Photo courtesy Jeff Armstead

Star Roughrider receiver and CFL great Geroy Simon was the keynote speaker at Saturday Night’s Don Narcisse All-Star Gala at the Delta Hotel.  Don was nice enough to have me there as the Master of Ceremonies.  Geroy delivered a very funny, engaging 30-minute address.  Here are the highlights:

– I never saw myself in Regina, Saskatchewan being a Saskatchewan Roughrider.  I was like, “How in the heck did I ever become a Roughrider?”
– I’m from Johnston, PA which is famous for three things: 1) two movies were filmed there: All The Right Moves and Slapshot, 2) our crime rate and 3) we produce professional athletes.
– Every single one of my friends that I grew up with has been in jail.  That’s pretty sad.  But I made it out.
– In my family alone there are four pro athletes.  There’s nothing else to do in Johnstown besides sports.  We want to get out of there.  Johnstown is a great place to be from.
– That’s Steeler Country and I grew up watching the Steel Curtain and watching them win championships every year.  So I wanted to be a pro athlete but I just didn’t know which sport.  I played football, basketball, baseball and ran track.  I excelled at all of them.  I was the man.  I was Geroy.
– I was 17 when I left home to go to the University of Maryland and I was scared to death.  I played four years there, was a four year starter, I was the man.  I was a young, brash, cocky kid.  I thought the world revolved around me.  I was going to the NFL.  I was projected to be a first round draft pick.  But I didn’t get drafted.
– I signed with the Bengals as a street free agent but that sucked.  It sucked because I signed as a street free agent, and secondly, the Bengals were the worst team in NFL history.  But I really believed I was the best player in the world and would start in six weeks.  Coach Bruce Coslet wanted me to make tackles on special teams.  I told him ‘I’m Geroy! I don’t make tackles!’  So they released me.
– So I went to the Philadelphia Eagles.  And they released me.  I go to my favourite team in the whole world, the Pittsburgh Steelers.  But coach Cowher released me.  I go to the Tampa Bay Buccaneers, with the great Tony Dungy, and they released me twice in two weeks.
– I got released all because of one thing; my attitude.  I had the skill and ability but I just didn’t show it.
– After ’98 I said I’m through with football.  But I loved the game.  In 1999 I had the choice of two teams: the Detroit Lions and the Winnipeg Blue Bombers.  My dumb ass chose the Bombers.
– I had two great years in Winnipeg and got a chance to get back to the NFL.  I signed with the K.C. Chiefs and do you remember Dick Vermeil?  The guy that cries all the time?  He wanted me to cover on special teams and I said, “Don’t you see I’m Geroy?  I need to be a star and be catching touchdowns on Sportscenter!”  So I didn’t do it and they released me.   All because of my attitude.  I had a terrible attitude.
– This time I was done with football and was gonna finish my degree and work for a small company called Under Armor.  My college teammate started that company.  But it was September and I couldn’t get into school and really didn’t want to work for Under Armor.  So I prayed to God because I had a gift and I said if I get one more shot, I’m going to do everything I can to make it last.
– The B.C. Lions called and gave me an opportunity to play for them.  I was (ticked) because I wasn’t in the NFL and the Lions only offered me $500 to be on their practice roster but I said I’d make the best of it.
– I signed on a Wednesday and started on the Friday.  You guys know what happened after that.
– It’s like rolling a snowball down a hill.  It grows and grows so big that it can’t be stopped or controlled.  When I signed in B.C. I said I’m going to put everyone else before me.  I don’t care about personal success.  Well, I do, but that’ll come because I’m Geroy.
– I said I’ll cover punts, return punts, make tackles, whatever.  If you want me to catch touchdowns at Taylor Field with one minute left to win the game, I’ll do that!  I had to slide that one in there.
– We had some crazy games with Saskatchewan.  I would come here and say there’s no way I’d play for the Riders.  The thing I remember the most is old ladies screaming things at me that I’d never heard before in my life.  I’m like, “Are you kidding me? Did she just say that to me?”  You guys kind of hated me.  But guess what?  The feeling was mutual.
– But through the years we had that hate, but it grew into respect between the two teams.  I started to think this could be a place I’d like to play.
– September 29, 2012 I tore my hamstring while blocking.  That was the day that led me to come to the Riders because I was hurt for the first time.  You guys know Wally – when you get hurt he starts to think, “I need to re-evaluate things”.  At my year end meeting I asked him what we’re going to do and he said, “I don’t know”.  That’s when I realized this is a business.
– I wanted to play somewhere where football was king.  All these years and Grey Cups and division championships in Vancouver and the Lions were still #2 behind the Canucks.  The Canucks have never won anything!
– So January 24, 2013 I got to traded to the Saskatchewan Roughriders.  The fans at an autograph signing said, “We hope we can win with you”.  I said, “What?  You got Geroy here!  We are gonna win!”  From that day on my goal was to change the attitude starting with the locker room, to the fans to the whole province.  We have the best players, coaches and the best organization.  We were gonna win!  
– I thought I was gonna be a 1500, 1600 or 1700 yard receiver.  But that wasn’t my role.  My role was to help the young guys.  Well, Kory Sheets isn’t young but … he acts young.  My goal was to help Sheets, and help Darian become an elite quarterback, and help Getzlaf and Taj Smith to take their game to another level.  They were all stars but I wanted to make them immortals.  It’s all mental.
– We hit that bump in the road and I had to assure everyone that we were still the best team in the league.  We got over it, met B.C. in the playoffs, and sent their ass packing.  The funny thing is after we beat B.C. we knew we were going to win the Grey Cup.  It was just a matter of by how much.
– We were beating our heads against the wall trying to figure out how to beat Calgary but we realized all we had to do was play our best football.  And we beat their ass too.
– Hamilton wasn’t going to be a problem.  All we had to do was go back and look at the two regular season games against them.  We beat the hell out of them.  We just had to go in, take care of  business, and hoist that Cup.  That’s what we did.
– People ask why I came here and it’s because I came here to help this franchise get what they deserve; a Grey Cup.
– I’m not sure what the future holds but for me coming here, it was redemption for me.  They said I couldn’t do this, or do that but I scored two TDs in the Grey Cup and got it done.
– I want to thank you guys for welcoming me with open arms because I was a heated rival.  It was only right for me to come in and give you everything I have.
– So thanks for having me!

1 – The hockey season lives on in Saskatchewan!!  It’s been quite some time since a Saskatchewan team has played this long into May (last year’s Saskatoon Blades don’t count) but the Yorkton Terriers have earned a berth into the Royal Bank Cup in Vernon, BC after winning the Western Canada Cup regional tournament in Dauphin on the weekend.  Congratulations to Terriers coach Trent Cassan and GM Don Chesney!  We’ll have to get them on the SportsCage this week.

2 – My rooting interest in the Stanley Cup Playoffs took a severe hit when the Colorado Avalanche lost Game 7 of their first round series with Minnesota.  10 of my 11 players were from the Avalanche.  On the Fan 960 in Calgary last August with Eric Francis and Kelly Kirch, I predicted that Colorado would be the bust out team to watch in the 2013-14 season.  Lo and behold they went from having the #1 overall draft pick to having 52 wins and collecting a division title.  So what happened?  Too young?  Not battle-tested?  Who knows.  But they’ll be back.  However my draft is up in smoke and Curtis Hunt appears to be the favourite to win it.

3 –  Do the Montreal Canadiens have any players besides P.K. Subban?  He’s the only one the cameras follow and he’s the only one I hear on the radio, see on the highlight shows, or see interviewed in between periods.  I get he’s a great hockey player but C’MON!  I’d like to hear from Brendan Gallagher or Carey Price.  Or Swift Current’s Travis Moen.

4 – Interesting to see San Jose Sharks GM Doug Wilson is recommending that coach Todd McLellan be brought back for 2014-15.  Good for Todd.  But recommending to whom?  It should be Wilson’s job to make on the call on that.

5 – Singer Serena Ryder sure is getting a lot of mileage (and $$$$$) out of her hit song What I Wouldn’t Do.  Not only was it the Roughriders’ theme song in 2013 but now we’re hearing it endlessly in TV ads during the playoffs for Scotiabank and Ford.  Ka-ching.  Nicely done for a Canadian singer.

6 – The search for the next GM of the Saskatoon Blades is unbelievably quiet.  The only name I’ve heard connected to the job is Portland Winterhawks Assistant GM Matt Bardsley and frankly I’d be stunned if the American national is hired for the position.  From what I’m told candidates aren’t exactly beating the door down at Credit Union Centre because of the bizarre tales we’re hearing about the ownership/management structure.  Oh well, they’ll hire someone eventually.

7 – The new ownership group of the Regina Pats is holding a news conference this afternoon at 3:00 which can be heard live on 620 CKRM.  The event will be held right at ice level of the Brandt Centre.  Be sure to tune in for that!

8 – Bumped into Pats President Todd Lumbard and co-owner Anthony Marquart at a fundraiser Friday evening and we had a great visit.  However “Lumby” wanted to point something out about that 100 foot goal he let in against the Calgary Wranglers in the 1983 playoffs in Exhibition Stadium.  “It was tipped off Gary Leeman’s stick!” Lumbard huffed.  Todd didn’t seem fond of discussing the goal but it was fantastic to see the hockey fire still burns in him.  I don’t know … I was there and saw it but I was only 10 years old.  Maybe my memory’s a little fuzzy.

9 – You think these guys are connected in the hockey world?  Anthony Marquart was amazed to see Red Deer Rebels owner/GM Brent Sutter walk up to Lumbard from behind and start squeezing his shoulders at last week’s draft.  “Lumby!” Sutter shouted.  It turns out they were teammates on the New York Islanders.  The hockey family is a tremendous one.

10 – Interesting to know it was the Moose Jaw Warriors who put the first motion forward to approve the sale of the Pats to the Queen City Sports & Entertainment Group.  I learned that last week from Warriors Governor Chad Taylor.

11 – The Monday Morning Goalie predicts the Regina Pats will be the next Saskatchewan team to win a WHL championship.  The last was the Swift Current Broncos in 1993.

12 – CKRM football analyst Carm Carteri is predicting at least a one week delay in CFL training camps this week due to the ongoing labour dispute.  That’s what he’s hearing and he reported it on Friday’s SportsCage.  If that’s the case, this year’s training camp in Saskatoon would likely be scrapped.  This is brutal.

13 – Finally got around to listening to the Donald Sterling tape on Saturday morning.  That was painful to listen to, particularly because his girlfriend goaded him into making the comments!  It’s clear he’s a racist old codger but he didn’t want to say what he said.  She drew it out of him for the purposes of putting it on tape and bringing him down.  I only listened to the first few minutes and they were bad enough.  Perhaps it got worse later on in the recording.  When NBA owners had to vote on a lifetime ban for Sterling I wonder how many other old codgers were squirming in their seats because they hold the same prejudiced views?  I also think expropriating a franchise is a very dangerous road to go down.  What a weird story.

14 – Speaking of the NBA, Sunday’s Game 7 between the Raptors and Nets was fascinating to watch but holy smokes were the Raptors announcers tough on the officiating.  How do they get away with that on a national network broadcast?  We get roasted for saying the same types of things.

15 – Two thumbs up from the MMG for the movies Draft Day and Non-Stop, both of which we’ve watched in the past week.  Draft Day isn’t the best sports movie of all time but it’s certainly not the worst and I’m a big Kevin Costner fan (although not as a singer).  I bumped into him in the Toronto airport one time and was astounded at the size of the man.  I’d recommend both movies.


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10 years ago

If the season is going to be delayed 1 week, I would think they could bear down and get the new agreement done on time. Its only going to cost $$$ having things delayed.

10 years ago

Agreed. Delaying the season because of a work stoppage does nobody any favors and everyone will lose. Teams, players, fans, you name it. You can't have the same thing happen like in the last NHL lockout where it was pure ego's getting in the way of something being done. Book a hotel meeting room, gather everyone up, and don't leave until you reach an agreement. Put all the BS and innuendo aside, this needs to get done.


10 years ago

@Rex, Clearly you do not understand labour relations. The goal of the players is to negotiate a better than current state. Let this be a lesson to the Players. When you believe the proposal, "Well we'll have to remove revenue sharing or we'll fold…." The response should be, "that's a Y problem not an M problem. Give the players back the revenue sharing and increase the minimum salary along with practice roster income. The reality is the players will be there when training camp roles around and here is why. When I read that Kory Sheets has to work as… Read more »

10 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

roles? rools. "when training camp rools around"

spelling cop !

10 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

I'll correct this nimrods, " when training camp rolls around"

From the engine that drives In the 306, V8.

10 years ago

Thanks Obama, I understand that. But there has to be some urgency in completing these negotiations because like you said, both parties cannot afford to delay the season and screw this up. Get it done!


10 years ago

The Raptors did get jobbed. End of story! Don't know what TSN was saying, but guys on ABC questioned a lot of plays that went against Toronto's way.

10 years ago

Jack Armstrong was equally livid with the officiating.

10 years ago

….I didn't even sign it and you knew it was me? That's how they caught the UniBomber. Rex, I don't even think philosophy plays a role anymore in this stuff. In my opinion when this agreement was coming due the Players should have been getting organized up to 2 seasons ago. Now they fire Morreale who seemed moderate, and it's a case of trying to operate by the seat of their pants. If they could have rallied the Canadian players to take a hard line then maybe they would have a chance as you can't play this game without them.… Read more »

10 years ago

I heard the audio clip with Donald Sterling. Just idle curiosity, but can someone explain where the racism comes into question?

10 years ago

Moose Jaw Warriors and their retro logo good. Donald Sterling and his private recording bad. Good for everyone to know there is a clear line for behavior.

10 years ago

Donald Sterling told her not to bring them to the games. He did not say they are not welcome to buy a ticket and attend the games. That to me is a big difference. I would also point out I'm not sure I know to many men that would be thrilled with their girlfriends posing in pictures with other guys and floating them up on the internet. They railroaded this guy out of his team plain and simple. Also let Charles Barkley be the moral beakon on this issue too.

(I ain't signing because free speech ain't free speech anymore.)

10 years ago

Hey Rod, regarding point #6, myself and probably most of your readers would be interested to know what's up with the Blades and what these bizarre tales are.
CAn you give us a hint?

10 years ago

Speaking of football, any word on when the new stadium design is going to be released? Rod you mentioned last week that they asked for your input on the broadcast booth, does that mean that the final design is still a ways away? Wouldn't mind seeing some shovels in the ground and getting this thing underway.

Gunderson's Yorkton

10 years ago

I'm not so sure I'd vote Sterling out over opinions expressed in his own house after being coerced by his girlfriend with all intentions of blackmailing him. It's kind of a dangerous precedence and I'd h
ave to ask myself, "Who's next"

10 years ago

Who's Next?

Everyone on here who expresses an opinion contrary to the person they may or may not report to. This is a direct issue to these goofs that say well sign your name.

Yeah right.

10 years ago

Yeah that's right… When a racist is within their own house, then it is nobody's business.

Never mind that Sterling somewhat believed he was an actual 'owner' of the players… No no, let's try to put it another way, he literally believed he was an owner – as in – similar to slave owner. But that his players, under his ownership, were able to live a good life… Lucky them.

What a gross discussion to have. Racism is gross and ignorant; its time has come to be gone similar to the dinosaurs who want to hold onto their twisted beliefs…

10 years ago

Uniform poll being taken over by BlueBomber fans…


10 years ago

He did not believe he owned the players. He said he gives them money for food, houses, cars etc., and asked who else does it. When Adam Silver was asked why the NBA never acted before he said in his press conference there was no proof. He settled law suites brought to him which is not an admission of guilt. Imagine that though, someone levelling an accusation and believing so strongly in it they settled to just go away quietly. This works both ways you know. He told her not to bring "those people" to his team's games. He was… Read more »

10 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

i dont think anyone in their right mind
would sign their name this piece of ignorant drivel. at least you got that right.

10 years ago

80 years old?

The good thing is… racism is dying out… literally!


For all those trying to keep it alive, or worse yet, for those trying to teach their children so that hatred can survive into yet another decade, shame on you!

Let it die!

10 years ago

Best uniforms poll,,, something is not right with this ongoing poll… Wpg is cheating!!! I just checked and within the last 22 minutes, there were over 500 votes placed in the poll. Also during that 22 minutes, the only team that went up up up with the votes, was the Winnipeg Blue Bombers. should simply stop the poll if they are going to allow hacks to get in there and infiltrate with artificial voting. We all know that no one in their right mind would see the Blue Bomber uniform as being the nicest. It's a farce! Go Riders!!!… Read more »