SMS Equipment Stadium at Shell Place
8 pm Sask Time
TSN, CKRM Roughrider Radio Network (CKRM, CRUZ FM, CJGX, CKBI, CJNB, CJNS)

2014 (including playoffs):
Eskimos: 13-7 overall, 8-2 at home
Roughriders: 10-9 overall, 4-6 on road

– The forecast for Saturday’s 8:00 pm kickoff is cloudy and 15 degrees Celsius.

– It’s light out here in Fort McMurray until about 10:45 pm, however the stadium lights will likely need to be used.

– The Eskimos will have 65 players in uniform while the Roughriders have 77 on their roster.

– At last report, roughly 2000 tickets remain available for the Northern Kickoff in the 15,000 seat stadium.

– Saturday night’s game will be the first football game played in the new facility which was officially unveiled on Friday morning.

– The Roughriders’ preseason record in 2014 was 1-1.

– Eskimos veteran quarterback Matt Nichols is expected to get the start at quarterback for the Eskimos while Darian Durant will start for the Roughriders.

– Of the 68 players on the Eskimos’ training camp roster, 19 found themselves on the team’s injured list this week.

– Rider roster players by position:
QB: 4
OL: 11
RB: 4
FB: 3
REC: 13
DL: 9
LB: 12
DB: 10
K: 5
LS: 1

– The Riders will have two players wearing #22: RB Sam Ojuri and DB Michael Carter.

– 620 CKRM’s Roughrider Game Day pregame show hits the air at 5:00 pm with host Michael Ball.

– TSN’s Gord Miller and Matt Dunigan will call the game on national TV.

– Dunigan joined 620 CKRM’s SportsCage on Friday live from Boston Pizza Fort McMurray.  Other guests included Roughrider President Craig Reynolds, Fort McMurray Deputy Mayor Keith McGrath, City Councilor Tyron Ault and former CFL receiver Kwami Osei who’s now a teach and football coach in Fort Mac.  You can listen to the podcast of the show at

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9 years ago

Durant hopefully has not re-injured himself. Thank goodness Tamas has signed Kevin Glenn.

9 years ago

Same old BS. Corey Chamblin just being a jerk. We're used to it by now.

9 years ago

Kevin Glenn will be the Rrs #1 QB for the 2015 season and deservedly so.

9 years ago

Toying with the minds of the Rider Nation. Sounds about right.

Now nobody knows if DD is healthy or the Soup Nazi is up to his tricks.

Then everybody wonders why TSN isn't covering this joke.

9 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

toying with rider fans minds pretty easy to do

9 years ago

Riderville going crazy with oh oh 2014 dejavu. Land of the midnight sun has rider coaching staff in never ending purgatory limbo hell to the start of 2015 season.

9 years ago

Wow. Some of you so called fans are pathetic. This blog post should be archived so at the end of the season in Winnipeg when Doubles and Chamblin are holding the Cup aloft we can come back to thaw comments and see just how stupid you really are. Oh wait, you're all a bunch of anonymous losers who hide behind keyboards. Get a life you dumbasses.


9 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Let's the preseason results speak for themselves tonight regarding this year misdirection. Head coach playing his little continuous childish mind games not conducive to production, ie; see 2014 CFL season. Rider fanbase deserved of accountability going forward.

John Moore
9 years ago

This is not a good move by Chamblin. It brings doubt to rider fans that all is not as rosy as the media has lead us to believe, especially this site. A curve ball is right & it is no where near the plate. Add this to several of our stars missing more then reasonable number of practises with RP referring to the absence as veteran time as if it is a reward. Strange things afloat in riderville. Hopefully tonights game will erase the doubt that for some strange reason has been put out there by the head coach.

9 years ago

I like it. Coach Chamblin is in mid-season form. As long as the players are on board, keep everyone else guessing.

9 years ago

So there's a chance?

9 years ago

You guys need to relax. He's coach won us a grey cup and has nothing but success as our coach. So what if he doesn't do things the way you want. Bill the Hoodie doesn't either and nobody questions him.

9 years ago

TSN is covering it, joker.

9 years ago

The moron quotient is high this morning RP!!! Higher than usual for a pre-season game!

9 years ago

REALLY?? are you all blind?? Coach Chamblin has been evidently clear on saying that Durants elbow HAS NOTHING to do with The possible decision to not play Durant at all in this game!! Stop trying to make something out of nothing! Durant is fine!! Chamblins decision will most likely be made to get more evaluation out of the other Qb's on the team! END OF DISCUSSION!

9 years ago

The discussion never ends in RIDER NATION.

9 years ago

Oh ya and coaches ne-vver lie about injuries…just sayin…

9 years ago

AHHHH!!AHHHHH!!AHHHH!! darian might not play in the 1st preseason game !!! the bloody sky is falling wow

9 years ago

Just because Chamblin says this has nothing to do with Durant's elbow are you really going to believe him ? According to him Durant was supposed to be back before the playoffs last year too. When the Riders signed Glenn I said that he would be the starting QB to start the season …. and I still stand by that prediction.

9 years ago

Will everyone please just calm down. This is just an EXHIBITION game!! The coaches know what DD can do. They are using this game to find out who the 3rd string QB should be. If Tino does what he did lat year then expect this to be his last game. Exhibition games are used to evaluate the new players and the vets on the bubble. Winning is nice but that is a bonus. Evaluation is what is important. 18 months ago, Coach Chamblin led this team to its 4th Grey Cup, have some faith in his abilities.

9 years ago

panic! panic! panic!

9 years ago

Hey bud that's fine that you made the prediction of Glenn being the starting QB. But nobody cares about your opinion cause nobody knows who the hell you are! And you're obviously too chickenshit to tell either. Obama is a weirdo but at least Rod knows him personally. If you're going to make asinine statements like that, grow a set and stand by them.

Gundersons Yorkton