The ship is still afloat, although it’s taken some hits.  With five games left in the 2014 regular season, the Saskatchewan Roughriders are 9-4 and in a second-place tie with the Edmonton Eskimos.  These are some turbulent times.  Here are some Monday notes and some analysis as we navigate through some rough waters in the Rider Nation:

First, a note on the above photo.  It came from the blog mailbag:

“Dear Rod,

This is the HMCS Regina returning to Esquimalt after an 8 month deployment. 

Operation Artemis and Operation Reassurance. 254 days 61,300 nautical miles traveled.

As always, Go Riders

Darren Kreuger
Victoria BC. “


1 – While many have written off this Roughrider season due to the injury to Darian Durant, the team has not.  And of course, they never will until the gun sounds on their final game, whenever that is.  But John Chick is the undisputed leader of this club right now with Durant on the sidelines and he took to social media on Friday evening to provide inspiration.

“It’s not like the sky is falling or we have to start over,” Chick wrote on Facebook, and told reporters as well.  “Sometimes you are going to get punched in the mouth. You just have to come back and get ready for the next one. We’ll just go back to work like usual. It’s a tough loss, but sometimes you need those.”

The last I checked, John’s Facebook post had 2998 “Likes” and drew 187 comments.  The power of social media!  And more importantly, the power of staying positive!!

2 – While Chick is speaking publicly, Darian Durant is not.  It’s been just over three weeks since he tore a tendon in his throwing elbow in the Banjo Bowl and so far we haven’t heard a peep.  I’m sure there’s a reason for that.

So with Durant on the sidelines, it appears the Riders will continue to go with back-ups Tino Sunseri and Seth Doege and hope one of them kickstarts this wallowing offense.  Coach Chamblin noted on the weekend they don’t even know who’s available as far as a veteran quarterbacks go.

However Kerry Joseph is available.  He’s sitting in Louisiana and would accept a call from the Roughriders.  I got a message to Joseph on Sunday about coming to Regina and his response was, “Man if it’s right and the wife and agent are on board, I would have to consider it.  It has been on my mind.  If it comes up I will listen.”

The Riders tell me they won’t be placing any calls to anyone any time soon.  The plan is to go with who they have.  “For now”.

The name of Troy Smith keeps coming up in CFL circles in relation to the Riders.  That one makes absolutely no sense to me.  He’s been benched in Montreal for a reason.

3 – I was on Edmonton radio on Saturday and they said the Riders’ 3rd-and-1 turnover at the end of their first series was the “TSN Turning Point” in Friday’s 24-0 loss at Edmonton.  I can go along with that, although no one is blaming Corey Chamblin for the decision.

For the hockey people, do you think hitting the post early in a 0-0 game affects the rest of the contest?  Of course you do, if you believe in the mental side of the game.

However Chamblin was showing confidence in his unit and he would’ve been criticized if they’d punted.  That’s the definition of “Damned if you do and damned if you don’t.”  He went for it and it didn’t pay off.  I’m sure he’d do it again.  Again, they didn’t execute.

4 – It was shocking to learn the Riders hadn’t been shutout in 28 years prior to Friday.  I mean, they’ve had some really bad or mediocre teams in the 1990’s and 2000’s but I guess they always managed to salvage a field goal or even a rouge.  The blanking certainly is an illustration of where the Riders’ offense is right now and there’s lots of pressure on offensive coordinator George Cortez to make things work with Durant gone.

5 – After last weekend’s Plaza of Honor induction ceremony, many asked why current Rider defensive coordinator Richie Hall isn’t in the Riders’ version of a Hall of Fame.  Heck, Richie once quizzed me why this is the case.  After all he was a perennial All-Star player and has three Grey Cup rings in Saskatchewan.  The truth is, he’s still active and the committee feels if he ever went to work for another team, it would be tough to get him back for induction weekend.  Obviously Richie will be in there, but he’s not retiring any time soon.

6 – The Burris-to-Saskatchewan rumours continue to fly despite the fact the RedBlacks and Roughriders haven’t even discussed it — internally, nor with each other.  The fact is the 1-11 RedBlacks wouldn’t even have that one victory if it wasn’t for Hank and if they were to deal him now, what message would it send to their locker room and to their fanbase?  That they’re giving up?

And for him to come to Regina makes about as much sense as Troy Smith.  For now.

7 – It was a huge weekend for the Regina Pats who picked up a pair of divisional wins in Moose Jaw and Prince Albert.  The players scooped up the puck Friday evening in Moose Jaw and tossed it to coach John Paddock who collected his first WHL win.  Saturday’s game in P.A. was the first time this season rookie phenom Sam Steel was held off the scoresheet but he’s still on pace for a 72-point season.  The Pats are off until Saturday when they host the P.A. Raiders.

Steel is generating enough publicity in town that some are suggesting he start at quarterback for the Riders Friday night against Calgary.

It was odd though, at the Pats’ home-opener, to hear them using the exact same music for intros and goals as they have for the past several years.  I thought there would be a major shakeup in that area with new ownership.

Meanwhile in Edmonton the Oilers are taking an online poll so fans can choose their next goal song.  They’ve been using Pitbull’s “Don’t Stop The Party” but are looking for a change.  So far 2000 people have voted.

8 – Very tough loss for the University of Regina Rams on Saturday as they were 2:00 away from a clutch victory over the rival U of S Huskies in the rain at Mosaic Stadium.  Football folks are still talking about Jared Janotta’s costly drop in the endzone near the end of the game.  It’s been a tough 1-3 start for the Rams and they know it should be better.  It was a tough football weekend around here with the Riders, Rams and Thunder all coming up on the losing end.

9 – Watched the Chicago-Green Bay game on Sunday and the commentators were highly complimentary of Bears coach Marc Trestman and they gave a huge plug to the Canadian Football League as well.  They even showed a photo of Trestman with the Grey Cup.  What great publicity for our league!  Unfortunately the Bears couldn’t maintain their solid start and wound up being thumped by the Green Bay Packers at Soldier Field.

Don’t miss Monday Night Football at the Press Box Sports Bar featuring New England at Kansas City.  Kickoff is at 6:30 which gives you time to listen to the SportsCage, then tune in for the game!  The feature Monday evening is a spectacular rib dinner for $9.99 and you’ll have a chance to win a jersey from one of the teams.

10 – Very much getting into this new series “Gotham” which debuted last Monday.  Batman was always my favourite superhero and this new drama tells the story right from the very beginning.  It looks like it’s going to be one of those shows you’d better set the PVR for if you can’t catch it live.


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9 years ago

#4 Cortez;

He'll have to change his ways, he's been totally predictable and seems to call plays that trap the QB in the pocket. He hasn't called five roll out plays this year. I know the standard answer is 'he's won five Grey Cups' but did it ever occur to anyone that maybe Cup #5 was won by Darian Durant and Kory Sheets in spite of George Cortez? My Grandfather once knew more than he did at the end. Prove me wrong George!

9 years ago

Same old Pats game. They need a change and a new idea in the marketing end.

9 years ago

If the Riders are going to bring in a qb they have to do it now.I would love to see Joseph back but he hasnt played football in almost a year and is seven years removed from his mop and grey cup winning season.Bringing KJ back does make some sense as it wouldnt cost the Riders any players or draft picks, but would take time to get in game shape and learn the system. Bringing in Troy Smith makes no sense at all, has struggled in Montreal and would be no better than what we have now. Burris has said… Read more »

9 years ago

I say roll through sunseri, doege and price. If you have no intention of developing any of those three then they shouldn't be here. A guy like Kerry Joseph may "save the season" but you are still left with the issue of underdeveloped QBs with no game experience. IMHO I like the idea of seeing what price can do…find the hot hand and roll with them.


9 years ago

I don't want to say 'stuck', it's not the right word. But I feel our hand is forced and we'll have to play the hand we're dealt. Let Sunseri go another round. And its been done before, use a QB rotation. Not ideal. But its all we have for now.

9 years ago

Is the combo of JJ Barnagel still available.

9 years ago

Casey Printers is still a free agent.

9 years ago

I agree with Stranger. Keep developing the young guns, it's the only way they are going to learn. If the next game passes and no sign of improvement happens then maybe it's time to give Keith Price a shot. He's been around now for close to a month and should know the playbook. Gotta keep in mind too we had that bad losing streak last year where Cortez talked about not showing all your cards until the games matter. They waited till the playoffs and look what happened. Hope that is the case here too, although it's hard to be… Read more »

9 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

We will most likely be developing them for some other team. This is a here and now league. Win this year.

9 years ago

IMHO we need a QB coach, not a QB. Let Cortez deal with the overall offence and bring in someone to coach the rookies. I know DD is here, but let him focus on healing…that's what is important. Losing the QB coach after last season wouldn't have been such a big deal if DD hadn't been injured. But it sure is now with the 3 rookies…maybe this would help??

Again, just my opinion…



9 years ago

Once again I feel Cortez did not put Sunseri in a position to be successful. Anyone who has watched football knows that if you move the pocket the defense has to make adjustments. Quick short passes helps reduce D-line pressure as does QB draws and dumping the ball to the back occasionally.Cortez Game Plan: First down hand off to Allen. Gain 2 yards.Second down slow developing pass play with intense pressure on Sunseri. Gee I wonder why the offense sucks? Sunseri has skills. Why does Cortez not construct a game plan to take advantage of them??? Don't tell me Cortez… Read more »

9 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Yes. Thank you

9 years ago

Point of the day goes to 'Stranger' … There is definite growing pains but if we don't believe Sunseri can get the job done, then cut him.

I say we keep developing him. All we have to do is make the West Div. playoffs and anything can happen.

Keep our heads up people … now is the time to get behind this team, not crap on them!

9 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Let's see, we developed Kevin Glen for Wpg, Hamilton, Calgary, and BC. Drew Willy for Winnipeg. What team would you like to develop for now? You have to see great potential in a quarterback you are developing and have an opening at first string when the developing is done. Not sure we have that in these two QBs.

9 years ago

Bringing in KJ won't help much in my opinion. The real problem right now is coaching and a lack of execution from the offense. The play calling has to improve. We have to make adjustments and we have to call plays to the strength of our offense. We can't expect Sunseri or Doege to be Durant. The play calling has become predictable and just plain stupid the past few weeks (aside from the second half against Ottawa). Its time for Cortez to go back to the drawing board and mix some short passes and screens in with run plays. Its… Read more »

9 years ago

Rod, about no one blames Chamblin for the decision. I think Mike McCollough said on the post game that it is was stupid not to punt. If a first down was made, they are at their own 40 – big deal. Sounds like he's blaming the coach's decision.

9 years ago

Cortez has forgot more about football then any single person posting on this site.

Let him do his job, support him, and he will continue to develop the young quarterbacks as he has done time and time again for other teams.

Yes there will be tough times, but in the end we will have a better team with more depth because of this.

9 years ago

A few things: 1) George Cortez won 5 Grey Cups. Any O.C who has Doug Flutie, Jeff Garcia, Dave Dickenson, Henry Burris, and Darian Durant frankly that should be the standard. The reality is simply this. If Cortez calls plays that has Sunseri put the ball in the air he'll get picked off because he just can't make the throws, or read the defenses. Cortez is protecting this guy, but end of the day Sunseri doesn't have it. The Riders have a ball control offense, not unlike when Nealon Greene was running it. Don't turn it over, and just manage… Read more »

9 years ago

Stick with the young QBs – remember Hamilton dumped and ineffective QB 20 some years ago and look what AC did in Montreal. Oline needs to step up and D did not perform to capabilities in Edmonton. Obama – give your head a shake – CIS football is not CFL and besides when was the last CIS quarterback a starter in CFL Where were the Pats fans on Friday – did not see one Pats jersey at the game in MJ. In the past the rink would be 25% foreign jerseys. It was nice not to have to listen to… Read more »

9 years ago

Cory made the right call! The play call was the problem. We have a big strong running back that I've seen carry 3 guys for 4 yards yet Cortez won't use him. This was the perfect time for him….a Reed carry would of been automatic & we'd have a first down even a quarter back up over the ball with our line could of pushed for the yd. Cortez just has not done the job he's riding on reputation & that doesn't win many games. Don't panic…yet panic they did by pulling the kid…what a way to show & build… Read more »

9 years ago

Joseph maybe a good idea not to QB but to coach the guy…. Cortez is suppose to be doing this.Big mistake by not having a QB coach the QB look at the results it had last year. Our passing game has not been there all year…do you not think that a veteran QB working with DD & now the kid would be better then what the present system is???

9 years ago

Once again, Obama has spoken the truth. All hail Obama!! Obama knows! You nine to fivers wish you had the intellect Obama has.