NEW YORK (AP) – The NBA charged Donald Sterling on Monday with damaging the league and its teams by making racist comments, and set up a hearing for June 3 after which owners can vote to terminate his ownership of the Los Angeles Clippers.

The league also said the banned owner has engaged in other conduct that has impaired its relationship with fans and merchandising partners.

“All of these acts provide grounds for termination under several provisions of the NBA constitution and related agreements,” the league said in a statement.

Sterling was banned for life and fined $2.5 million by Commissioner Adam Silver after the release of a recording in which he made racist remarks. He has until May 27 to respond to the charge, and the right to appear at the hearing and make a presentation in front of the board of governors.

If three-fourths of the owners vote to sustain the charge, Sterling will be forced to sell the team he has owned since 1981.

Sterling told a female friend, V. Stiviano, not to bring blacks to Clipper games during their conversation that was recorded. Sterling specifically mentioned Magic Johnson, then criticized the NBA Hall of Famer again as a poor model during a recent interview with CNN.

“Among other things, Mr. Sterling disparaged African-Americans and ”minorities”; directed a female acquaintance not to associate publicly with African-Americans or to bring African-Americans to Clippers games; and criticized African-Americans for not supporting their communities,” the NBA said.

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10 years ago

Why is 'White trash' the only racial slug that is acceptable anymore?

10 years ago

Sterling did nothing wrong and that'll be proven in court when he sues the NBA back.

Listen to those tapes. At no point does he call anyone a disparaging name. He simply after being baited over and over and over says don't bring people to his games so he doesn't have to ask about it.

Michael Jordan can say he grew up hating white people. Charles Barkley can say it's a "black league", and nothing happens?

Sterling's wife also owns 50% of the teams and you can't sieze property.

The man gave his opinion.

Y'er Welcome

10 years ago

For once I agree with Obama.


10 years ago

You racist bigot Obama, I can't believe you posted that!


10 years ago

When Sterling was doing his meaculpa with Anderson Cooper and it turned into a youaculpa that was on him. However when he went off on Magic Johnson who could disagree with that? Here is a guy like he said, that slept with thousands of women and spread HIV yet this is the guy they show up as a role model? Don Sterling was a two time recipient of the NCAAP man of the year award. Magic Johnson never one it once. Please, this entire thing stinks and this guy is getting hung out to dry. They want black ownership in… Read more »

10 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Sterling opened his big f*cking racist mouth, the world knows. He rightly has to pay the consequence, can't turn back the hands of time, subject closed. He can now lay down, take his place into sad oblivion and die from old age.

From the engine that drives In the 306, V8.

10 years ago

Obama is going with the "make the rich, racist white guy the victim" defense. A bold strategy.

As for people who going with the "double standard" position. White people in this society haven't been condemned and hated and enslaved since the beginning of time. THAT is why "white trash" isn't as bad a slang term as other things.

Turn off Fox News for a couple minutes, turn on some compassion and use your brain.

"Y'er Welcome"

10 years ago

This is a VERY deep seeded topic with long roots! How it all started with slavery is was obviously wrong. One race slamming another, whoever it is is wrong, but has the pendulum swung too far the other way? Not sure. You tell me. Political correctness has gone too far I feel. As far as what Sterling apparently said, there are times you should just keep your mouth shut. No matter how hard it is. Now it looks like it will eventually end up in the courts. Hopefully they get it right.

10 years ago

You are exactly right, GWB.


10 years ago

…so political correctness which I agree with is not the issue. This man stated these opinions not in his office, not at Staples Center, but in the privacy of his own home while she recorded him. She recorded an 80 year old man and sold those recordings. Yet this guy gets vilified? You know what Don Sterling is guilty of? He's guilty of being old and lonely. Have someone even 20 years younger than you question your worldview, and see how agitated you get. Never mind 51 years younger then him. This guy is Jewish, and he's racist?. Jews were… Read more »

10 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Is the're any particular Rider your referring to? Are you referencing race?

10 years ago

…last point. George Steinbrenner and Marg Schott in MLB were waaaaay worse. They got suspensions. Sterling has nothing on record in 31 years of ownership, and they give this guy the death penalty? Mark Cuban has done worse as an owner with his behavior and he stays?


10 years ago

Tommy Lasorta was asked about this and said he wasn't surprised that Sterling said what he did but Tommy didn't like how the woman baited him. He also said he didn't want to wish anyone any bad luck but he hoped that woman is run over by a bus.

10 years ago


Yes political correctness has gone way too far. It's so bad that there is a faction out there that want to change great books like "Tom Sawyer" simply because they say how it was. I guess those folks would rather hide the truth from the next generation rather than deal with it.


10 years ago

I'm just pissed off because there was no MMG today.

10 years ago

obama either, "white cheeks, rosy" or,
"dirty white, admixed"

From the engine that drives In the 306, V8.

10 years ago

Interesting comments so far. Ones that could easily branch off into other areas. But keeping to the original sports topic, ie; Sterling, whether he was right or wrong, baited or not, as an owner with a box car full of $$$$$$, he has to be so much more careful I think, of what he does & says than the average Joe. Guys like him live under a different microscope. I guess that bugs me for some reason because other than the money they're just like us. Or should be. We don't know much about the Red Wings/Tigers owner but you… Read more »

10 years ago

What about the blacks only party then Nets owner jay-z threw? No consequences for that racist at all. Sterling is getting completely unjustly destroyed.

10 years ago

Better check for signs of the apocalypse when I find myself agreeing with Obama. Btw, I think that engine in the 306 is full of sludge.

10 years ago

Better check for signs of the apocalypse when I find myself agreeing with Obama. Btw, I think that engine in the 306 is full of sludge.

10 years ago

I sat on this one for awhile as I didn't want to get into race etc., but whoever brought up that Jay-Z comment is correct. The NBA knows who it's demographic is and they will protect it. These Executives are not stupid. When doling out any type of discipline they look at similar cases and tend to go on the ligher side for first offenses. What the NBA did was win the P.R battle. They gave this guy the death penalty knowing they'll have to reverse themselves, and also knowing it'll take years in court to battle. Time is on… Read more »

10 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Regina, Saskatchewan, isn't that the racist hamlet with the lynch mob mentality that ran a African American Gm, head coach out of town? Comments from the above poster typical, factual or not. Wonder if any of the current African/others Roughriders read this blog? Can now see why the mass exodus out this town this past off season with the prevalent opinioned mindset of most of that province, small minded, simple people.