CANADA’S TWO MOST FAMOUS MOUSTACHES:  Two Canadian sports icons – Lanny McDonald and Bob Poley – got together at Wednesday evening’s Regina Cougar Hockey Alumni fundraising dinner at the Travelodge.  The quotes were flying faster than I could write down!  The evening was a huge success because unlike last year’s inaugural dinner – when Tiger Williams spoke – no one went home injured.

STANDING “O”: It was a quick turnaround to get up to Saskatoon for Thursday’s U of S Huskies annual Dog’s Breakfast featuring keynote speakers Geroy Simon and Darian Durant.  The MC was TSN’s Glen Suitor and he knocked it out of the park.  In this photo, the Rider stars watch in amazement as they were celebrated by the soldout crowd.

PRAIRIE MOBILE COMMUNICATIONS: The sponsor of the guest speakers was Prairie Mobile and we all posed for a photo after the event.  Thanks to Prairie Mobile and Saskatoon for having me.  That was a fun speech to give.


1 – THE DOG DAYS ARE OVER:  I think we made it through the worst of it.  It’s less than a month until the Roughriders’ 2014 training camp opens in Saskatoon and with the CFL Draft coming up May 13, there’s plenty to talk about in the CFL right now.  Usually May is the quietest month on the CFL calender but with the Draft being moved back a couple of weeks, we’ve got action now.  However it will be tough to say good-bye to the 2013 season.  In many ways it was the greatest Roughrider season ever.

2 – ALL IN:  That historic 2013 Roughrider season has been captured in a special DVD produced by Rider Media entitled “All In“.  The show runs an hour and 10 minutes and provides a behind-the-scenes look at the season.  It features interviews with coaches, broadcasters and players plus exclusive footage from the season, the Grey Cup game and Grey Cup Festival.  The DVD goes on sale May 23 at a cost of only $14.99.  It will be available for purchase at all Federated Coop locations across the province (gas/convenience and food stores) plus the four Rider Store locations.  You can’t take your eyes off the show but my favourite scene is when John Chick unpacks his bags from an SUV and joins the Riders just in time for the start of training camp in Saskatoon.  It’s awesome!

3 – RIDER PRIDE’S AT AN ALL-TIME HIGH:  I say this a lot but this time I really think it’s true.  The Dog’s Breakfast was a great example of that when the 1800 patrons jumped to their feet to applaud Geroy and Darian.  Many of them told me they were more excited to hear from these two than past speakers Jeff Garcia, Reuben Mayes and Warren Moon!  Last week’s Estevan Bruins Sportsmans Dinner was another example where people seemed more excited to hear from the Riders’ Corey Chamblin and Chris Getzlaf than Hockey Hall of Famer Ray Bourque.  In fact an article in the Estevan Lifestyles publication this week extensively quoted the Roughriders but made no mention of Ray Bourque at all!  Perhaps, maybe, we take the Roughriders for granted in Regina sometimes but across the province the love for this franchise is unbridled.

4 – DURANT OPENS UP:  The Dog’s Breakfast was the first chance I’d had to chat with Darian Durant since the Grey Cup.  I asked the Roughrider quarterback how he feels about the departure of Kory Sheets and Weston Dressler to the NFL this off-season.

“I’d be lying if I said it didn’t concern me,” Durant admitted.  “You know the thing is our scouting staff does such a good job of bringing guys in and making sure they’re talented.  Two years ago nobody knew who Kory Sheets was and now he’s an Oakland Raider.  I think they’ll bring guys in who are ready to play.  It’s my job, along with the coaches and vets, to make these guys’ transition to the game as easy as possible.  It’s going to be a little bit of a challenge but at the end of the day I take pride in those types of things and I think we’ll be fine.”

5 – WHO LET THE DOGS OUT?:  There are a few hot button topics in this province that always get people wound-up.  They are politics, religion, race, and 50/50 money from the Rider games.  On Thursday the Roughriders presented the U of S Huskies with a cheque for $52,000 from proceeds of their 50/50 sales at home games.  That immediately had U of R Rams defenders crying foul because they’re the ones who do all the work selling tickets.  What’s the answer?  All I know is the Roughriders get none of it and it all goes to amateur football.

6 – INTERESTING QUOTE:  CFL VP of Officiating Glen Johnson gave a presentation to the media at Mosaic Stadium on Thursday regarding rule changes and guidelines for the 2014 season.  There’s a story posted below on what they all are but Johnson made an interesting point that there’s no chance for CFL referees to practice during the season.  At least, not at game speed.  “When you stop and think about it, there really isn’t,” Johnson said during his thorough address.  It’s certainly something most of us have never thought about but he says they’re working to change that this season.

7 – BUCHKO BACK IN THE RADIO BIZ:  Garth Buchko was dumped as President of the Winnipeg Blue Bombers in August along with GM Joe Mack.  However we’ve learned Buchko has landed on his feet by taking an executive position with a Kamloops radio station.  Garth ran Winnipeg’s 680 CJOB for many years, making it one of the top radio stations in the country.  I know many who’ve worked for the man in radio and not one can say a bad thing about him.  Hopefully this is a successful venture for him.

8 – STADIUM UPDATES:  Anybody who regularly visits Evraz Place in Regina will certainly notice tangible evidence of preparations for the new stadium.  Elphinstone Street is blocked off seemingly forever while crews get in and out.  For photos of the construction and updates, follow the new account @YQRstadium on Twitter.  I even got a call on Thursday for input on the broadcast booths for the new facility.  That was rewarding.

9 – RAPID FIRE QUOTES OF THE WEEK:  Hockey Hall of Famer Lanny McDonald (Class of 1992) had the crowd in stitches at the Cougar Mens Hockey Alumni Dinner Wednesday night.  The Hanna, AB product clearly isn’t a Rider fan but he had a gem.  “I’m wearing green and drinking Pilsner beer!” McDonald smiled.  “Congratulations to the Roughriders for winning the Grey Cup.  You finally learned how to count.”  Lanny also poked fun at long time friend Bob Poley by saying he sports a “starter moustache”.

10 – SPEAKING OF HALL OF FAMES:  The 2015 induction class for the Canadian Football Hall of Fame will be announced during Grey Cup Week in Vancouver in November.  I’m told there will be a distinct Roughrider flavour this time around.  It’s going to be very exciting!

11 – KUDOS FROM THE COMMISH: The sale of the Regina Pats to Queen City Sports & Entertainment Group was unanimously approved by the WHL’s Board of Governors on Wednesday.  WHL Commissioner Ron Robison (the pride of Indian Head, SK) spoke about the new Pats owners on Thursday’s SportsCage.

“First of all we’re very appreciative of what the Parker family did for running the team for almost 20 years.  It was not in the best condition when they took over but they did an exceptional job,” Robison said.  “But we’re delighted with the new ownership group.  We couldn’t be more pleased to have the type of stature and influence in the community from a group of very successful local businessmen to step up and take on ownership of the Regina Pats led by Anthony Marquart and Todd Lumbard.  We’re really excited to get going and see what this group can do because we think it’s an ideal ownership group.

“Both Anthony and Todd did an excellent presentation to the Board of Governors and really represented the group exceptionally well.  They also took part in Thursday’s draft, sitting right at the table and were very hands-on.  We’re delighted that a group of this calibre is taking over ownership in Regina and I think there’s great days ahead for Pats fans.”

12 – WHO LET THE DOGS OUT II?:  It’s one of the biggest games in Yorkton Terriers history.  The Terriers face host Dauphin Saturday night in the championship of the Western Canada Cup.  A trip to the Royal Bank Cup is on the line.


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10 years ago

Thanks for all the tidbits. I can't wait until the Rider's video is out. Kudos also to the Co-op for always promoting the Riders, whether it is merchandise, potato chips, or now selling the video. Keep up the good work, Rod. Unfortunately, I can't listen to the Sportscage, so must glean my information from your blog instead. Go Riders!


10 years ago

Got me excited for football season. I'll be checking that video out as well. Has anyone heard anything about the TSN one? I believe it was called Journey to the Grey Cup?

10 years ago

A couple three things: 1) A crowd in Saskatoon would get excited if you shut the lights off in the room and turned on a glow stick to wave around. Mind you they can take comfort in the fact they have a way better city than Regina and about six thousand more things to do than sit on steel scaffolding to watch Football games. 2) The Huskies have the right to claim as much of the 50/50 money as they want. That school pumps out the professionals for this Province, where the U of R is good for filling the… Read more »

10 years ago

Obama: "I prefer to focus on the future".

Riiiiiiight. You're the one on this blog who lives in the past more than anybody. 80's Regina Pats, Slap Shot quotes, Grant Devine analysis, Glencairn 7-11, how Roy Romanow is third only to Jesus and Tommy, you get the picture.

10 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

you forgot stats sports bar and cheap chicken wing nite.

10 years ago

"A couple three things" was actually four negative points of an angry man's nonsense rant.

10 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Second your post.
That sad sad angry little man and his daily opinions (starting off Friday with a negative rant, who sh*t In his cornflakes?) are tired and old. He needs to take a long break or vacation far away from the Internet and blogging so people don't have to read about his lonely anonymous life through his keyboard, In addition to his caricature signature sign-off. What a life, sad man, just sad, no one to talk to, one would suppose, communicating through his humongous 1980 apple computer, really sad, just so sad, sad sad sad.

10 years ago

Glad to hear the Dog's Breakfast was a big success. From what I understand, the Rams get half of the proceeds of the 50/50 and the Riders donate the rest to the other minor football organizations (Huskies, Thunder, Hilltops). I don't think that's a bad thing at all. Saskatoon helps support the Riders tremendously and there is no reason the Riders shouldn't return the favor. I laugh whenever someone says that Saskatoon would be perfect for a CFL franchise because of how big football is. What they don't understand is that Saskatoon football fans are loyal to the Riders and… Read more »

10 years ago

One idea for the show


less remple

SF made a lot of head-scratching comments again yesterday.

10 years ago

Less Huntsy, Less Remple and why not get an Alan Caldwell or a Gregg Drinnan type (not Drinnan cause we all know of the fued) but someone who actually is relevant in the league, has ties to the league and all things WHL. Moleken would possbibly a good start.

10 years ago

Define how is a WHL personality? What ties to the league does he have, he's a former PR guy from the late 80's and simply reads blogs and newspapers articles.

Again, why not get a Drinnan type or Alan Caldwell, Mooner or hold a round table once a week with some PBP guys (that afiliate with Harvard) and some beat writers from every SK/MB WHL city?

Be open to feedback and ideas Roddy, I'm a fan just providing some ideas to enhance the show. Remple isn't all that great and many agree.

10 years ago

Who's his friend Derkatch?

10 years ago

So what about the PBB/Writer round-table idea?

What does the unemployment thing have to do with Drinnan you have to admit he has a great WHL blog and source of information? Remple doesn't work with any WHL team so what is his credibility a friendship with a scout or coach….then you should have 25 guys on every week.

10 years ago

Love the round-table idea Rod why do you get so defensive of people posting ideas.

Most of us don't like Remple and Curtis why get your back up over it rather than thank people for ideas. Man, sometimes you are very unappreciative to feed-back and fans of your show.

Drop the small man syndrome stuff you're better than that.


10 years ago

Thanks for the pics Rod, always good to see the best mustache in hockey in these parts.

10 years ago

Remple is well-informed, and Hunt has certainly been around the hockey world – I enjoy his insights and analysis even though I wasn't terribly supportive of him during his coaching career.

Also was that really Obama upthread? The tone wasn't quite right, it read a bit angry and aggressive. Obama is normally a bit of a "finesse" flame warrior.

10 years ago

Look, there isn't a dead spot on the roster for the Sports Cage. I particularly enjoy Scruffy, Curtis Hunt, and the Dumba boys. Jared is really good on there with the hockey analysis, and Kelly Remple when he's raging is a good contributor. Football Friday with Scott Schultz is outstanding and it caps the week off perfectly. I do think when you have Scruffy pitted against Kelly there is just a dynamic there which makes a guy not want to turn the dial. Those guys both like professional wrestling. In wrestling terms I don't know if it's a work or… Read more »

10 years ago

Remple's angry, mad-at-the-world rants do get annoying. Especially when he went after Rod's potential future employers, the Flames senior management. It's a good thing that Rod is a very forgiving person cause if that was me I'd be peeved.

Maybe the new press box at the new stadium will be named the Bob Hughes/Rod Pedersen broadcast booth? It should be anyway.

10 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

why in the hell would the new stadium press box be named Bob Hughes/Rod Pedersen broadcast booth, what a stupid statement. Whoever buys the stadium naming rights will have full autonomy/monopoly based on lease agreements, and rightly so.

10 years ago

I'll put in a good word here for Kelly ,personally I like his insight.IMO, Kelly is a guy that goes to a lot of games and forms an opinion just like any of the other guys that you are asking to be brought on. So really is there a difference of who an opinion comes from,they have to form it by watching the WHL in action and I think Kelly does a good job as any.

Jason Halyk
Jason Halyk
10 years ago

Rod, thanks once again for your contribuition to this year's Dogs' Breakfast XIV. Your commentary on behalf of Prairie Mobile Communications was a great added touch to the program. The 1800 plus in attendance walked away very impressed with you and the feedback has been extreemly positive on the event. It was a great morning and we look forward to having you back next year. See you at training camp!

Jason Halyk
Chairman – Dogs' Breakfast XIV