Selling the new tentative agreement to the CFL’s players may be a challenge, Hamilton Tiger-Cats union rep Peter Dyakowski said Sunday.

The players’ association and CFL reached a tentative agreement late Saturday night on a new contract. The move averted a potential players’ strike and, if ratified, would secure the league five years of labour peace.

But the CFLPA needed more than four hours Saturday night to sell the deal to its team reps during a conference call. Once news of the tentative agreement broke, many CFL veterans voiced their displeasure on social media.

“You hire a bunch of clowns and you are probably going to get a circus,” tweeted Calgary Stampeders defensive back Jeff Hecht.

“How it works in the 21st century: Unions are dead,” Calgary running back Jon Cornish, the CFL’s outstanding player last year, said on his official Twitter account.

Dyakowski, an offensive lineman with the Ticats, says some of his teammates are definitely unhappy but he’d expect most to vote in favour of acceptance. However, he admits other team reps will face a tougher task doing so.

“Certainly we had some difficulty here with guys not embracing it, to put it mildly,” Dyakowski said. “I think in higher revenue markets it’s going to be that much harder because they see there’s money to be spent.

“I could see the boys on the prairies being up in arms about this so their reps have their jobs cut out for them in explaining the benefits of this deal.”

The union was expected to launch a work stoppage Sunday, threatening the exhibition game Monday night between the Toronto Argonauts and Winnipeg Blue Bombers. That contest will now go ahead.

If the agreement is ratified, the regular season will start on time June 26.

A date has not been announced for a ratification vote.

The expectation is enough players will vote in favour, but one CFL star requesting anonymity isn’t so sure.

“I wouldn’t be shocked if the guys vote against it,” he said.

Dyakowski, who won the CBC show “Canada’s Smartest Person” in 2012, believes the deal is the best the union could secure without going on strike.

“Is it what we started out going for? No,” he said. “But there is always give and take in negotiations.

“Ultimately, what we feel we have is the best deal we can achieve without doing significant damage on both sides. No one wants a work stoppage.”

However, the anonymous player felt the threat of a strike was the union’s prime bargaining chip.

“We had to miss pre-season games and give the owners a feeling of empty stadiums, refunding tickets, not selling merchandise, food,” he said. “When the regular season approaches, at least they have a taste of it.

“For us, our training camp pay doesn’t change whether we play one, two or no pre-season games.”

Dyakowski doesn’t see it that way.

“The prospect of going on strike, it would be a fun adventure for the first couple of days,” he said. “But at the end of the day it could just as likely be a two, four or five-month ordeal than just a couple of days of trying to send a wake-up call.”

The CFL got the players to agree to a $5-million salary cap with nominal $50,000 annual increases. The union initially requested a $6.24-million cap and dropped to $5.2 million before accepting the league’s offer.

The CFL also got a major concession from the union on the gross revenue formula that would trigger the renegotiation of the cap or entire collective agreement.

The players, who initially wanted the CBA to include revenue sharing, had called for the cap or entire agreement to be renegotiated if league revenues increased by more than $18 million – excluding the Grey Cup – in the third year of the deal. The CFL wanted that figure to be $27 million, which the union ultimately agreed to.

“We have a lot of guys very upset about losing the revenue-sharing issue,” Dyakowski said. “That was near and dear to a lot of guys’ hearts.

“We have five years to work towards it so there’s a lot of time for planning and preparation. But I think we have a workable deal, a viable deal, a deal that’s good for the teams, a deal that’s good for the players and puts money into everyone’s pockets.”

Another key bargaining issue for the CFLPA was having independent neurologists on the field for each game. But that wasn’t included in the deal.

Dyakowski did point to the minimum salary increasing $5,000 to $50,000. And even at $5 million, he said the cap represents a $600,000 increase over 2013.

Players will also receive signing bonuses – $1,500 for rookies and a tiered system for veterans that will average $7,500 each – and see their average salary boosted to $96,000. During negotiations, the CFL maintained the average player stipend was $82,000 while the CFLPA has contended it was just under $72,000.

The tentative deal removes the option year from CFL player contracts, excluding rookies, allowing a veteran to become a free agent sooner and maximize his earning potential.

“It’s a big win for players’ freedom that will help younger players earn fairer value earlier in their careers,” Dyakowski said.

Getting a deal in place is crucial for the CFL, which is entering the first year of a new five-year television agreement with TSN that’s reportedly worth an average of $42 million a year.

But games had to be played for the league – and ultimately its teams – to receive the money. The deal will reportedly net clubs an extra $2.75-million in revenue.

(Canadian Press)

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10 years ago

To borrow a line from Lindy Ruff, this whole thing is a complete joke. First the players couldn't get organized enough to put up a united front at the start of this whole thing. They give Moreale the boot and put in Flory. Now their leadership reaches a deal with the league and now they suddenly don't like it! What a gongshow.

10 years ago

I sure don't want a strike but I knew that without a strike the players lose. And they did. (Cornish is right BTW)

10 years ago

Amazing how some Rider players are desrespecting their fans !!!!

10 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Amazing how some fans are disrespecting their Rider players !!!!

10 years ago

Sounds like Ricky Foley's true character is coming out in this. I'd bet he's the "anonymous" player in the story as he's been quite vocal about the whole thing. Time to put this thing to rest and play football instead of constantly whining.

10 years ago

No players are disrespecting the fans, that is an anon that is trying to tear apart the Rider nation – IDIOT! ———-As for the 'circus', it is my opinion that the players did not do themselves a favour with the leadership of Scott Flory. It all started with ridiculous offers from the CFLPA, and was most evident during the verbal address held by the players in someone's kitchen. Not cool – worse yet, not professional. ———–To the players, please consider that this league remains a small league in terms of revenue and growth; economically, may be on the bottom of… Read more »

10 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Fold the league, end of story.

10 years ago

So … teams in trouble … players fault. So how about a certain cap and zero increases unless revenues go up even more than the $27M they just went up. Oh … we can't have revenue sharing because we will go broke. If revenues go up then …. well you get the picture. Players lost big time and it will show … just watch. (For those of you stuck in the 1920s … happy employees perform better) TSN by itself now pays all players salaries!!!

10 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Straight to the point bang on opinion ! Thanks for the post.

10 years ago

I started out on management's side but the more information I've received the worse management has looked. I'm now wholly on the player's bandwagon. I don't understand where the greed is coming from. Saskatchewan, Edmonton and Winnipeg are community owned. The Stamps are a tax write-off for the Flames. B.C. and Toronto are both owned by Senator Braley who should be content after all they've gave him 3 out of 4 Grey Cups. That leaves Bob Young in Hamilton and Wettenhall in Montreal. I believe Hamilton gets the Grey Cup in 2015 so that should make a difference. Twenty seven… Read more »

10 years ago

The default is the players side. They are closer to the fan than the owners. After 5 years of football there is a significant physical cost. Only one George Reed. All other players at his age will be much slower mentally as well as physically.

It is an interesting idea having the CFLPA purchase the two franchises. Been done before as in Great Westren Brewery. Players could share in any profits or risks. A league shared by fans, players, and private owners would be a truly Canadian idea. Canadians are likely to make it work.

10 years ago

Arrrrgggghhhh! David Braley took two teams on and lost hit shirt, shoes, underwear, etc in the process. We should all give this guy a hell yeah for losing millions to keep this league going. Anyone want to challenge, check out the stands in both stadiums. Riders barely made it, same in Winnipeg and Ham. Yeah players took a cut, but the owners and community lost the farm. Fair balance is all we need. Any player who can better themselves away from football, please do it now. Like anyone, if you are unhappy with your job, pay, pension, conditions, hrs of… Read more »

10 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Any player who can better themselves away from the "CANADIAN FOOTBALL LEAGUE" do it now !

10 years ago

I don't buy the Braley crap for one minute. Yeh, he bought two teams but the league has given him Grey Cup 99, 100 and 102. If he can't show a profit with 3 GCs in 4 years somebody is cooking the books.