By: Luc Mullinder

I’d start this piece off by spending a whole paragraph telling you that the Argos are a wounded duck, and Saskatchewan is about to go Zero Dark Thirty and put ’em out of their misery.  Lesson learned folks.  The last time I thought the Riders would win big over Ricky Ray’s double blue, I was about as upset as one of the those classy women on Maury Povich, who finds out that the 4th guy they’ve brought on the DNA show is “…NOT…the FATHER” of their baby.

No Chad Owens, no Andre Durie, and no one else stepping up offensively last game is obviously frustrating for a football mind like Scott Milanovich.  Even though they have no fans to feel sorry for them at the moment, I’m sure that they’ll come into Mosaic Stadium with something up their sleeve. (8:00 pm tonight, TSN, CKRM)

To be candid, the Riders aren’t in the shape they would like to be in, going into the fourth game of the year.  Will Ford will be the 3rd starting running back in as many games, Dan Clark will be starting at centre, and there are a few guys on the roster that really needed to get their minds right over the bye week.

Regardless of the score the last time these two teams met (48-15), I still think that our side has the better players when you compare them across the board.  The Riders just have to come out and execute.  That may be the most frustrating thing over the course of this young season.  The execution has not been there…

No better time to start, than against a team that has resorted to pulling Maurice Mann off the street after two years, and giving him the start.  #SeeYaHamstrings


Dan Clark

“Touchdown Dan” has done everything that has been asked of him since the day he stepped onto the field here for the Riders.  He sat on the practise roster for more years than he would have liked, and never folded.  He’s been an afterthought in some coach’s minds, and he’s never wavered.  There have been plenty of people that have questioned his size and skill, and he’s adapted.  Against the Argos, Clark will get the chance to anchor our offensive line, which is no small task.  Clark hasn’t played one down at the center spot this year, and did it scarcely during camp in Saskatoon.  Either way, there is a reason why George Cortez is so comfortable with Clark snapping the ball so let’s just leave it at that.  Dan is a physical player, and runs his feet well on contact.

One hurdle that Clark will have to overcome is the fact that he is now accountable for the getting the entire O-line on the same page.  The centre in any offense is responsible for pointing out key pieces of information such as where the middle linebacker is, or where the protection responsibilities are.  Luckily this is a group that Clark has been a part of for awhile now, so some of that stress should be alleviated.  The way in which centres in the CFL see the game come at them is also different from #67’s usual post at TE.  Tim Burke is a Coordinator who likes to keep his defensive lines active, and Clark’s gotta be prepared for different interior stunts and twists.  This year, although they aren’t flashy, the Argos defensive front looks like the strongest unit of their D.

It sounds crazy, but the most important thing that Clark has to do on Saturday, may also sound like the easiest task…snap the ball.  Clark needs the composure to get the ball into #4’s hands cleanly and efficiently.  Our offense requires the QB at the shotgun spot or under centre, at any rate, for a team that has been underperforming as of late, an errant snap on the ground or over the head of Doubles will be an absolute disaster.  I know that his teammates have confidence in Clark, hopefully you will too Ridernation, this kids been busting his tail for you and his family since he buckled his chinstrap for the first time.

Dan Depalma #82

•        Dan Depalma may make an impact sort of the way he has hit the scene here in Regina…quietly.  The West Chester alum sort of snuck into camp in Saskatoon at the last minute and hasn’t been mentioned a lot since.

Now when I say he might have a quiet impact, I don’t mean that he won’t do anything, I mean that the Argos may not notice him until it’s too late!  The coaches are high on Depalma and he looks good out there in practise, but as we know, looking good in practise means nothing *see Eron Riley*.

There’s not a whole lot of film on him as yet, but his game looks to be similar to that of another newcomer, Brett Swain.  He seems to understand the waggle and how it plays into the CFL game, more importantly he runs solid routes and has apparently convinced the brass that he has caught onto the playbook.  There’s no replacing Chris Getzlaf in this offence but the Riders really have to find another guy to catch the rock, until Getty is 100% healthy.

Teams know that Taj Smith is Durant’s security blanket and they are going to start keying on that relationship during big downs.  Finding Rob Bagg opportunities is going to have to become a priority, but the opposition knows that as well.  Swain has come along nicely, but hopefully Depalma can do enough that gives our franchise QB another solid option.

*Keep an eye out for Alex Pierchalski #85.  It’s tough to say where he fits into the game plan against TO, but he will get to fly down during special teams reps and hopefully be given a couple opportunities during offensive possessions.  He got better every day during camp and showed some flashes of ability during the two exhibition games.  He’s another raw talent like Dylan Ainsworth, but has a big upside.


Marc Trestman says it best when it comes to Ricky Ray, “The Guys like Gumby out there!  Am I right??? It doesn’t matter what you do, he always manages to find a way to make it happen!”

Spot on Coach…

Ray is so annoying from a coordinator’s view, because his accuracy rivals Butch Cassidy, and even when you do get the coverage right, he has the uncanny (and vastly underrated) ability to keep possession with his legs.  The guy literally has NOBODY to throw to right now, and yet just because he is Ricky Freakin’ Ray, I have to sit here and honestly say that the Toronto offense still has a chance.

Milanovich has gotta keep Ray clean though.  They went to the double TE look consistently against Ottawa and it worked for them.  They also tried to use a ton of movement in and out of the backfield with Anthony Coombs.  This tests any defensive communication, but on film, that movement signified an effort to pass the ball and not run, so there’s something to key on.

Lets hope that Matt Sewell, the Argos new Left Tackle, is getting forced into action before he’s ready, and we can take advantage of his inexperience with our edge rushers.

Toronto’s other tackle Chris Van Zeyl is having a terrific season thus far.  He’s athletic and very big, but has improved his knee bend and punch, to where he doesn’t over extend and sacrifice his centre of gravity, as he used to early in his career.  I’m excited to see him and John Chic go at it, because John has developed a club down-to-grab/swim that may work well if Van Zeyl can’t reload his punch and get his head back up quick enough.

It’s hard to really say what to expect offensively from this Argo team on Saturday.  It’s like unveiling the newest Lamborghini at a car track, and then realizing nobody knows who’s got the ignition key to start it up.  Maybe that’s what makes the Argos dangerous at this point.

There’s a lot being talked about amongst the faithful fans in Rider Nation.  Many have questioned the way the coaching staff is handling the running back situation.  Fair enough.  I figured I would address the one theory that has been brought forth repeatedly…

Many of you seem to think that the very short leash the running backs are working with will cause the players to think too much about the repercussions of making a mistake, and hamper their ability to make a play.

I ask you to consider this, as a response:

“Do you really want a guy who thinks like that carrying the ball for you in the first place?”

I’m not sure what I think of the way the coaches are handling the running back carousel that seems to have popped up.  What I am sure of, is that the job will NEVER be won by a player that’s worried about what happens if he makes a mistake.  Nor do I want him to win the job.

The term “It is what it is” is the most appropriate phrase for this, and all other situations that come along with the business of pro sports.  In a world where everyone wants a definitive answer to everything, the sooner that you accept that Football is not the realm in which those answers come, the better off we’ll all be.

Right now, it seems to be a ‘one and done’ sort of deal at the RB spot.  If that’s the case, is any one of the running backs going to benefit from thinking of that idea right before the ball snaps?  Nope.  As a matter of fact, it’ll increase the likelihood of a costly mistake.  Just go out and ball.  If you can’t control the coaching scenario, why bother letting it affect you?

Also, it may not seem fair to you that a guy can literally get off the plane, and start for the defending CFL Champions, while others that have been here since training camp, have to wait.  “It is what it is.”

CFL contracts aren’t binding.  Anyone of those guys is welcome to leave at any given time, and there are no hard feelings involved.  There are thousands of guys lined up waiting for a call from a scout from an NFL or CFL squad.  Dan Clark is a perfect guy to use for this situation.  You think he enjoyed seeing Brendon Labatte being signed here as a free agent when he had been waiting in the wings?  Nope … But sometimes, the absolute easiest thing to do in a situation like that is quit.

The business that is Professional Football is not one for the weak minded.  If you want a good idea of what the ups and downs of the game is really like, then look no further than your starting Quarterback.  He’s been passed over, questioned, ridiculed and chastised by media and fans alike.

It’s absolutely true that this team needs to find a running back, and sooner rather than later.  Like I said, I’m not sure how the coaches are going to figure it all out, but I do know this…If there are players hitting the field, on Saturday, worried that a mistake may cost them their jobs, those weren’t the guys you wanted down the stretch anyways.  Pro football is a profession where your job is on the line every second of every minute.  Those who embrace that will be here.
Just another way of thinking, that’s all… It Is What It Is


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10 years ago

i really like this feature – mullinder brings a pro's insight into the games within the game. if fans read it without the green glasses, they'll be sure to see that this game is between two teams that are definitely not at their best, looking for answers in many places. truly, the best TEAM will win, as any individual stars will be working with very inexperienced teammates. should be an interesting tilt! thanks luc!


10 years ago

Is Ryan Smith able to start tonight?

CJ Evans
CJ Evans
10 years ago

Great stuff, Luc! Really appreciate the Pro-Perspective!! 🙂

10 years ago

Garry Etchevary a pro football genius !

10 years ago

Oskee Wee Wee,
Oskee Waa Waa,
EAT'em RAW 2014 !

10 years ago

Saskatchewan Roughriders will look good playing in the first rate facility Liebel Field Regina when their new stadium build is over budget, not built on time ala Hamilton Tiger Cats.

10 years ago

Fantastic article again. Thanks for your insight.

10 years ago

Dan Clark did an awesome job. Swiss army knife of the Oline. Kinda like when Heenan stepped up and seized the job.

Anyway awesome analysis Luc. Look forward to much more.