doesn’t lie in my hands.”

It will be interesting to see who’s the boss come Sunday.

Here’s the postgame analysis from 620 CKRM Rider Radio analyst Carm Carteri:
“No question it was embarrassing.  In my 27 years as a broadcaster up here with CKRM, I don’t think I’ve ever felt this low for a football team.  I mean this was devastating.  The RedBlacks were a team I thought the Riders could beat and then head back home for a back-to-back with Winnipeg and get back into this western race.  But boy oh boy this display of football out here today in Ottawa was just draining because of the way they lost. 
“Ottawa opened up with two long drives and the Riders got behind 14-0 early.  It took a great effort out of Scott McHenry – a great Canadian kid out of Saskatoon – to block a punt and get this team right back in it.  But when you look at it, Brett Smith, who was fairly elusive in that first half, threw an untimely interception in the endzone and I think he got – well I don’t know if I can say ‘disciplined’ or not – but he was benched after that.
“The Riders were only down by four points at the half!  They went with Tino Sunseri – which I thought was good to let Brett settle down a bit – but Tino didn’t get anything going.  The Riders never went back to Brett Smith and I’m not saying that’s why they lost this game, but I’m stunned sitting here right now.  You can’t describe it.  Bad penalties, bad plays on offense, on defense, and then the RedBlacks made it happen for themselves.
“This is a Rider team really, really in trouble, if I can say that.  Or a franchise for that matter.  I don’t know what they’re building.  They’ve got some talent out there but right now the building blocks are knocked over and I don’t know what the answer is.
“We’re gonna have to check with Corey Chamblin on the Brett Smith thing.  That’s going to be a big question asked: ‘Why wasn’t Brett Smith put back in the game?’  We know he wasn’t injured.  We’re both stunned up here in the booth why they wouldn’t bring him back in the game when the Riders were still in it.  
“We’re not gonna sit here and blame Tino because he was abused out there.  The RedBlacks went after him and they wound up with 10 sacks.  The RedBlacks really went after him and were a fired up football team.  And the Riders couldn’t match that intensity.
“You can lose a game Rod, but when you don’t show that effort, then it’s something higher and hopefully that’s something we can figure out.”
The Riders flew home on a charter immediately after the game but Carm and I won’t return home from Ottawa until Monday afternoon.

If there’s a news conference on Monday, I won’t be around for it.  That’s a story for another day, but deserves to be told.

Instagram: ridervoice

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9 years ago

When you get home, you may be dealing with a new head coach.

I hope you are!

I've had enough!!

william weppler
9 years ago

I can't wait for the WHL season to start :))

9 years ago

Time to clean house. That's not an overreaction, that's the truth. Clearly the coaches have lost the dressing room and the talent on the field is not at the level it needs to be in order to compete and win. Seriously, house cleaning time. This is more embarrassing than the 90's for crying out loud.


9 years ago

No, it certainly will NOT be a good week in Riderville.

9 years ago

I consider myself to be one of the die hard/most positive Rider fans out there, but Corey Chamblin embarassed Rider Nation today. Not just our city, province, but our entire fanbase Canada wide. Call his bluff. If he is such a great Coach, let his record try to sell himself for his next gig. It won't be for a long time in the CFL. What team will hire him as a DC or Head Coach, seriously. His resume just decreased 1000% this year as far as I am concerned. I don't know Craig Reynolds personally. We all know he wasn't… Read more »

9 years ago

Personally, I just do not care any more.


9 years ago

Great summation in your article Rod, a very precise and correct assessment of things at and after Sunday's fiasco in Ottawa.

Old Hank

9 years ago

Tino Sunseri should never have seen another snap in the CFL again! If you were going to yank Smith (DUMB DUMB DUMB), at least show us what Price can do. I wouldn't trust Tino to make the post-game subs!

9 years ago

As far as I am concerned the Riders season has one game left, Labour Day. It will be our grey cup and then after that there wont be anything else to keep most of us interested. Especially if Chamblin is around. NFL starts up and hockey is just around the corner with WHL, SJHL and of course NHL.

9 years ago

I feet terrible for young Brett Smith. Kid played his heart out and Chamblin pulls a BS move like that…give me a break. And of all things, roll with Tino Sunseri, the human statue…man oh man. CC will bench Smith for one mistake but these guys on defense that miss tackles or assignments get a free pass every friggin game. It's disgusting. His defensive schemes are atrocious.

Corey Chamblin must be removed of his duties immediately.

9 years ago

Corey Chamblin over this season has shown that he is nothing more than a stupid, immature, arrogant 2 year old kid when it comes to being a coach.

Fire his ass out of the Riders now !!!!!

9 years ago

It's not the 1st time Coach tore into Smith. He gave it to him at the half in Edmonton in front of his team mates. It's time Roddy. Time for a new voice in that locker room.

9 years ago

It is high time for the BOD and Taman to micromanage Chamblin. Demote him to db coach or some much lower position.Use Chapdelaine or whomever as interim HC till seasons end.What he done today to embarrass Rider Nation ..a firing only benefits Corey and nobody else.By cutting him down to size, maybe by seasons end his head will have stopped swelling..If Taman doesn't want to do it, Oday probably will..Polkabill from the Peg

9 years ago

Mr. Graham Barker where are you? Please come back to instill some organization law and order. Mr. Roy Shivers, your needed ASAP in Saskatchewan, Roughriders franchise in serious dire straights.

9 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

The organization must move decisively and they need to make the right decision NOW!!!
Enough is enough.

9 years ago

Riders taunt Ottawa with a billboard, hmmm, how is that working for ya?
I think it is called Karma!

Gord C.
9 years ago

It was clear Brett Smith was angry about being benched. He should be angry. If he wasn't, I'd be questioning his character. It appears to me, Brett was disrespected by Chapdelaine and/or Chamblin. You don't bench a QB over an ill-advised play. You sit him down, get him to calm down and refocus for the next series. Listening to Chamblin's rationale for benching Smith tonight, and post game interviews from him throughout the season after each loss, it is clear his ego has gotten in the way of what is best for the team. It's time for Brendan Taman to… Read more »

9 years ago

I hear it will cost $750,000 to fire Chamblin. How much more to get rid of Taman too?

Regardless, it's worth it. Fire them both, it doesn't matter who takes over, it can't be worse.

9 years ago

If Chamblin and Taman aren't fired by noon Monday then they better call the AGM and elect a whole new board.

9 years ago

I thought we were supposed to be patient because this was just a blip.

9 years ago

Over the last 2 months I've stood up for Chamblin over and over. I've pointed to our cup victory and his coach of the year. Said he didn't get stupid all of a sudden. I've said he just needs someone to help him understand that he needs to step back from the defence. I'm done defending him. He's on his own now. If it was my choice I would now show him the door. He's lost support from all elements of the team. He's never accepted any responsibility for the team's performance. There is no point continuing. Bye bye Chamblin.