1 – AN EARLY CHRISTMAS PRESENT: It may be way too soon to predict the Saskatchewan Roughriders will announce their offensive and defensive coordinators this week however head coach Corey Chamblin hinted seven days ago that, if things fall into place, he could have the O.C. hired by this week.  Rumours abound that Chamblin’s #1 choice is Paul Lapolice and it appears the feeling is mutual.  Sportsnet’s Arash Madani added fuel to the fire on Friday’s SportsCage on 620 CKRM by reporting the latest of what he knows.

Madani said B.C. Lions GM Wally Buono has declared he’s in no rush to name his new head coach and a Sportsnet report late last week stated the front-runner for the B.C. job is Jeff Tedford.  Madani said Lapolice isn’t prepared to wait around for the Lions’ decision and if the Saskatchewan offer is too his liking, he’s prepared to sign here.  All signs point to the star of TSN’s Coaches Playbook returning to the Wheat Province.  Having said that, there are still several options out there for the Riders to pick from.

2 – AS FOR THE DEFENSE:  Chamblin brought up on multiple occasions in his Tuesday media scrum that he himself is a candidate for the vacant defensive coordinator position.  While I was told over the weekend Chamblin is also strongly considering Mike Benevides for the job, some players have told me Chamblin might as well give himself the position.  They feel Corey’s in control of the defense anyway, and they’re comfortable with that scenario.

3 – THE COMMISSIONER SEARCH:  With Mark Cohon’s early exit from the Commissioner’s office taking place in January, the search for his replacement must have accelerated.  TSN’s Jock Climie has been rumoured to be in position for the job while some have suggested Argonauts executive Mike “Pinball” Clemons could be an ideal candidate.  Who knows if the search committee will suggest either one of these guys but there seems to be an appetite for a “football guy” for the position.  So far I haven’t heard of a timetable for an announcement.

4 – SAME GOES FOR THE RIDER PRESIDENCY:  Has there been a more secretive search than the one for Jim Hopson’s replacement as President & CEO of the Saskatchewan Roughriders?  There have been NO names disclosed publicly but they must be getting close to a decision.  Some of the shortlist candidates have told me they’ve been informed that they won’t be getting the job.  Since we’re halfway through December, you’d have to think an announcement will be made some time in January.

Meanwhile interviews are being conducted this week for the next head coach of the University of Regina Rams.  From what I can gather, Calgary Stampeders assistant coach Marc Mueller is not in the mix.  Mueller has been tight-lipped on the subject but told me Sunday, “I’m very happy with where I am”.

While surfing Twitter on the way back from California on Thursday I saw the ridiculous rumour that Paul McCallum had applied for the Rams coaching job.  Turns out the Vancouver reporter who broke the “scoop” meant former Rams lineman Tom McCallum.

5 – TOP TEN NFL STORIES:  Writer Bob McManaman of the website out of Phoenix listed his Top 10 NFL stories of 2014 on Sunday.  They are:

10 – THE CATCH by N.Y. Giants rookie Odell Beckham Jr.
9 – Johnny Manziel.  Period.
8 – Patriots rookie Jonas Gray rushing for 201 yds in his NFL debut
7 – RG3 going 3-8 as a starter in Washington
6 – Arizona Cardinals equaling a franchise-best 11 wins in 15 weeks
5 – Jim Harbaugh’s tenuous situation in San Francisco
4 – Aaron Rodgers and the Green Bay Packers going 7-0 at home
3 – The Adrian Peterson scandal in Minneapolis
2 – Michael Sam
1 – Ray Rice

Since we do things on a smaller scale in the CFL, here are my (*AMENDED* top five stories of 2014 north of the border:

5 – Ottawa RedBlacks win their home-opener over Toronto
4 – Stamps tailback Jon Cornish winning the rushing crown in just nine games
3 – The averted players’ strike
2 – Commissioner Mark Cohon announcing the 2014 season would be his last
1 – Calgary winning the Grey Cup on a controversial play against Hamilton in Vancouver

6 – RIDER FREE AGENTS:  Friday’s signing of pending free agent Tearrius George didn’t exactly set off a domino effect but it was a clear sign that the Riders have targeted the FA’s on their list of 29 that are a priority.  The others will likely include Tyron Brackenridge, Ben Heenan and Weston Dressler.  Weston has reportedly told friends he’s not searching for an NFL opportunity but also would look at any offers if they come available.  Will he re-sign here?  Since he came back once, I’m confident he will again.  As for other teams’ free agents, I was told in the summer time that Eskimos slotback Fred Stamps would gladly trade in Green & Gold for Green & White but that may have changed since the Western Semifinal.  That’s when the Evil Empire vanquished Canada’s Team 18-10.

As for CFL Lineman of the Year Brett Jones of the Calgary Stampeders, you can forget about him coming home to Saskatchewan.  He’s already been in discussions with several NFL teams and I’m told a likely destination for Brett is the New England Patriots.

7 – GO PATS GO:  The Regina Pats got a boost on Sunday when they learned star forward Morgan Klimchuk was among the first cut by Canada’s World Junior team.  He’s likely wondering what more he had to do after scoring in their exhibition games and frankly it’s a shame there won’t be a Pat on Canada’s roster for another year.  The drought’s getting long!

The Pats slipped by the Blades 5-4 in Saskatoon Saturday night and enter the week in second place in the WHL’s East Division, but still 12 points behind the front-running Brandon Wheat Kings.  The Pats’ recent hot streak has many Regina hockey fans hoping they the club is a “buyer” at the trade deadline however that wouldn’t be smart.  They’re in great shape to unload some hot commodities and build this franchise for the years to come.  They can’t afford another gaffe like keeping Jordan Eberle in 2010 when the club wound up missing the playoffs all together.  It set the franchise back years.

The Pats return home Wednesday to host the Lethbridge Hurricanes and the MMG will be in attendance.

Meanwhile has anyone noticed the Vancouver Giants are 6-0 since turfing first-year coach Troy Ward?  Claude Noel seems to have the club headed in the right direction.

8 – LEAFS NATION:  Leafs greats Johnny Bower and Gary Leeman signed autographs for fans prior to Saturday night’s 4-1 win over Detroit in Toronto.  That’s the type of tradition I was hoping would be resurrected here with the Pats but there haven’t been many alumni at games since the home-opener when Regina was trounced 6-1 by Brandon … Meanwhile the one thing I took away from the weekend in the NHL is that Sidney Crosby is the latest to come down with the mumps.  It’s got many in hockey wondering what – or who – these superstars have come into contact with … And having watched the Edmonton Oilers live on Wednesday in Anaheim and then on television on Friday against the Ducks, it’s clear this team is sinking fast.  They’re playing scared and are at least two steps behind the play in all three zones.  Granted they were playing the top team in the NHL but they have a long way to go to even be respectable.

9 – THANK YOU GEORGE!:  I’d like to give a shoutout to George Yannitsos at the 4Seasons Sports Palace who invited the SportsCage crew down for an NFL Watch Party presented by Bud Light on Sunday.  George debuted the new Pulled Pork Panini and distributed tons of NFL swag.  Our crew included Scott Schultz, Carm Carteri, Kelly Remple, Mike Abou-Mechrek and the Muellers.  The place was packed to watch nine NFL games AT ONCE.  Thank you George – you’re the best!

10 – VACATION TIME:  Monday marks the first of three weeks off for the MMG but this blog will continue to be active.  We’ll sneak in quite a few movies like we did on Friday when we endured Horrible Bosses 2 at Southland Cinemas.  I have no hesitation in giving the flick two thumbs down, and it was particularly disappointing because I watched the first one several times!  The only redeeming quality of the sequel was Jennifer Aniston.  Other than that it’s time to rest up for the New Year.


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9 years ago

Lapo would be a dream come true. He really had the offense perking in '08 and '09.

If Corey is just going to interfere with the DC, he might as well do it himself.

I just hope Taman can find a middle linebacker. It won't matter who's in charge without a guy in the middle that wants to maim people and refuses to be blocked.

9 years ago

I too would like to extend a Big Thank You to George at the 4 Seasons Sports Bar for the wonderful Sunday afternoon of NFL action! – free NFL toques and a free pulled pork panini sandwich for each person there. Best place to be on a Sunday afternoon for a football fix.

I enjoyed drinking some cold beer and viewing the multiple NFL games up on the screens with some great football fans, with the Green Bay at Buffalo turning out to be the best match up.

Old Hank

9 years ago


Too bad you wasted money on a crappy movie like Horrible Bosses when you could have seen the outstanding film called "Fury" at the Rainbow. There are some good films out their and lots of garbage, so you have to do due diligence before laying out your time and money for a movie these days.

9 years ago

Stay away Obama. We don't need our Mondays to be even worse with your posts that cause migraines.

9 years ago

In the top 10 NFL stories isn't #2 Michael Sam a non story? Just another guy that failed to make the NFL.

9 years ago

I must say I love what I hear coming from roddy now too about building this franchise correctly and trading away Klimchuk and most likely Burroughs as well…. we are not deep enough to contend with BRN come the 2nd round heck even in a long series against SC we will not get past their studs on the backend along with Bow between the pipes… last time I checked we are 1-3 against them. Its time for these part time Pats fans to understand what it takes to be a contender in this league on a year to year basis… Read more »

9 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

How do you know we can't contend ? The coach said so lol? Really? Is paddock a good coach for saying that? Way to give the players a confidence boost coach? How do we know these draft picks will turn out? We don't

9 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

And you stockpile players and draft picks when you're not doing good not when you're doing good

9 years ago

Don't know what all the Lapolice fuss is about. Hopefully Corey sees through the fan and media hype. Just becauser you can run a telecaster doesn't mean you can be an OC. Let's be better!

9 years ago

A few things: 1) Actually no I won't stay away as similar to you guys I'm going to operate from a sense entitlement and take it as my divine right to express my opinion. 2) I know many of you do not read. That's not a condemnation, but it's a fact. The large majority of you guys on here do not read so you do not really have any imagination or perspective. I'm not going to kick around politics today, but I am once again reading Orwell's great book, "Animal Farm". Many of you guys remind me of the book… Read more »

9 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Uh… In case you didn't know, this is a 'sports' blog you idiot. Take your politic cap somewhere else.

9 years ago

Its funny that even in the NFL Offensive Coordinators can't seem to get it through their heads that plays need to be designed for their players. (ie) Cleveland Brown's Johnny Manziel is turned into a drop back passer with terrible O-line performance and is sacked 3 times. Where was he effective? Rolling out and using the treat of running. IMO he would be successful as a CFL player similar to Flutie if he had the right OC here. He will never make it in the NFL. You read it here first.LaPo would make the Riders successful if he gets some… Read more »

9 years ago

Actually just a few more items: My main concern in the off season will not be who the Coordinators will be. If they go with LaPolice that's fine. Personally I saw him at Mr. Sub on Friday night and I had to do a double take, and confirm it was actually him? I said nothing, and of all the places I could eat I went there as they sponsor Sports Cage. I was at the one across from the N YMCA. Very good service there. Second point, my main concern will be the incoming CEO of the Riders. I'm sure… Read more »

9 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

You have no knowledge of anything and you are so full of…

9 years ago

we want Lapo!

9 years ago

"Cleveland Brown's Johnny Manziel is turned into a drop back passer with terrible O-line performance and is sacked 3 times. Where was he effective? Rolling out and using the treat of running.”

Manziel wasn’t effective at any point yesterday. Johnny football will soon be Johnny ball boy.

9 years ago

Paddock is absolutely correct becasue he's trying to build a 4 line deep team. You flip assets to build depth because that is what you need to go far in the playoffs.

You know a guy has 5 Calder Cups on his resume and worked in Philly who is a perennial contender I would maybe listen to him over the former guy who played Bantam A and talks about his career in the SJHL which nobody in hockey even remembers him playing.

9 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Ok that is fine you have you're opinion I have mine

9 years ago

Hey Obama, if this were Animal Farm you'd be Benjamin solely because you are a cynical, whiny jackass. How's that for allegory?
– Hot Carl

9 years ago

Obama, seriously, I wish there was a way to block you on here. What happened to that poll idea a while back to vote Obama or The Woz out? My vote is Obama to leave and I'm sure the results would be 99.9%in favor of that. Wake up and realize that you are not liked on here.

9 years ago

Go Woz go! Obama can suck the big one!

9 years ago

As Johnny Football just turned 22 years old, the Browns would be wise to develop this future QB slowly and carefully like they do in the NFL. If he was is Canada, he would still be in school.

Too bad George Reed isn't a few years younger as he would have been a great Rider President.

9 years ago

I agree with previous posts; Obama is nothing but a little mamma's boy living in her basement, with no job, and spends every hour of his day on this blog. Woz to stay; Obama to go away!

9 years ago

Obama, you are THE man. I love a reader and a football guru. I am sure you have read E. L. James classic Fifty Shades of Grey. Perhaps you and I should get together Friday night with Hot Carl and talk, or more.
-Hot Sally

9 years ago

A few things:

1) Obama should leave and never come back.

2) Obama can't tell his right hand from his left, which results in him knowing nothing about sports, politics or anything about life.

3) Obama is an idiot wrapped in a moron take out at Mr Sub.

These are the facts.

Y'er welcome
Woz supporter