WINNIPEG (CP) – The Winnipeg Blue Bombers lost their leading rusher Wednesday after Nic Grigsby sought and received his release over a decision to make him take a backup role for a second straight week.

It’s just one more blow for the slumping Blue Bombers (6-9), who started the season on a winning streak but now find themselves with only a slim chance of making the playoffs.

They have three games left, two against the league-leading Calgary Stampeders (12-2), starting this Friday in Winnipeg. Their remaining home game after that is set for Oct. 25 against the B.C. Lions (8-7), now four points ahead of the Bombers in the CFL West race for a crossover playoff spot.

The Bombers announced Grigsby’s release in a one-sentence statement Wednesday.

“I brought him into the office to explain what his role was going to be this week and he asked to be released,” Bombers coach Mike O’Shea said later.

The team agreed to the release and O’Shea wouldn’t say why a trade wasn’t considered.

Grigsby leads the CFL with nine touchdowns and is fourth overall with 744 rushing yards, but he sat out last week’s 41-9 loss to Edmonton.

Grigsby said his farewells on Twitter: “To all my fans I love all the support and they backed me into a corner! That I had know (sic) other choice! Only they can answer that!”

O’Shea tried to spark his team’s faltering offence last week by giving Paris Cotton the start instead of Grigsby. Cotton had eight carries for 31 yards against the Eskimos, but O’Shea plans to give him another shot against the Stampeders.

“Last week in the first half we were so far behind that we weren’t giving Paris a chance to get a look,” O’Shea said. “He just wasn’t going to get the touches so I needed to see him again.”

The Bombers were down 37-0 at the half.

Cotton refused to answer any questions about Grigsby after Wednesday’s practice, which was held behind closed gates because of police training in the stadium.

Other players wished Grigsby well but slotback Nick Moore said he wouldn’t quit over being asked to take a backup role, even though he wouldn’t like it.

“If he (O’Shea) asked me to back up and I was healthy, I mean I would definitely be frustrated,” said Moore, a high-profile free-agent signing for the Bombers. “That being said, I wouldn’t, you know, ask to be released. I’m not saying anything about Nic, because I wouldn’t do something like that, but I would just accept the role and do what I’ve got to do.”

The Bombers, who are coming off one of their worst seasons ever, haven’t won a game since Aug. 22. They finished with a 3-15 mark last year and cleaned house in the front office and coaching ranks.

Quarterback Drew Willy is still second in the CFL in passing yards at 3,526, although it was uncertain Wednesday whether he’ll be able to start against Calgary because of nagging problems with his throwing hand.

Winnipeg’s offensive line has been blamed for his lack of protection and that certainly isn’t new.

“I think since I’ve been here, everybody’s kind of dumped on the O-line,” said veteran Steve Morley. “It sucks … but all we can do is do what the coaches tell us.”

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9 years ago

Grigsby, a 25-year-old Los Angeles native, later weighed in with more details on Twitter.

"To all my teammates & fans here in the peg I love and wish you guys nothing but the best. I asked for my release!!,” he said in a tweet. – Sportsnet

The ship is really sinking in Winnipeg and the players are starting to jump ship!

9 years ago

the worst o-line in the league i dont blame him

9 years ago

Will Ford for Drew Willy???

9 years ago

The guy has great talent when he gets a hole. With speed to burn.
Hell Darian's salary isnt affecting the Riders this year. Plus George Cortez has gone Rogue on the ground attack. No confiddence what so ever with Tino's ability or arm. Sign Grigsby… Why not have 4 Running backs. Then with 22 offensive plays in the 1st half of each game. 19 of them do not have to be handed offs to Allen. He's great but why not put 3 RB's back there are confuse the defence.
This is all rhetorical so dont bother slaming it

9 years ago

I think it would be best to at least state for SOME readers what rhetorical means. They may get confused.

per wiki "A rhetorical question is a figure of speech in the form of a question that is asked in order to make a point, rather than to elicit an answer."

9 years ago

So from the Bombers press conference, he was told what his role for the week would be and he decided to ask to be released. Unfortunate.

9 years ago

not a smart move on his part. nobody is gonna touch a guy who just quit on his team, and give him any playing time. sometimes silence is the best policy nic.

9 years ago

Anon… "per wiki". You stick to your dictionary and we will talk intelligent football here. Go Riders.

9 years ago

You go back to playing baseball Nic… football is more of a 'team' game and not so easy to blame your teammates, coach & organization when the going gets tough. Wish this clubhouse cancer was gone a month ago, but at least the Blue can finally move on now.

9 years ago

"talk intelligent football"

Oh, the irony!

9 years ago

riders suck