The weekend began Friday evening with a good-bye party for our good friend and Rider legend Bob Poley at Regina Beach.  From left: Roger Aldag, Carm Carteri, Kenda Ashton, Bob Poley, Mrs. SportsCage, me, Elaine Poley and Joanne Aldag.

Bob got out the guitar and we spent the night sitting around the fire singing Johnny Cash and Buck Owens tunes and telling stories.  It was the perfect way to spend an evening for country boys like us.  We also discussed the CFL labour issue and not surprisingly these two, along with Carm, are decidedly pro-player.  Unfortunately our evening had a tearful ending.  The Polecat is gone to BC.

Saturday morning we were up for the UFC Experience Tour stop in Regina’s Victoria Park.  I was broadcasting live from the event on 620 CKRM…

Regina was the first of a four city tour for UFC Canada.  Further down in today’s column I’ll explain why they picked Regina #1…

The Old 96’er Scott Schultz was on hand as his daughter was competing in an MMA demonstration on the main stage…

Thousands of people made their way through the five hour event…

Downtown looks fantastic!  Here’s local MMA promoter/instructor A.J. Scales with some of his pupils..

There were two actual UFC fighters on hand including this guy; Elias Theodorou of Toronto.  I’m told he’s undefeated in the cage however the only fighting he was doing on Saturday was fighting off the women.  He’s a model, has a degree in English and is one of the toughest men in the world.  And they say God created us all equal.  Right.

This was the lineup for autographs from Elias…

One my way out of the park I ran into these protesters.  Read their signs!  I said to them, “Are there a lot of sharks around here?”  They didn’t like that.

As you know, I don’t have a lot of use for protesters.  I don’t feel it’s an efficient use of one’s time.

CKRM’s Alexa from the Street Team manning our booth…

After the UFC Experience it was out to Avonlea, Sask to MC the supper for the inaugural Chris Getzlaf & Friends Charity Golf Classic at Long Creek Golf Course.  They dug this old relic out for the event..

The man of the hour, Chris Getzlaf, addresses the sold out crowd in the clubhouse.  Chris is a very special guy.

You can tell he was humbled by the standing ovation he received.  What a great shot..

Among the celebrities: Premier Brad Wall and Rider linebacker Sam Hurl..

Rider WR Jordan Sisco..

Rider linemen Ben Heenan and Dan Clark sign autographs..

Former NHL referee Mick McGeough..

One of the newest Riders: SB Jade Etienne.

The Canuck Truck.  He’ll be in the news again soon…

Rouleau’s Keith Aulie of the Tampa Bay Lightning won the putting competition and therefore will get his name on the belt..

Then it was back into the city to catch UFC 173 at the Four Seasons Sports Palace.  They were one of four sports bars in Canada chosen to host a special viewing party with the two UFC fighters in attendance along with reps from UFC Canada.  As you can see, I watched the event with former Regina Mayor Pat Fiacco..

And Sunday was a day of rest although we did have a birthday celebration for SportsCage co-host and Yorkton Terriers alum Trevor Secundiak (T-Sack).  He was the MC for Friday’s Champions Dinner for the Terriers in Yorkton and posed for a shot with the Royal Bank Cup…

Many readers have sent in a bushel of great Rider Pride shots from around the world.  I can’t get to them in today’s column but hopefully by Friday I will…

–  It’s southern Saskatchewan so you can imagine the number one topic on everyone’s lips this weekend was the CFL labour talks.  As we sit here this morning, there’s still no way to predict whether or not training camps will open next Sunday.  However it’s good news that the two sides will sit down at the bargaining table this Wednesday.  I don’t why they have to wait until then but I’m sure they have their reasons.

–  Roughrider Player Rep Mike McCullough and former Rider Scott Schultz really went at it on Friday’s SportsCage and although I don’t know if there was a winner, Mike certainly opened our eyes to a lot of things.  Basically the players are saying league revenues have skyrocketed thanks to the new TV deal and they want a bigger share than they’re currently being offered.  When you dig into it more than that, it gets quite complicated but that’s the crux of their argument.

– It seems there will be a strike if the league isn’t willing to budge on their stance that they will not tie salaries to league revenue.  Unfortunately the CFLPA’s assertion that they’re comparable to the NFL, NHL, NBA and MLB and want a similar “linkage” strategy is farcical.  They would be better served to use the CBA model of the American Hockey League or Arena Football League, whatever that is.

– The Kansas City Chiefs are in minicamp and an online report this morning says Westeron Dressler was the second-best receiver out of the 11 in camp.  That’s a great start for Dress.

– Alan Ford replied to an email I’d sent asking how he’s recovering from the beating he suffered in south Regina two weeks ago.  He said he’s feeling much better since he’s been able to have solid food and that he’ll see me in the gym this morning.  What a tough bugger!  Can’t want to see Alan.

– This year’s Plaza of Honour inductees will be announced at a news conference this morning at 11:00.  Who will it be?  Who should it be?  Please put your thoughts in the comments section.

– WELL DONE REGINA!!  The UFC Canada people from Toronto were blown away by the way our city hosted the first stop of the UFC Experience Tour on Saturday.  They said the bar has been raised extremely high for the other cities on the tour: London, ON, Lethbridge and Kelowna.  They chose Regina first because their stats show we have more per capita UFC fans than any other city in Canada plus the cities were chosen based on the fact they will host an actual UFC event in the next three to four years.  I asked Mikayla with the UFC why they didn’t bring an actual UFC ring for the tour and she said it takes five hours to set up and is too bulky.  That’s a good enough reason for me.

– It was an egregious error that Pat Fiacco was not recognized during Thursday’s stadium design unveiling.  After all, even Fiacco’s detractors would tell you this whole thing started as his dream and Pat definitely got the ball rolling on this.  He told me Saturday night he made the decision not to run in the last civic election because he knew two years ago that the stadium was going to be a ‘go’.  Pat will be on the SportsCage today to discuss these things.

– The Memorial Cup trophy once again resides in Western Canada as the Edmonton Oil Kings claimed the CHL championship with a convincing 6-3 win over the Guelph Storm in London, Ontario.  It looked like a tremendous crowd at the Budweiser Gardens which was great to see because there were tons of empty seats for Friday evening’s semifinal.  Many NHL scouts felt the Oil Kings weren’t even the best team in the WHL this season yet they’ve emerged as champions based on sheer will.  Way to go!

– The Oil Kings are the first WHL team to win the M.C. since the Spokane Chiefs and Dustin Tokarski in 2008.  Now Tokarski is in the battle of his life in the third round of the Stanley Cup Playoffs as his Montreal Canadiens are down 3-1 in games to the New York Rangers.  Watch the highlights of last night’s Game 4 and see where the goals went on Dustin.  It’s pretty clear where New York coach Alain Vigneault has instructed his players to shoot.

– For what it’s worth, I’m told the Saskatoon Blades were waiting for the entire CHL season to finish before getting serious about their vacant GM and coach positions.  I’m also told they’ve already spoken with Humboldt Broncos boss Dean Brockman about the job.  I don’t know how they could hire a coach before a GM but what do I know?


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10 years ago

Great read and pics Monday morning Rod!

10 years ago

So who goes to these CBA meetings?
Rider rep Mike McCullough said he hasn't been to any of them. The Hallowed Commissioner Cohon hasn't been to one since Forked-tongue Flory took over. So who is going to these meetings and deciding to leave ten minutes later?

10 years ago

You are absolutely correct Pat Fiacco should have been front and center when the stadium was being unveiled. After all people need to know why they are guaranteed a tax increase every single year now until end times, and when you describe the decay in the inner city he should have been in the picture as an aside from his "dream" the battle of Haves vs. Have Nots in Regina started on his watch too. He should also be in the picture so that Mayor Fougere can point and say, "look I have to jack your taxes again to pay… Read more »

10 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa

10 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Nailed It ! 100% agreed.

From the engine that drives In the 306,V8.

10 years ago

Trevor did a great job of co-hosting the Terriers dinner on Friday night. I talked to him for a few minutes and he's really proud of his old team and community. The hall was packed and there were standing ovations all night for the first team from Yorkton to win a national championship. Wonder if Trent Cassan will get any consideration for the Blades' job. He's certainly earned it. Hopefully something constructive comes out of this bargaining session slated for Wednesday and not just another five minute foot stomping pissing match. It's a fact that a lot of the players… Read more »

10 years ago

Give it a rest Obama. Give it a rest!

10 years ago

Pat SHOULD get more credit … whether you like the stadium or not.

CFL should do a 7 month deal … and no free agency open until a new longer deal is done. (Contracts for this year have already been done under old cap anyway)

Fans are against the players because they want the season to start. (Will be more supportive in Jan)

League should provide detailed numbers through an independent party. Should include breakdown of income and expenses. Public should be provided team average numbers only.

10 years ago

Right on Obama, some people don't like the truth .Pederson doesn't like unions, sides with management because he is a Rider mouth piece in more ways than one , and its not a two way street because you and your photo buddies want both sides .

10 years ago

Cates and Schultz would get my vote to get in this year

10 years ago

Obama, do you pay City of Regina taxes?

10 years ago

I disagree as it can and should be a two way street. It is all based on circumstances. Rational people listen to facts, reasons, and then put what they've been told to the test. If it stands up so be it. Irrational people go on blogs and cheer for political parties and elected officials as if they were rock stars and athletes. Politicians were elected to do a job, and cut through the b.s and put what they tell to the test. These guys can say all they want with prepared notes, but stick your head out the window and… Read more »

10 years ago

HAH! Boy Rod must have snuck into that anon's house and pissed on his rug. This aggression will not stand, man! It's hilarious that Obama is taking a shot at Wall for being at a charity golf event. Especially after he refused to help Rod and friends pick up garbage and instead went out golfing at his cushy country club. Truth is a fickle thing aint it!


Little Wally
Little Wally
10 years ago

The Gainer Mobile looks like it was in the new Godzilla movie and got nailed with the monster's turd!

10 years ago

Don't even get me started…..too late. Fiacco…I don't think a stadium was his idea, but I do appreciate the creativity of selling it bundled with urban revitalization. Not needed now, so like most initiatives of his tenure, lots of sizzle to sell but not much steak. The stadium is a terrific addition to the city and would be happening regardless. Thanks Ralph!! CFL v CFLPA – start talking!! Moving this whole negotiation into the media is NOT bargaining in good faith. Having done this once or twice, MC should know better. I'm all for transparency, unlike the last session but… Read more »

10 years ago

Stop whining about the stadium boys. She's done.

Winner winner, chicken dinner!

10 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Ha ! that's hilarious. Never heard that before, Winner winner, chicken dinner! Only in Saskatchewan, Hillbilly Hicks !

10 years ago

@Anon, NO I DO NOT!!!! – Moo-Ha-Ha-Ha I moved out of Regina a long time ago. Nice place to drive in and use what it has, but ain't no way I'm payin' for it. Which makes it even sweeter. Hey I'm a social justice guy so you have to have a fantastic economy to pay for all the goodies we enjoy. Having said that when you see things happening down the block you pay attention because garbage can blow into your yard if people are not careful. I was in Regina in 2000 when the Rocky them song was played… Read more »

10 years ago

Urban Revitalization? Are you serious – go rewatch the clip of him pound a sledge hammer through the wall of the old Plains Hotel for that condo development which was supposed to go up.

10 years ago

I don't have a good feeling now about the CFL getting a deal before camp.

I am guessing Szarka will be inducted? Is that what you were hinting at?

Have a good week Rod!

Russ from Saskatoon

10 years ago

Hey V8 – what would you do if you actually met Obama. How would that look.

10 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

@sk.obama, he/she would probably get a courteous handshake.

From the engine that drives In the 306, V8.

10 years ago

The last time the Blades actually WON a playoff series they beat the Raiders in game 6 in OT when the goalie fell for the "tap the stick on the ice" by a blade, he gives him the puck, game and series over.

Les' call on the radio was "Winner Winner chicken dinner."

First time I'd ever that.

Hillbilly hicks? where do you live?

10 years ago

Regarding the protesters, you're entitled to your opinion Rod on these ones, or protests in general, but why bait them? Don't like them? ignore them. Thank god we live in a country where there is still enough free speech for people who give a crap about things to gather and protest. (I know Memorial Day weekend is an American thing, but tip of the cap to Canadian veterans for fighting to protect this right for all of us.) Reading this blog is not an efficient use of my time, but I do it anyway. I guess you don't have much… Read more »