The Roughriders and Eskimos held their day-before walk-throughs in Edmonton on Thursday as they prepare for Friday night’s Week 14 clash at Commonwealth Stadium.

Both the Riders’ Corey Chamblin and the Eskimos’ Chris Jones met with the media and answered the standard questions about their rosters heading into the game.  However a hot topic in their sessions was the Eskimos’ radio campaign this week in which they called Rider fans “horrible human beings”.  They both claimed to know nothing of the radio ads, and pretty much shrugged them off.

“I would hope it takes more than a radio ad to motivate the Saskatchewan Roughriders,” Jones said drolly.  “They’re 9-3 and we’re 8-4.  That should be enough.”

Chamblin was asked if he’d heard the ads.

“I have not.  What is it?” Chamblin asked.  He was quickly filled in by the reporters that Rider fans were accused of being irritating, and horrible.

“I don’t know about horrible human beings,” Chamblin smiled.  “But I’m sure we can be irritating because we wanna yell and be loud.  I honestly like it.  Some people find me irritating so, good for our fans.”

Star Rider receiver Weston Dressler met the media as well and he too claimed to know nothing about the much talked-about campaign.

“I don’t know,” Dressler shrugged.  “I like our fans.”

As for the game itself, the Riders signed veteran CFL long-snapper Chad Rempel, a U of S Huskie product, on Thursday morning and announced he’ll play Friday night.  Chamblin said Rempel looked pretty good throwing back snaps during their lengthy practice on Thursday.

Dressler will hold on Rempel’s field goal snaps against the Eskimos and suggested the pair will be snapping in the hallways of their Edmonton hotel Thursday evening.

I mentioned that quote to Dressler’s teammate John Chick Thursday afternoon and he quipped, “I don’t doubt that for a second.”

The Riders kickoff against the Eskimos Friday evening at 8:00 pm on TSN and the CKRM Rider Radio Network.

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9 years ago

Personally, name calling seems a little childish. From a league perspective however, I can't believe they appreciate the Despicable human beings thing. Seems like something you would call a child rapist or racist. And to have their biggest fan base compared to that it big trouble.

9 years ago

Who cares, it's a radio ad made up to have some fun. People get so carried away sometimes. Everyone is offended by the littlest things now-a-days and it's becoming a big problem with society in general. What ever happened to a good ol' fashioned sense of humor?

9 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

In your world it's not possible to insult someone then?

9 years ago

What would The Eskimo fan base and team feel if the shoe were on the other foot????? HORRIBLE is a very 'strong' adjective… and what cause do they have for ''the'' 'name call'? Very little imagination or intelligence. The marketer ?? or whoever /?? should be removed from his/her position… The comment is bordering 'human rights'!!!!

Tyler Welder
9 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

That is probably the silliest thing I've ever heard. Bordering human rights? That comment is more offensive than the Eskimos radio ad. Shame on you

9 years ago

"Human Rights" OMG get over it you whining, crybabies. If growing up was that hard for you that you cry over the first little comment then you need to be sent to stand in the corner to toughen up. What would the Eskimo fans do, well for one they wouldn't be feeling as insecure as some of our Rider fans are.

I am a Rider fan and am insulted by the why me inferiority complex that these people are slagging.

John Waynes drunken sidekick Cletus

9 years ago

Blame your front office, if they wouldn't plaster ads all over other cities billboards none of this would happen.

9 years ago

No creativity. thought…no humour…just plain stupidity. ..Only in deadmonton…the city of memories. ..
The Rock

9 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

i beg to differ, the notion of tasting our delicious tears is hilarious.

9 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Its good fun right? Thank gawd were not all horrible people. I honestly think that whole add campaign was directed at Obama. They know who he is. Rest easy Rider Nation!! Save your voice for cheerin on Canadas team!!

9 years ago

What else is there to talk about before game day anyways?

9 years ago

I dont know guys. I lived in Edmonton for a few years in early 2000s and attended rider games. We never had much success there in those days.. even a couple blowouts and their fans would sure let us dudes in green jerseys know the score. Im pretty sure I left commonwealth a few times muttering worse stuff than that about there fans but on the same lines. Now I didnt broadcast it but I think we should all lighten up. We love our teams. Childish add?? Maybe.. but lets not forget with a big win there be a great… Read more »

9 years ago

Remember the "banjo " incident? It's marketing fun people, relax

9 years ago

It's obvious what happened. The EE promotions department have been reading Rod's blog and read a few of Obama's comments. They thought now this man is a horrible human being and painted the rest of us with the same brush. They shouldn't jump to conclusions like that, we're not all like Obama in fact nobody is, but they sure had him pegged.


9 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous



9 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

It would be great if it was all about you hey Obama??

9 years ago

Heres the thing.. commonwealth was Not built for noise. Its gorgeous but cavernous. Hope they fill that old SOB.. btw hope they dont feel the need to do the PA high pitched "make some noioooise".. kinda insults a true fan who knows when to cheer and when not to. So annoying!! Get loud Tractor Factor!!!


9 years ago

I recall back in the 1960's or 1970's when BC's Herb Capozzi declared that Sask should not have a team because we were too small of a population. If I remember rightly, I was so pissed off I made sure I was at the game to scream f-bombs at the Lions.(sat on the east side then)When I look back what fun that was. LOL

9 years ago

Horrible Human beings……well this Rider fan attended the 1997 final in Edmonton only to experience what could have been a tragedy…..yes the Rider fan was inebriated and to a discusting degree and cheering up our win but I watched an Eskimoe fan push our guy into busy game ending traffic….our guy could have been killed for cheering up our win……I'll always remember the Eskimo fans as being Horrible that day.

9 years ago

I wish the sports media would cover sports. Every game dozens of guys put their careers on the line…yet the dumbass sports media wants to talk about radio ads.

All the things a good journalist could ask Weston Dressler…and he is asked about two shitty radio ads.


9 years ago

I do like the one that says "they proudly celebrate their 4 grey cups! (Pause) in a century! Tasteful humor and the RIDERS started by doing their billboards. All is good for the league in general

9 years ago

Fear not friend anon above.. WD is media savvy and what more do you want to know about as we all know hes been dynamite and lately a game changer.. hes not much for thanking gawd but (roll script) just glad his teammates are making plays. umm yeah we gotta do a better job helping our qb.. oh yeah were proud of our d bailing us out. I love this team we play for eachother and I never care about records and that stuff we just wanna make plays and win.. and then probly make some more plays until tbey… Read more »

9 years ago

The CFL reporters need to up their game! They do need to stop lobbing soft-ball questions and dig into some real stories and opinions from the players, beyond cliches and platitudes.

9 years ago

Anyone who thinks this idea is creative simply isn't playing with a full deck.

9 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

lack of creativity and poor execution are two different things. Probably some kid just out of school who wrote the copy for the ad. Green is the new X. Simple and gets the desired effect.

9 years ago

We'll call it 'Obamagate' The time the Esks accused all Rider fans of being like Obama.

9 years ago

The Rider Nation is bigger than this… Let's just play the game and get out of that redneck (Conservative only) city…(yeah I know, rednecks in Riderville also, but at least the pendulum hasn't been a Cons gov't for the last 50 years straight as it has there). As for the radio DJ's doing there thing, you don't need a university degree to become a DJ. In fact, you don't even need 2 years college (no offence to those choosing not to attend school), but what I am saying is: don't have such high expectations from a bunch of redneck radio… Read more »