By: Arash Madani
Sportsnet.caBelieving they have reached an impasse after four months of negotiations with the Canadian Football League, the CFL Players' Association is recommending its membership proceed with a strike vote, Sportsnet has learned.The collective bargaining agreement between the league and players expires May 30, on the eve of training camp. And while both sides are scheduled to meet this Thursday and Friday in Toronto, documents obtained by Sportsnet indicate the union is readying itself for a potential labour stoppage."It is the position of your Negotiating Committee that the position of the CFL in relation to almost all matters and their refusal to have the cap in some way connected to revenue are unreasonable," reads an internal memo written by CFLPA President Scott Flory and distributed to all CFL players last Friday. "As a result, we are recommending that the Players proceed with a strike vote."Flory, who did not immediately respond to Sportsnet's request for comment, has previously stated that the union will not play the 2014 season under terms of the expiring CBA, while both sides negotiate.Sources told Sportsnet that when the two sides broke on May 2, the league, which declined comment for this story, said it would return this week with further input from governors/owners on making progress toward a new economic model.Since talks began in February, the CFLPA has been steadfast in its pursuit of revenue sharing, something that wasn't included in the 2010 deal but has existed between the league and the CFLPA in the past. The league's negotiation committee has not budged from its stance of having a fixed cap.At the centre of the debate is a new television deal, reportedly worth $40 million this coming season. The current deal is worth $15.3 million.Last season's salary cap was $4.4 million and proposals obtained by Sportsnet show the CFL has offered the following when it comes to player compensation:2014 – $4,500,000.00
2015 – $4,600,000.00
2016 – $4,650,000.00
2017 – $4,700,000.00
2018 – $4,750,000.00
2019 – $4,800,000.00
2020 – $4,900,000.00
2021 – $5,000,000.00There are several other points of contention. The CFLPA has proposed a minimum annual player salary of $55,000—with a 10 percent increase annually. The league countered with a $46,000 minimum, which caps at $49,000 in 2021.The union has proposed practice roster players make no less than $1,000 a week (or $18,000 per season). The league has countered with $750/week, but to increase the practice roster size to 12, from seven, and implement "two-way" contracts, making it easier for teams to release players.The union is also pushing for an increase to post-season playoff share, and a hike to the Grey Cup bonus cheque, which the league has refused.One area the two sides have come to terms on is the increase in roster size–from 42 to 44 on game day. The extra two spots would be occupied by a non-import and one designated import. The reserve list would drop from four per game to two.The CFL has proposed an eight-year collective bargaining agreement, double the length of the current deal. The union wants the duration to be "subject to negotiation."A source tied to the league, speaking on the condition of anonymity, believes the tactic of the league and its governors/owners is patience—the thinking being that the union will eventually give in once the risk of losing pay is a legitimate possibility.

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10 years ago

I'll lay out a very simple bargaining strategy for the Owners. Send a memo that states training camp starts in 2 weeks, and the first preseason game is June 14. All players interested in playing CFL football are encouraged to attend training camp as scheduled. The camp will proceed and the games will proceed as scheduled. …there are a lot of Football Players out there, and with contracts not guaranteed take your chances missing one snap at training camp. If you're a young guy looking to stay out of the real world, or a veteran looking to cash a big… Read more »

10 years ago

It looks to me like the league has left them self lots of room for bartering.

As for the players, they will have to move off their position as simply comparing the CFL to some other bigger leagues and adapting their structure will likely not work in a smaller league.

10 years ago

Give them revenue sharing.
if it goes up they get more, if (when) it goes down they get less,
Seems like that would be fair all around.

10 years ago

Here’s the problem with revenue sharing:

– Some teams aren’t profitable

– Teams are responsible for paying for the stadium upgrades going on in the league, not possible if there is revenue sharing

The CFLPA is basically gunning to obtain just about every penny from the $25M increase of the TSN TV agreement. To have facilities for team management/players to work and train in, stadium amenities for fans to enjoy the game from, there is no way the league can afford to implement revenue sharing unless it’s 30% of league revenues (and that’s overly generous)

10 years ago

This scares me. I think it would be a catastrophic mistake to have a work stoppage (Strike) or whatever you want to call it.

People will find other things to do in the summer. This league will be forgetten quickly. It too MLB a lot of years to come back to attendance levels before their strike.

I hope it doesn't happen Rod.

Russ from Saskatoon

10 years ago

You can't receive a 25 million dollar increase and keep it all. Doesn't David Braley have enough dough yet?

10 years ago

Anon #1: Seriously? Really! Are you that ill informed? I mean…Seriously? With your mentality it would be an even less appealing brand of football played by even less qualified athletes.

10 years ago

I'm dead serious. There is no way Henry Burris is going to miss a payday and if he does Kevin Glenn steps in. Those guys will run to training camp if it means grabbing a job. It's not replacement players. Training camp is 2 weeks long so if you are a veteran you make it because knowledge is power. There are a lot of guys that get cut that can play CFL football no problem. If you are a backup you have a golden opportunity to grab a payday. David Braley, Wettenhal, Young – those guys lost millions for years… Read more »

10 years ago

After hosting three Grey Cup festivals in four years Braley should be okay. Young (Hamilton)is going to get his big game shortly. At least three teams are community owned and the Stamps are owned by the Flames so why all the greed? Give the players a part of the 25M increase and let's play football.

10 years ago

…why don't you guys use the same principals when regular working people in Unions are asking for wage increases?

10 years ago

…why don't you guys use the same principals when regular working people in Unions are asking for wage increases?

I think this is a good idea, cost of inflation increase sounds about right. This 10% increase per year they’re looking for on the minimum salaries is a bit much. 2% of 4M is a 80k increase in salary cap!

10 years ago

One work stoppage.
One losing season.
One loss of provincial interest.
One empty new stadium.
Good luck taxpayers of Regina.

10 years ago

Here are the economics of the owners pitiful offer. In dollars and cents the owners are offering 4% in the first year and less in the following years. The majority of the 100,000 increase in salary cap will go to the star players rather than the guys making closer to the league minimum. The owners also believe a player on the practice roster can survive on $18000. Have any of these fatcats seen the rental rates in Vancouver,Calgary,Edmonton or Regina. It is hard to believe they actually want even close to a fair deal.

10 years ago

One work stoppage.
One losing season.
One loss of provincial interest.
One empty new stadium.
Good luck taxpayers of Regina.

Other than the last line I thought you were talking about what’s may happen in Winnipeg/Hamilton/Ottawa.

Regina hasn’t built there’s yet, besides Rider fans survived the 80’s and 1 player strike isn’t going to phase us.

10 years ago

Please, future Pro Wrestlers will sleep in their car if they want it bad enough. If you want it bad enough you stay on the practice roster like Geroy Simon did and you work and you wait.

10 years ago

How are the Riders represented at these negotiations? As an "Owner", I know I have not been asked my opinion or briefed on what's up. Player minimum has to go up and the levels that the CFLPA is suggesting I like, but not the 10% increase annually…maybe more like the 5-7% range. These are the players most likely to be bumping in and out of the game and up and down to the practise roster. There is enough uncertainty for these athletes, at least make a living wage while being associated with the team. The days of having to work… Read more »