In a sure sign that the temperature is rising here in the Wheat Province due to the Roughriders’ 0-3 start, the team’s General Manager came out swinging in his weekly radio appearance Monday on 620 CKRM, the team’s radio rightsholder.

Brendan Taman was asked about the second-guessing head coach Corey Chamblin has taken for in-game decisions made in Friday’s 35-32 overtime loss at BC.  The debate began with the Riders gambling on 3rd-and-1 on their own 47-yard line with 1:00 to go and a three-point lead.  They weren’t successful, turned the ball over, and the Lions tied the game with a 56-yard field goal sending it to overtime.

Chamblin was further criticized for not gambling in a 3rd-and-1 situation at the BC-26, electing instead to kick a 33-yard field goal.  The Lions subsequently won the game with a touchdown on their first possession.

“Well I’m not familiar with what exactly he’s getting (the heat) for,” Taman said.  “I know there’s a lot of debate about calls, and why did this and why he did that.  I know at the end of the game when we gambled on 3rd-and-a-half yard, we got the first down.  Anybody with a brain could see that so that’s to be talked about for another day with the league office.

“The thing that happened in overtime, we never got a measurement on that play.  So Corey, to his defense, coaches can’t ask for measurements anymore so it’s up to the refs to decide on how long it is.  When they don’t measure it, you’re gonna presume it’s longer than it actually is and everybody could see on TV it actually wasn’t that far.  I’m not making excuses but some of the heat he’s getting is really wrong.”

Taman further pointed out that the officials’ influence greatly affected Chamblin’s strategy.

“It changes a whole bunch of things,” Taman explained.  “From Corey’s vantage point on the bench to that point on the field (in overtime), he can’t tell how far it is.  And we can’t ask for a measurement anymore.  If he gets a measurement there, I’ll guarantee he’s gambling.  I’ll guarantee he’s gambling.

“I’m always going to defend my coach.”

Taman also disclosed the team is adding veteran CFL defensive back Geoff Tisdale, a 2014 All Star with the Montreal Alouettes.  Tisdale may be pressed into service this Friday when the Riders host the B.C. Lions due to injuries to veteran DB’s Tristan Jackson and Weldon Brown.

Taman also said the injury sustained by Canadian special teamer Levi Steinhauer in Friday’s fourth quarter is likely season-ending.

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9 years ago

That's comforting, I've always believed every word Brendan ever spoke.

9 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

So not one of the Rider's on the field was able to signal the short yardage needed to gamble on that 3rd down? Seems very likely 🙂

9 years ago

That reads like a Roy Shivers interview about Danny Barrett early in the 2006 season.

9 years ago

Typical rider… let's blame the refs. Chamblin blew it, no matter how you want to spin it taman.

9 years ago

Excuses! You have to roll with the punches. Yes. it was a bad call by the refs, but that still doesn't tell us why he took a knee at the end of the 4th and then didn't gamble on 3rd and 1.

That's a weak attempt!

9 years ago

Riders fans are seriously becoming the losers of Canada. But I guess it makes sense since WE (yes including I) have nothing else in the province sportswise besides the Riders to care about. But if we think for a second we are viewed as "neat" or "cool" from other province's fans, think again. We are band wagon hill billy bumpkins and that's all.

9 years ago

All teams have to follow all the rules no matter how stupid they may be. Would not be in the same situation 2 weeks in a row if perhaps they could tackle and play a heck of a lot better on defence.

9 years ago

Everybody is a coach nowadays….he shouldn't have gambled late in the game but he should have gambled in OT….whatever! Hindsight is 20/20 and its always easy to criticize after the fact. I believe in our coach despite the bad start….this season will get turned around. GO RIDERS GO!


9 years ago

My first comment was removed. After I posted it, I realized how stupid my comment was. I can see Rod has been removing many comments this morning. Are they all referring to the same thing? I'm thinking they are.

9 years ago

If you haven't coached at an elite level, then don't make a comment about the coaching. The third down gamble at the end of the 4th was the right call. In OT, the field goal was definitely the right call since you don't know the distance. A rookie head referee should have had a measure at that point. The problem is with tackling and penalties. Coaches will fix that. Don't break you ankle jumping off the band wagon, the season is young.


9 years ago
Reply to  Glenn

You tell us not to make comments about the coaching unless we have coached at an elite level. Then you make a comment about the coaching saying the field goal was definitely the right call. So what elite coaching job did YOU have?

9 years ago

This is like saying "husband defends wife" taman will stand by his man no matter what they are a package deal. Im also pretty sure that plays under 3 minutes are automatically reviewed so no he didn't definitely get the 1st down

9 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Reviewed by unaccountable people. Without the aid of a spot and measurement. On field officials failed to mark forward progress, failed to blow down the play when forward progress stopped, for players safety, which is supposed to be important. Then the off field review officials blew the call about having gained the first down. So much went wrong there. The only thing they got right on that play was that forward progress stopped before the ball came loose.

9 years ago

Guys, really? Coaching sounds easy when most of you spout off about it. Sometimes things workout and others they don't. Not even 2 years ago people were going off about how great Chamblin was and now you'd think he had never won a game in most of your eyes. Again last night in the Stamps win the constant barrage of flags is so painful. Scoring doesn't even look to be up it just looks like the new penalties allow the stripes to keep games close because it's such a meaningless fine line between penalty or no penalty. I thought the… Read more »

9 years ago

Of course Taman isn't going to second guess is HC. If he did then we're in even more trouble than I thought. Let's all chill and move on from last game. This Friday is where it's at. We win and we're right back in the race. Imagine! If Chad Owens doesn't have such a crap game last night, Toronto wins and Calgary would be 1-2. Let's not forget we were 1-2 at this time last year before ripping off 7 wins in a row. There's still hope in Riderville.

9 years ago

There was nothing wrong with the third down call BUT don't empty the backfield and tell the opposition what you are doing AND you have 2 running backs averaging over 7 yards a carry and are big as a bull, doesn't that tell you something?

9 years ago

Hey Roddy, can you explain to me the measurement rule. IF you cant ask for a measurement, how are you supposed to know how far you have to go for a first down? Are the officials supposed to measure this? You would think on 3rd down and short and in overtime a measurement would have been done. IF the coaches cannot ask for one how does a team get a measurement? To be honest I don't blame Chamblin at all. How is he supposed to know how far he needs to go? These new rules in the CFL are absolutely… Read more »

9 years ago

Really read the details of that poll Rod and you see it is skewed. The Riders are #3 in Canada because everywhere else splits the vote. Calgary, Vancouver, Edmonton and Winnipeg all split their votes between multiple teams. and while the Leafs rule Toronto they still split between the Jays and Raptors.

I am not saying it is 'wrong' but i do think it is misleading.

9 years ago

Early Anon said: "Yes. it was a bad call by the refs, but that still doesn't tell us why he took a knee at the end of the 4th and then didn't gamble on 3rd and 1. "

Actually, did you read the article? It tells us exactly why he didn't gamble on 3rd and 1.

9 years ago

In my opinion the rule changes were a knee jerk reaction. I find the games boring now, and I have been a CFL follower for 45 years. The penalty parade is just sickening! Every QB will pass for over 6000 yards(don't have to be that good)and the defense seldom stops drives it seems, unless the QB makes a poor throw or the receiver drops the ball. The receivers are getting open far too easily. Maybe it will take some time for the defenses to adjust, but as it stands now its hard to watch. Sorry if that offends anybody…. The… Read more »

9 years ago

Comment #7 has got that rancid, rotting, sewer smell that only comes from Manitoba. Bitter little people with no future they are.

Old fan
Old fan
9 years ago

There was a time when spontaneity was part of the enjoyment of being a fan. Pee'd at mistaken calls for sure. Bad enough waiting to see what the flag is for. But now we wait for head office review. Should I cheer yet or wait. We have lost something.