– On Thursday evening Regina will host two prestigious dinners: the annual Premier’s Dinner featuring Brad Wall and the Cougar Mens Hockey Alumni Dinner featuring Clark Gillies, Bob Bourne and yours truly as the MC.  Which one would you rather attend?  You can be sure the BS will be flying at both.

– There were some comments circulating on social media on Wednesday saying the 2015 Plaza of Honor induction class is sub-par.  Frankly, I think it’s sensational that Tim McCray and Scott Schultz will be honoured this year.  It’s the perfect blend of the 1989 and 2007 Grey Cup championship teams and the fact there are only two inductees into the Riders’ version of a Hall of Fame means each man will get his proper due.

– I can go on all day on the topic of Halls of Fame.  The Plaza has a different set of criteria than most Halls, but some of the rules say a player has to have spent five seasons with the Roughriders and been retired for at least three seasons before getting consideration.  However, in true Saskatchewan style, the rules have been bent in the past to include players like Rhett Dawson and the three-year retirement period was waived for Roger Aldag, Norm Fong and Gene Makowsky.  When I suggested to the committee that Kerry Joseph is in line for the Plaza, I got blank stares.  How can you exclude a Grey Cup champion quarterback and the first Roughrider to be named league MVP since Ron Lancaster?  And don’t get me started on the Roy Shivers debate.

– It was great to hang around the Old Boys Club this week at the Plaza news conference.  The group of course includes – but is not limited to – John Lipp and Tom Shepherd.

– It would be cool if the Regina Pats introduced a Hall of Fame.  There are many worthy players and coaches over the past 98 years.  It doesn’t have to just include the players whose numbers have been retired, but that’s a great place to start.

– Perspective.  An elementary school class was given a tour of Mosaic Stadium on Tuesday and one child asked, “Can we see the Rider locker room?”  He was told no, and I was immediately disappointed for them.  However after asking about it, the tour guide told me there were currently players in the locker room and some of them may be nude.  That’s good enough for me!  Glad I asked.

– While on Troy Westwood’s radio show in Winnipeg this week, one of the hosts suggested that Riders head coach Corey Chamblin has a bad habit of “micro-managing”.  I replied, “Sure — he’d be the first football coach to be accused of that!”  However when you think about it, Chamblin gave coordinator George Cortez 100% autonomy on offense in 2014 and I assume the same applies to Jacques Chapdelaine this season.  Does that sound like a control freak to you?

– It was also hinted in that Winnipeg interview that the Bombers were disappointed to see U of M star Nic Demski go to the Roughriders.  However Winnipeg passed on him with the #2 pick so you have to wonder if the Bombers will be faced with a Jason Clermont Situation like the Riders were in 2002?  Demski was nothing short of sensational on Day 1 of rookie camp on Wednesday.  He can start looking for accomodations.

– It’s not known what Demski signed for but the top two picks in this year’s draft received $20,000 signing bonuses and, reportedly, six figure salaries.  Rider Assistant GM Jeremy O’Day noted on Tuesday that these wages are “a positive” for the league.  Sportsnet’s Arash Madani surmised on the SportsCage that the bump in the salary cap has meant bigger salaries for rookie Canadians and big name imports (a la Michael Sam in Montreal who signed for $100,000 and $150,000).

– An American homophobe tried to get into it with me on Twitter this week saying the only minority Michael Sam belongs to is his race.  He said Sam “chose” to be gay, and that’s where the conversation ended.  Of the gay people I know, none chose to be.  But the persecution Sam faces daily must be close to unbearable.

– The Blue Bombers recently announced the opening of their second Bomber Store, and their first off-site (away from Investors Group Field).  The Riders can boast that they recently opened their fifth retail outlet, and it’s in another city!

– A note to Rider fans in Prince Albert:  We’ll be broadcasting the SportsCage on Thursday, June 4 from the P.A. Boston Pizza.  Come on down for the show!

– Darian Durant will join us live on location for today’s SportsCage from Regina Motor Products on 620 CKRM.  Darian will be in attendance around 4:30 pm and you’re invited down to meet the Roughriders star and get autographs and photos at one of our biggest sponsors.

– Season tickets for the Ottawa RedBlacks have reportedly dipped by 20% from their inaugural season of 2014.  That’s a bad sign.  Sure their club was 2-16 last year but they can’t afford many financial slips.  It would be horrible to see another pro football venture in Ottawa fail.  Their owners have the deepest of pockets but they won’t be interested in underwriting big losses.

– The Calgary Stampeders and Hamilton Tiger-Cats are believed by CFL people to have the deepest Canadian talent in the league.  Are they on a collision course for a Grey Cup rematch in Winnipeg in November?  Right now the Stamps are the favourite to win it all with Bodog installing them at 10/3.  The Riders and Eskimos are next at 5/1 followed by Hamilton at 6/1.  Rounding out the field are the Alouettes and Argonauts (8/1), the Blue Bombers (10/1) and the RedBlacks (20/1).

– If you haven’t booked your summer holidays yet, consider some trips to Rider road games over the next few months.  Saskatchewan, Winnipeg and Ottawa are considered by many to be the top three game atmospheres and Hamilton is a must-see too.

– The world of analytics as it pertains to football has become particularly fascinating.  PAT’s were converted at a 99.6% rate last year but by the CFL and NFL moving them back to 32-yards, the success rate drops to 82.5% (based on field goals of that distance in good conditions).  How much will this stat urge coaches to go for two point conversions this season?  Analytics have made the world of coaching far easier because now coaches can explain tactical errors by saying, “the numbers say we should have done it”.

– The Stanley Cup Conference Finals are both going to Game 7s for the first time since 2000.  However it appears interest is waning with our short summers becoming the more-popular choice for finding things to do.

– Former NHLer and 1986 Stanley Cup champion Ryan Walter was a fascinating presenter at the Leadership Impact luncheon at the Delta Regina on Tuesday.  He discussed the power of Positive Forward Thinking versus useless Negative Past Thinking.  The thing I took away the most from the 45-minute presentation was that the person you will become is shaped by the people you hang around with now, and the books that you read.  If that’s the case, I think I’m in great shape!  Thanks a million to Roughrider Chaplain Rod Donison for the invitation to attend.

– It seems to me the CBC telecasts always interview North American players between periods and after games on their telecasts.  On Wednesday night we heard from Patrick Maroon and Patrick Kane.  Maybe it was “Patrick Night”?  European players seem to be getting ignored – which is fine with me – but the notion struck me on Wednesday.

– What I’m NOT Hearing About:  The Memorial Cup.  Even the hockey people aren’t talking about the CHL championship tournament in Quebec City.  It certainly would have been a lot more interesting if Connor McDavid and the Erie Otters had won the OHL.  But it promises to be a lot more interesting next year when the Memorial Cup is held in Red Deer, Alberta.  Either way, I wouldn’t want to be trying to market junior hockey these days.  The NHL is sucking up all the eyeballs and advertising dollars in hockey these days.

– Interesting that the Kootenay Ice hired Luke Pierce as their new head coach, who joins the WHL from the BCHL’s Merritt Centennials where he was Coach/GM.  It’s an out-of-the-blue hire by the Ice but I wouldn’t question GM Jeff Chynoweth even if he hired Rob Ford as head coach.  He’s got the Midas Touch.

– It’s rare that I’m driving around downtown Regina over the noon hour but this week I was stunned that no noon hour joggers have been picked off by our crazy drivers.  The exercise-lovers seem to dodge in and out of traffic wearing earbuds with belief they’ll always have the right-of-way.  Just when you think that, THUMP!

– Two words for motorcyclists: organ donors.

– I gnash my teeth when I see the age of all the panhandlers standing on our city’s boulevards.  They’re kids!   Get a shower and get a job.  Please!

– Calling all ROUGHRIDER FANS–book your stateroom for Football Fan Cruise Feb 6-13, 2016, sailing to the Eastern Caribbean with hosts Rod Pedersen (Voice of the Riders) and Carm Carteri (former Roughrider), as well as Chris Walby & David Black (former Blue Bombers).  Book with before May 29th to receive FREE CLASSIC BEVERAGE PACKAGE (valued at $700/stateroom).

Instagram: ridervoice
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9 years ago

Did anyone else see Seattle Seahawk Jon Ryan on NBC's "American Ninja Warrior"? No spoiler for those that didn't yet.

9 years ago

Since you keep "pushing" the Michael Sam story I feel I must write a rebuttal. Rod to say one has no control over his actions implies that this person in question has no brains. Everyone on this earth makes decisions right or wrong for their behavior, choices, actions. Michael Sam is no different than the rest of us on earth,we are all born sinners. The only thing God requires is that we repent and live our lives God's way not our way. If we refuse to accept God's free gift of grace "Jesus Christ" we will all perish eternally. The… Read more »

9 years ago

Hiding behind a "mask of righteousness" to further your beliefs is what? There is a reason why they Crucified Christ. It is because he spoke of these things and they killed him for it. Yes and Christ is intolerant of sin.
Tyler Rock
And no I am as guilty as the next person.

9 years ago

To Tyler…wow. My version of God's grace through Jesus is quite different from yours. Jesus himself left us two things to remember: Love The Lord, your God with all your heart. And, for you, more importantly, love your neighbour as yourself. From what I know, people who are Gay can do both of those things as well, if not better than some. God's grace is available to all of us, by believing in Jesus as the saviour. Christ was far from intolerant of sin. From what I remember, he hung out with all the sinners, and his only want was… Read more »

9 years ago

Christ is a "douche? If I spoke my own words they would mean nothing but I spoke Christ's words as they are given in scripture. No one is being forced to do anything here. Christ died on the cross so that our sins could be forgiven because God cannot tolerate sin. 7 billion people perish from this planet every 100 years. Then we will all give an accounting before God. None of us have a written guarantee on the length of our life. God wants us to follow his way not our way of living. Eternity is a long time… Read more »

9 years ago

Tyler … do you have any proof of any of this?

The Scientist

9 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Dear Scientist. The lame walk the blind see diseases are cured and the dead are brought to life and even after all that they Crucified him because their deeds were evil.
It's God's way or the highway everyone gets to choose.

9 years ago

This is worse than the political discussions that show up on here.

Anyone want to talk about football?

9 years ago

Dude, Christ isn't a douche. You are. When I give my accounting, I will say that I loved and accepted everyone. Regardless of their sexual affiliation. That I believed Jesus wanted us to accept all…and when hit, turn the other cheek. What will you say? You vilified people and drove them from Christ because they were sinners? Michael Sam is a story because he's the first openly gay professional football player. Just like Jackie Robinson was one the first black player in the major leagues (Montreal seems to have a knack for these things). Rod is reporting on it, mostly… Read more »

9 years ago

Wow…this blog has been many things in the past, good and bad. But this is the first time I have seen it as a religious debate. I really need to get a life and stop reading this stuff. 😉

9 years ago

Block these comments. No one wants to read this Crap. Moses

9 years ago

Come on Tyler Rock! Get your brain unwashed.

God is much too busy dealing with the prayers of Ranger fans and Darian's throwing arm to worry about a person's sexual orientation. God is Love, my dad used to say. She has no time for haters and homophobes.

Old Hank

9 years ago

I am sure that God will be quite fine with people loving each other regardless of the fact that they are of the same gender or not. Of the 7 billion who he has to sort out this past hundred years he is likely more bothered by the scum involved in lynchings, genocides, the Holocaust, the Holodomor, theft, murder and the bullies.


9 years ago

oh wow I can see the post count getting big numbers today. I grew up a Christian but growing up and being an Adult having faith in Christ it truly blind faith. The whole anti gay thing by Christians is a big reason I questioned my faith. Once you question it you really can't believe anymore. 1. Who's right? Jews, Islam, Judaism, higher power ect?2. Science? Dinosaurs, the earth only being 5000 years old lol3. The Bible is just an old book made up of old rules. Sell your daughter, can't eat pork, man lay with women ect. 4. I… Read more »

9 years ago
Reply to  Dean

Fortunately we do not get to choose who goes there because all of us are flawed/sinners. He alone is perfect and brings righteous judgement.

9 years ago

Hello Tyler, I will leave it up to Richard Dawkins to fully explain your God.

“The God of the Old Testament is arguably the most unpleasant character in all fiction: jealous and proud of it; a petty, unjust, unforgiving control-freak; a vindictive, bloodthirsty ethnic cleanser; a misogynistic, homophobic, racist, infanticidal, genocidal, filicidal, pestilential, megalomaniacal, sadomasochistic, capriciously malevolent bully.”
― Richard Dawkins, The God Delusion

9 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Decide who you put your faith in the opinions of men or God Almighty?

9 years ago

Who cares if he's gay ! Sick of hearing the media make a bigger deal of this than is needed !!
And if God didn't want him to play then he wouldn't have Givin him the gifts too !

9 years ago

Today's blogging bible thumpers. Here's a passage I got memorized just for you. The path of the righteous man Is beset on all sides by the Iniquities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men/women. Blessed Is he who, In the name of charity and good will, sheppards the weak through the valley of darkness, for he Is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost children. And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who would attempt to poison and destroy this great sports blog with their religious bullsh*t . And… Read more »

9 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

This an entertainment blog. Rarely is sports discussed in the opinion section.

Often in the opinion stories there is certain points i think are purposely put in to cause multiple comments. These comments are more than likely political or religious.

9 years ago

Are you saying Jesus Christ couldn't hit a curve ball?

9 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

OK Harris, let's not start a holy war here!

9 years ago

Hey Tyler,

How is Rod "pushing" the Micheal Sam story. THIS IS A SPORTS BLOG. HE REPORTED A SPORTS STORY.

Is there not a religion blog that you can go debate on.

By the way, I was in New York City the other day watching Jay and Dan on Fox Sports Live. One of there stories was the signing of Micheal Sam in the CFL. HOW DARE THEY lol.


9 years ago

"Decide who you put your faith in the opinions of men or God Almighty?

Hate to break it to you, T-Rock, but the bible was written by men. Unless God almighty has visited you in person to tell you what's what, you're like the rest of us – just guessing and hoping.

My God wants us to love each other, including in the case of two consenting adults who may or may not be dudes.


9 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Hey Stan all scripture is God breathed. Men inspired directly by God not by their own willing but by the power of the Lord.
A "god" who bends to the wishes of our beliefs is not a "god" but a genie.