SHERBROOKE, QC — It was bound to happen, and on Day 10 of training camp, rain finally forced the Alouettes to practice indoors for the first time this June.

Exceptionally, the team had practiced under a blazing sun every day since camp opened but that streak ended on Tuesday, when wet weather invaded the Bishop’s University campus.

Despite the installations however, the players did not remain dry for long, as the team headed for the pool following a one-hour walkthrough in the Bishop’s Gaiters gymnasium.

Rapid fire

A number of players took advantage of the new scenery, sticking around and playing basketball in the gym following the walkthrough and swim… Absent on Monday for medical tests in Montreal, quarterback Troy Smith and centre Luc Brodeur-Jourdain were both back out with their teammates on Tuesday… Although he will be calling the plays on offence, Ryan Dinwiddie will keep his quarterbacks coach title and will be working closely with the Alouettes’ other offensive coaches following Monday’s firing of Rick Worman.

(Courtesy Als PR)