Voice of the Pats Phil Andrews

I was as surprised as everyone Tuesday morning when news hit that the Regina Pats had relieved Head Coach Malcolm Cameron of his duties. Josh Dixon and Bill McGuigan are also not returning after tendering their resignations earlier this month.

I can tell you I will miss these three guys. They were outstanding people and great to work with. They are all great at their jobs and I have no doubt will find success as they go forward. The busrides and off-days won’t be the same next year but that’s how it goes in this business.

General Manager Chad Lang met with the media Tuesday to talk about why the move was made. He outlined that because of the resignations of Dixon and McGuigan, they decided to start fresh. Yes I know people will think there is something more than that after an East Division pennant winning season but the honest truth is that there is not. It was nothing Malcolm Cameron did wrong.  It was simply a tough situation.

I have the utmost respect for Malcolm and how he handled the situation the way he did. He expressed his disappointment yet remained professional and has not kept a grudge. He knows the way hockey works better than most. He will land on his feet no doubt.

A lot of names have been thrown around in terms of a replacement since Tuesday morning. No question there will be a lot of applicants. The coaches available with WHL experience include Lorne Molleken, Dave Struch and Steve Young. The head coach of the Yorkton Terriers Trent Cassan would warrant an interview. I can’t even speculate who would be the front-runner but with the new owners’ commitment to alumni, I wouldn’t be surprised to see a former Pat behind the bench in some capacity.  All I know is that the club would probably like to get this done sooner rather than later.

On to some other Pats news that’s a little more uplifting. Forward Dryden Hunt is hoping to hear his name called this weekend in the 2014 NHL Entry Draft in Philadelphia. Hunt is coming off a breakout year scoring 21 goals and 40 points and is ranked 144th in North America in Central Scouting’s final list.

Dryden says he is trying not to think about this weekend too much. “Obviously it’s in the back of my head. It’s my summer and I try not to think about hockey too much but it’s the draft and anytime you’re up for the draft and are ranked like that it’s pretty special so I’m definitely thinking about it and I’m excited for the day to come.”

There were a number of NHL teams that followed Dryden around this season, especially in the second half of the year. Hunt says his agent has talked with a few of those teams. “My agent has talked with a couple teams here and there and they said (they are looking at him in rounds) 5 through 7. Anywhere in there I am on their list so I guess we will see. If I do get drafted that’s awesome, if not I will just work harder.”

Hunt has overcome a lot in his young career to get to this point. He missed all but 2 games in 2012-13 with a severe concussion. Then after a slow start last year he turned it on and finished 7th in team scoring and 5th in goals. He says it would be that much more satisfying because of all that.

“Missing a whole year… I think last year if you would have asked if I would be up for the NHL draft I would have thought you were crazy. I had a rough start but came on in the second half which was nice. To score those 20 goals was awesome and to be up for the NHL draft is huge as well… You think of all the players that get drafted every year and just to be apart of all the players on that draft list next weekend would be pretty special. It would mean the world to me and my family so obviously I’m excited, if it happens I will be very thankful and grateful but if it doesn’t I will work harder next year.”

The Nelson B.C. native is the lone Pat ranked ahead of the draft. Other 1st-year eligible players are defensemen Griffin Mumby and Chase Harrison and forward Adam Brooks.

Another feel good story is that forward Morgan Klimchuk has been invited to Canada’s National Junior Summer Development Camp. Klimchuk is in his last year of eligibility for the World Juniors which will be in Toronto and Montreal this year. Morgan is one of 22 forwards invited. I talked to him this week and he is excited. “Whenever you get a chance to represent your country, even if it’s only at a development camp it’s something that’s pretty special.  To get this opportunity, it’s something I’ve really been working towards and I’m very grateful for and I’m looking to make the most of it.”

There is no shortage of big names on the camp roster and some fellow first round NHL draft picks. He says he is starting to prepare already. “Yeah I’ve started.  It’s beneficial I get to attend a development camp in Calgary (Flames) before that on the 4th of July. That will help get things going with skating in the summer and make sure you are at your peak physical condition and you are also getting ready for your NHL camps and junior camps as well so preparation starts now.”

Klimchuk says it would be great to make the team this year. “That would be huge. That would be a very big honour for myself. That would be the ultimate goal for a junior hockey player within the Canadian National Program is to play for the world junior team.  I think everyone sits at home at Christmas and watches that team play and that would be something very special to be a part of.”

Klimchuk has won gold medals with Team Canada at the Ivan Hlinka Memorial Tournament and the World Under 18 Hockey Championship.

Quick Hits

– Why is there all this talk about people not showing up to Rider games? Once the regular season starts it will be a thing of the past.

– I cannot wait to see what happens before the game on Sunday against Hamilton when they honour the Grey Cup team from the year before.

– I can’t believe Peter King is going to be in Regina. Definitely need to shake his hand.

– The Blue Jays have picked up a couple big wins at home over the Yankees over the last two days. June is almost over and they are still in first place. The hope for the playoffs is still alive. Wouldn’t mind seeing AA make a couple moves before the deadline next month to supplement this roster. Here’s hoping they can stay afloat through these recent injuries.

– Found Myself thinking of George Y. at Four Seasons yesterday watching Greece beat Ivory Coast and advancing to the final 16 for the first time ever at the World Cup. Gotta love when an underdog pulls it out, crazy they didn’t score until that final group stage game and still made it through.

– England is done and so now my allegiances lie with the Dutch.

– Will the rain please leave us alone so the Regina Red Sox can get their season in…

That’s it for today, have a great Canada Day long weekend.


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