In his weekly radio appearance on 620 CKRM, Saskatchewan Roughriders GM Brendan Taman fielded questions on the state of his 9-8 team, the losers of five games in a row.


BT:  To sum it up it’s been two weeks in a row where we haven’t been able to finish off a football game.  At halftime against Edmonton we were up and didn’t finish and in Calgary we were up after three quarters and didn’t finish so that’s disappointing. When you lose a fourth quarter 25-0, you’ve got some problems.  It’s frustrating and disappointing and it’s something we have to get fixed because we’re not going to go very far when you play like that.


BT:  From my perspective not really because when you lose a football game, you lose a football game.  The optics and the optimism just because certain guys played well here and there doesn’t change the results for me.  I think we’ve shown signs in certain phases that we’re better but, again, when you can’t string four quarters together in all three facets of the game you’re not going to win and we haven’t for five weeks.


BT:  He sort of mirrored the team.  He did a lot of good things for most of the game but had some throws he’d like to have back.  I think he gave us a good chance to win the game when he was on his game.  But like everybody else when you have a breakdown or two, it cost us.  However to be fair to him he’s still pretty fresh to this whole situation so I can’t be too hard on him.  I thought he did a good job for most of the game.


BT:  It’s something you fight with on a daily or hourly basis.  When Corey Chamblin gets back we’ll sit down and discuss how we’ll approach that final regular season game of the year because, really, we don’t control anything at all in that game.  For us, the last thing we need is to have somebody good get hurt and in a weird way it’s almost going to be like an exhibition game, unfortunately, because of that situation.  Although when you’ve lost five in a row, you have to get some momentum in your mind.

You’re weighing what is smart and what we need to do to get a win, but quite frankly winning that game won’t change anything in terms of who we’ll play in the playoffs.  We have to be smart about it and there’s a lot of tough decisions we’ve gotta make going into that game.  Obviously we want to play good football and we want to win but we have to be smart about it and if a guy needs another week to be fully ready, we’re probably going to have to go that way.

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9 years ago

Interesting comments. How about trying some new plays? What about playing some backups so they get some experience too. The first string isnt working well so why not shake a few things up? How about starting the game on offense with the bomb instead of the usual hand off? Instead of rushing 3 and dropping into a soft zone why not blitz and play some man-to-man bump and run? I know..I know I dont have a bunch of Grey Cup rings like some of the coaches but unless somebody tries something new nothing changes. What is the definition of insanity… Read more »

9 years ago

This has not been a year when we haven't seen all our best players on the field a lot. Granted there needs to be people to step up when called upon, but if we were honest with ourselves it usually takes a couple years to get back to a grey cup contending team. In the spring I recall a comment by a fan who said he was still so happy about the Riders winning the Grey Cup that he didn't really care if we didn't win for about four years. In reality it could take that long for all the… Read more »

9 years ago

So now we're playing for the off season or every four or five years? It didn't take Montreal four years to win back to back GC's against us. As long as nobody has their feet nailed to the flames, then nothing really gets better. Not demanding excellence is a losers mentality. In four or five years DD will likely be done here and we're going to win a GC with two overrated backups like Doege and Sunseri? Ya right! You make hay while th/e sun shines and it isn't about to shine too much longer around here. It seems a… Read more »

9 years ago

OK, someone explain this to me… Better yet let me suggest something! If BC loses this weekend we remain tied with BC for 3rd in the west. So would it not be prudent to win the last game against the EE. While hoping BC loses their last game.
What is SK and BC are tied for points. Who gets 3rd? I believe we are tied for points for and against

9 years ago

Not saying we shouldbe happy with this season just saying don't criticize the coaches and management for lack of production. They brought in all kinds of talent and some are not as productive as they should be and some are hurt. Either they boost their game or they don't win this year and if they don't win this year some will be gone and the process starts again. Of course every year the goal is the grey cup and it's not over yet. Anything can still happen. Just saying we have weaknesses .

9 years ago

Some of the new players brought in are simply not good enough. Lets stop denying it and get in some new talent that fits the bill. We have a GM and AGM who can do their job.

9 years ago

Way to school all the haters today about Peters on the sportscage today Roddy. Couldn't agree more with what you and Luc said. Peters is a beast for someone that's been a starter for one year, played every game and every down on defends and ST. His future is bright in this league.

It must be depressing to live some of the lives of your posters. "we're not happy unless your not happy"

Great show.

9 years ago

Oh yeh, Brian Peters is Rey Williams reincarnated. NOT.

9 years ago

To the last poster comparing Peters to Williams, thanks for proving my point how stupid some of you are. Williams bounced around professional ball in a little league called the NFL for three years. Then he came to Sask. A couple years later he made a name for himself. Peters has been a starter on the D for ONE year.

Just fricken clueless.

9 years ago

Some of you posters seem content with a Grey Cup every generation. I'm not and in an effort to draw your attention to the reality of how inept this edition is, let me ask you how many Riders will make the CFL All Star team? I would suggest the answer is ONE. Tearrius George will be our only all-star.


9 years ago

Tell us what BB, go cheer for Calgary then. They won in 08 last. That's right. We've won two since 07 and been there two more times. Why do you think everyone hates us now, because we've been the best team in the last decade, bar none.

Who gives a rats ass about all star nominations. Remember John cornhole last year and all his trophies. There is only one thing that matters, and it's a month away.

9 years ago

The bottom line is

9 years ago

Two championships in 7 years. Thts pretty short generations…

9 years ago

I am actually getting tired of commenting on here. Two Grey Cups in 7 years, and 4 Grey Cup appearances. I'll take this generation every day of the week, and twice on Sunday.

Y'er Welcome

9 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

If you're so tired Obama GO HIBERNATE! Please!!

9 years ago

Don't worry guys Peters will be replaced – you can cheer for himm all you want but he does not have the skills. you can dream all you want and that includes Luc and RP

JJ Voss
JJ Voss
9 years ago

I can understand why Rod gets frustrated by online posters. Our Canadian ratio advantage took a HUGE hit due to the Rod-Black's draft. Taman/Chamblin managed very well until the unthinkable happened ( DD out for 1/2 the season) With all that said…. we have 3 meaningful games left…. with 4 great leaders…. Taman and Chamblin Hall and Cortez. We could possibly have Kerry Joseph and Darian Durant leading our team through the play offs……… with Dressler, Getzlaf, Bagg, Chick, George, Foley, Maze, Brack etc..etc. If you wanna piss, moan and call for heads….. that's your choice….. I choose to support… Read more »

the flash
the flash
9 years ago

I sure don't miss the days of watching Rider games and turning it off because it's unwatchable. But those days are back. They are not only losing but losing ugly.

Turn out the lights, the party's over. Sad season for all of us — will hopefully end quickly — this is hard to take and it ain't gonna get better any time soon.

The best is yet to come! Go Green!

9 years ago

Obama….. Your getting tired of commenting on here ?? If only you knew how tired "WE" are of you commenting on here . Do us all a favor and get out of town.

9 years ago

Wow. Only the posters on Rods blog would think they have the authority to cut Peters. Delusional much. What colours the sky in your world

9 years ago

Lol….nothing to play for in the final game? I guess Taman doesn't even know the scenario. Unless BC wins this week, third could still be up for grabs. But I guess Taman's plan is to head to the cross over, or he has simply given up. And enough about injuries being an excuse. Calgary, ton of injuries, BC ton of injuries….this team folded like a cheap tent after Durant when down.