The Saskatchewan Roughriders have made the following transactions:

· National defensive back Michael Carter
· International defensive back Geoff Tisdale

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9 years ago

That'll fix their problems. They'll be 11-7 at seasons end.

9 years ago

Keenan MacDougall and Marshay Green must be ready to go. With LeGree back last game, our secondary should continue to get better. Other than Weldon Brown, it is close to how they wanted it to look at the beginning of the season.


9 years ago

Here's a quote from the best Roughrider ever, George Reed. It was cut and pasted from your column on riderville.com

“I don’t think this particular football team at this particular time needs a coaching change,” #34 continued. “I think maybe some of the philosophies need to change and everything else, but from what I saw last game, it says they’re still playing for the coach".

The key words being 'some of the philosophies need to change'.

Why is it George Reed can say it but the Regina media doesn't dare say 'Chamblin needs to smarten up?'

Curious George.

9 years ago

George is pretty cagey in his comment. "at this particular time" can mean a lot. A lot of unhappy people about wearing a 0-7 crap sandwich on their adoring hearts. If this team goes 0-10 will the same sentiments still apply. Maybe"at that particular time" there might be a different feeling and comment. It's not profound or anything.

9 years ago

Where have you been Curious George?? – all I have heard from all the media – almost universally – is that there are things that need to change by Rider players and coaches; that's all they are talking about, need for Quick to take over the defense, need for a better defensive scheme, no discipline, test out the new players, yada yada… No one that I have heard in the media is disagreeing with Mr. Reed. What Regina media have you been listening to?

Old Hank

9 years ago

Shea Emery should be back his 6 games are up. So let's see what we got in the trade and how our defence is gonna go from last to not giving up more than 20 points a game.

John Waynes Rooster Cockburn

9 years ago

@Old Hank; I've been right beside you the whole time. The difference is I'm not brainwashed, I can see and hear. The only person in the Regina media that hasn't been siding with CC is Darrell Davis and he's been ostracized by the rest of 'the good old club'. Oh yeh, Murray McCormick asked the coach a pointed question earlier on and he's been paying the price ever since. The rest speak in generalizations. The defense has produced two turnovers in seven games and they say, 'they need to improve' DUH. Nothing about the schemes, nothing about the coaching (Chamblin)… Read more »

9 years ago

From what I've heard Mr Emerys neck injury will end his year and possibly his career. I've been told not to expect him back. Anyone with any different info?

9 years ago

The release of these two guys should just be the first in a series. There are more that need to go and there really isn't any solid reason to delay. That group should include a few guys who've been here a while but are clearly not performing for some reason. What better time to rebuild our secondary with bigger and better athletes, That would give them half a season to learn and get better. Start next season with a head start on the rebuild we all know that needs to come. Looking today at the talent and athleticism that Hamilton… Read more »

9 years ago

Shea Emry is not coming back this season. In fact it sounds like he may be done.

9 years ago

I love old George Reed, but things have changed drastically since he last played and I am damn sure he does not know everything that is going on behind closed doors and that includes the Riders dressing room.

9 years ago

Chamblin isn't going anywhere. 85 percent of Rider nation dosent want him to leave. When are you guys gonna buy a clue that your the minority.

9 years ago

Think Emry's football career as a player is over too

9 years ago

Correction, Hamilton's defense has scored seven TDs. That's six pic sixs and a fumble scoop and score. We could have had that kind if coaching except for Jim Hopson's ego. Oh well, I guess I'm supposed to be happy we have a franchise.

9 years ago

85% of Rider Nation are brainwashed.

9 years ago

Interesting…both played the same corner…??

9 years ago

If anyone is talking about the results of the Titan poll, you're bigger fools than your self describing. With the suspected Rider fan following of perhaps 300,000 people, that translates to about 1%. Hardly describes "Rider Nation" and certainly not a scientific or accurate poll. From what I've been seen these polls have no impact on what a sports team does or doesn't do. They also been highly inaccurate for the most part. When someone is let go, the same 300 or so people will agree with the move. Speaks for itself. With two big names like Durant and Emery… Read more »

9 years ago

There is Hamilton and Calgary – then there are the eight other teams that can compete among themselves.

9 years ago

Buono's teams have been very poor of late. Now with Eliminian getting a torn Achilles injury they are toast in 2015.

Popp's teams have also been poor of late notwithstanding a strong defense.

The ONLY person with a good GM resume out there maybe looking for work is Tillman, but I can't see him being hired anywhere in the CFL as a GM.

The top two GM's at this time are Austin and Huffnagel and they will only leave their teams in the next 10 years if there is a very good NFL opportunity.

9 years ago

Hufnagel and Austin both wear two hats, Coach and GM. Hufnagel and Austin are both former Roughrider quarterbacks with loads of CFL experience. Coincidence? Maybe, maybe not.

When Wally was doing double duty he belonged in the same league as them. He just can't find anybody that coaches as good as he did.