Saskatchewan Roughriders GM Brendan Taman spoke with reporters at Mosaic Stadium on Thursday and provided an update on where the club is at this point in the off-season:


BT:  The only thing I can confirm regarding the rumours is that George’s contract won’t be renewed and he won’t be back.  The other names that were bantied about, I can’t really comment on that because they’re still part of our organization right now.  Corey’s in his own world of free agency from a coaching point of view where there’s a lot of moving parts on a daily basis.  Some guys have contracts internally and some guys are on the street externally so he’s had a lot of balls in the air.  I know there’s been a lot of speculation but the only one I can confirm is George won’t be back.

We talk at length about staff and players and we felt it was time for a change.  We wanted a different look and approach to things.  George is a really good coach and good guy, he helped us win a Grey Cup and did a lot of good things for us but sometimes you just reach a point where you just want to change things up.


BT:  Corey does.  And he has a lot of freedom on this.  He’s been going at it pretty hard and I stay out of his way and get an update here and there.  He’s busy approaching some things.  Knowing Corey he goes pretty quick at things and he’ll probably have something lined up end of month kind of thing.


BT:  He’s in an evaluation process and Corey’s going through – similar to what we did with George – we want to see what the options are if there is any and different if that’s better or not better than what Richie gives us a defensive coordinator.  Like I said it’s a work in process.  Corey’s been talking with Richie through out and I think we know where everyone stands.

I think there’s a chance (he could be back).  Corey will do everything he can to uncover every stone and see what he can discover.  I think there’s a chance but I’m not gonna out here and say he will.


BT:  Corey’s an interesting guy.  He’s a deep-thinker, as I call him, he does a number of things really well.  I think he did a good job.  I didn’t help him enough in my end of things where we didn’t give him enough bullets in the gun per se.  When you lose games and don’t get to where you want to get to, everybody’s accountable but everything starts and stops with me so I’ll be as responsible as anybody.  I really like our head coach.  He did a good job and we have a good working relationship.


BT:  One of the things we’re going to try to get better at is how we go out and get players.  That’s under me and we’ll go out and try to come with ideas and enhance that a little bit.  What those exact plans are, we don’t know yet but I have some ideas and we’ll see where it goes.

I really like Jeremy and Craig and they work well with me but maybe we can enhance what we do.  But those guys are going anywhere?


BT:  Anytime you don’t have the depth, and you just have to look at Calgary, they’ve just been able to put in people and keep winning games and that’s what we want to get to.  We weren’t able to do that for whatever the reason. We need to build up our depth and there’s different ways of doing that.  Whether you keep extra guys around during the season or get better guys in at certain positions, that’s what we’ll try to do.  I still think we’re a good team but our goal wasn’t met.


BT: The last couple of years with injuries to Sheets or Darian, we just weren’t able to overcome that and that’s something we need to figure why that happens.  The QB position fell down when Darian went down and there’s a number of reasons for that.  We need to fix that better than we have.  In 2013 we couldn’t win games when Sheets went down.  Ultimately you live and die with your quarterback and we weren’t able to overcome that.


BT:  He’s close.  He doesn’t have full range of motion yet.  He probably will in the New Year.  He’s still here.  He’s in everyday and he’s been in with Corey everyday.  He’s making good process and we fully expect him to be ready to go next year.


BT:  We haven’t had those discussions yet.  I’ve had them with Corey but we’d like to get an O.C. in place first and see what he wants to do.


BT:  Ya I think we’ve talked about it.  We have to be smart how we do things but Craig and Jeremy and I do a lot of it ourselves but we sort of run low on resources in terms of time.  We’ll probably strongly look at adding a person to our staff and a birddog or two in the States.  That’ll help Jeremy and Craig do their jobs.  I think they do a good job as it is but we probably need to get more out there and see more people.

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9 years ago

Steady, continuous improvement.
Not like the old days of rudderless, panic moves.

Can't wait for next season to start.

Now I gotta go and put up my green xmas lights.

9 years ago

Different OC is good news but why we're still playing games over the DC is beyond me.
I guess the best news is they've finally admitted their scouting system isn't producing. That's like an addict, you can't fix it until you admit it, so maybe there's hope.

9 years ago

Jeff Garcia as QB coach or OC
Paul Lapolice as def. coordinator also need a special team coordinator.
Sign some of our free agents. Surely we can get moving on some of these fronts

9 years ago

Sounds real good. Look forward to the new team. Riders will be in the Grey Cup next year

9 years ago

Hall is a nice guy with a pleasant personality. However they have to remove personality from the equation. When Hall has big Offensive talent (2013) his defence was ok. When that talent diminished (2014) his defence ended up rated #8 out of #9 teams, with only the RedBlacks being worse. Nor can we forget his foray into Edmonton. Some guy is going to come on here and say that was because the offence couldn't move the ball this year. That's true so the D should have stepped up and won a couple games for the team. How many late drives… Read more »

9 years ago

Dyce has got to go anytime you give up as many returns as we did this year an the previous its obvious he is not the guy for the job.
L a Police would bean obvious choice as the offensive boss

9 years ago

As for Richie the standard reply is "We won with him." Well I'd like to know how Hamilton scored 23 points in GC101 when we had the ball for the whole game. He has to go, clearly he couldn't rally the defense this year.

9 years ago

When our QB went down our defense folded like a cheap tent and we're undecided on the DC? PRICELESS

9 years ago

Thanks George for the service and Grey Cup. That's all that matters.

9 years ago

A smart move would be getting 2 "national" kicker/punters who can do both jobs adequately so that each can back up the other. This would then provide the optimal ratio/salary flexibility in other positions.

9 years ago

wow some of these comments are from people who know nothing about football. Lapo for D coordinator?? really?, he’s an offensive coach. It’s O coordinator or HC position for him. 8th ranked defence, do you know what the stat relates to? It’s yards given up. If your offence doesn’t move the ball your defence is going to be on the field more and giving up yards. There is a direct correlation of bad offence to bad defense (Ottawa is 9/9 in both categories) Plus Chamblin looked like he was calling some defensive plays, does that maybe mean he should get… Read more »

9 years ago

I'm glad Taman finally admitted that the recruitment department was sub par. If someone had phoned in to the Sportscage a month ago and suggested any such thing his ears would still be ringing.

9 years ago

Scouting and depth are the hallmarks of a championship team. Calgary has proven this time and time again. Scouts do not count against the salary cap. We have the financial resources, find the best scouts and pay them well and implement a scouting system that rivals the best in the NFL. Huff has done that in Calgary and they win consistently every year. And now they're the champs to prove it. I really want Jeff Garcia on our staff. His results with guys like Bo Levi and Crompton don't lie, the man is a genius. Him and Doubles would be… Read more »

9 years ago

Durant will be back in October! Lol

9 years ago

kirk Pentan is so worried about get other teams info he missed the fact baron miles was in his own city during grey cup week and interviewed for the DC job. Etchevary will be gone.

9 years ago

I really liked Kelly Rempel wondering why Coach Chamblin is off the hook and wondering what his record is after Labour Day. Well Kelly, his regular season record after Labour Day is 10 wins and 17 losses or 37% in his three years.

Hardcore Hollywood
Hardcore Hollywood
9 years ago

Exactly, bang on. Scouting and depth are the hallmarks of a championship team. Calgary has proven this time and time again. Scouts do not count against the salary cap. We have the financial resources, find the best scouts and pay them well and implement a scouting system that rivals the best in the NFL. Huff has done that in Calgary and they win consistently every year. And now they're the champs to prove it. I really want Jeff Garcia on our staff. His results with guys like Bo Levi and Crompton don't lie, the man is a genius. Him and… Read more »

Rico Suave
Rico Suave
9 years ago

Attn: John
Paul LaPolice as D coordinator????

First off put down whatever drugs you are on and step away from the computer….slowly so you don't hurt yourself. Now go to your room and give yourself a spanking – cmon man, post something that makes sense. Garcia for Offensive Coordinator, YES. You can't put an offensive minded coach to coach the defense. That would be like having a cab driver operate on you!

9 years ago

Benevides as DC, LaPolice as OC, Add more scouts, and decide on a running back and stick with him.

The Woz
9 years ago

Holee people what colour is the sky in your world. I will guarantee three things. Garcia will not be here or anywhere in the cfl….popp has said as much…. Garcia is not interested in a long term gig in canada and if he was i am pretty sure he would stay in montreal…. So you are dreaming. As for lapo he suitor says that he has talked to him and he loves tv and would only leave for a head coaching job….so you are dreaming. Chamblin just like any head coach will bring in guys that he has worked with… Read more »