Saskatchewan Roughriders head coach Corey Chamblin appeared on 620 CKRM’s SportsCage Monday afternoon talking about the pending free agency of Oakland Raiders running back Kory Sheets.  We all know Sheets spent two great seasons in Saskatchewan in 2012 and 2013, and was named the MVP of the 2013 Grey Cup rushing for a championship game record 197 yards.  Sheets Tweeted last week that he doesn’t expect to be on Oakland’s roster when NFL Free Agency hits on Tuesday, March 10.  Here’s the exact transcript of Chamblin’s comments from Monday:

RP:  Are you interested in bringing Kory Sheets back?

CC:  Ooo!  Being just the head coach, with Brendan and J.O. making those decisions, that’s so hard for me to say.

RP:  C’mon!  You think I was just born last night?

CC:  Haha.  It’s so hard for me to say!  No, you know what?  Kory was a good player for us.  I joked about his name earlier today and it’s funny you guys are talking about him.  That’s a situation where, honestly, I don’t have any info in terms of where he is with his injury and different things like that, or how far out he is.

Like anything else, it’s tough to get a guy back from an injury.  He’s done a lot of good things for us in the past and of course I’m sure that we’d have to look into that.  But as he exited there were some things ‘character-wise’ that didn’t expose themselves or show when he was here.  So there’s some things we’ll have to look at.

I think we’d have to look at him as a brand new player coming back in and do our homework, like everyone else in the league will, and just see where it stands.

RP:  So it’s not a black or white, yes or no, issue?  It’s a definite gray maybe is kind of what you’re telling us?

CC:  Ya it’s a ‘gray maybe’ right now and I can honestly say I haven’t talked to Brendan and those guys about it.  I guess, because he’s still on someone else’s team.  Who knows how that goes?  Maybe somebody in the NFL wants to take another shot on him, rehab him, and see if can he do something? That’s a longshot but as far as for us, we haven’t sat down enough to say he’s in our plans and let’s get him back tomorrow.  Like I say, after injury you don’t know exactly what you’re getting.

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9 years ago

Chamblin has to be the worst interview in the world. There's no sense even having him on the show because he never answers a question. He should be in politics.

9 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

LOL ya cause its the coach's job to actually answer every question whether or not its info even wants to share publicly. Idiot.

9 years ago

I'm assuming the character issue was the marijuana charge here in SK. Unless there is something more no story here.

Agree with Luc, at the right price why not give him a shot.

Dustin in Regina

9 years ago

Pretty clear he won't be coming back to the Riders.

9 years ago

Sheets to Ottawa. You read it here first!

9 years ago

As much as I liked Sheets, I wonder if his second injury will ever allow him to be the great back he once was. Give him a shot? As many indicated before only if it is a bonus contract with incentives for performance and not a big base salary.

9 years ago

Things were heated on twitter last night about this. If Sheets is healthy, and he wants to come back, I would welcome him with open arms. How do you turn your back on a guy who won you a Grey Cup. You don't.

9 years ago

Chamblin always has a knack for making sure that his side of the story gets to the media first.

9 years ago

It's not hard when he has a pipeline to Roddy.

9 years ago

Imo, it was very unprofessional of Coach to throw out the comment about 'character wise' in the public. Unless he's going to state exactly what he's referring to he shldn't say anything. And I don't think he shld have said a thing – whatever he was referring to shld stay within the team!!

9 years ago
Reply to  Rod Pedersen

I wish Chamblin wouldn't have said what he said though. Sheets doesn't seem happy with what he said. If we did want him back I don't think we'll get him now. What do you think Roddy?

9 years ago

To Rod; Yes I did read the story and it's the same as any other interview with Chamblin, a waste of time.

9 years ago

Mike McCullough helped the Riders win a Grey Cup. Should we welcome him back to play MLB? 2011 happened because the old regime was too loyal. It is time to move on. Kory was a GREAT player in 2013. A big reason we all got to celebrate. The difference between Sheets and Richardson is two things. Sounds like JR was willing to sign a cap friendly contract, while Sheets will definitely want top dollar. Also, JR is one of many receivers on a roster and in a game. He could be used as the extra receiver to start or a… Read more »

9 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Are you saying Mike McCullough played as big a role as Sheets' record breaking 197 yards rushing and two touchdowns. Not buying what your selling, sorry…

9 years ago

"whatever he was referring to shld stay within the team"

Legal issues don't stay within the team!

9 years ago

"But as he exited there were some things 'character-wise' that didn't expose themselves or show when he was here." The one line everyone is hung up on! Corey is 100% correct in the comment – how can anyone argue that. Kory was arrested for possession and received a 24 hour suspension. The result was he received an absolute discharge. But don't you think the Riders should have the wherewithal to ask the kid some questions before throwing the bank at him? It was the second substantial legal incident in a year involving Sheets. Not to mention his embarrassing and rude… Read more »

9 years ago

You guys obviously don't remember Sheets outbursts on the sidelines with coaches and players, as well in the locker room. He is a young player, hope his attitude gets better when he gets older.

9 years ago

I see what Chamblin is saying and he is pretty clear in his comments that no door was closed to Kory coming back. To many variables. They'll do their homework on him injury wise and character wise and well see how it plays out.

9 years ago

What a story it would be if Sheets was signed by the Bombers and, regaining his old form, is the Grey Cup MVP in 2015, as the Bombers hoist the Cup at home.

Old Hank

9 years ago

Why do Rider fans think they are entitled to know every thought the GM or HC has. Give it a rest.

9 years ago

WOW has this ever been handled badley but why does it always start with RP – maybe RP is the problem and his show