REGINA, SK – A new ownership group called Queen City Sports & Entertainment Group announced today that they've reached an agreement with Pats owners Russ and Diane Parker to purchase the Regina Pats hockey franchise.


All based in Regina, the new ownership group is comprised of Anthony Marquart and Todd Lumbard (101255951 Saskatchewan Ltd.), Jason Drummond (DGC Entertainment Inc.), and Shaun and Gavin Semple (Brandt Entertainment Inc.).


Speaking on behalf of Queen City Sports, Anthony Marquart stated "Our group is very excited and optimistic about the future of the Pats organization. New ownership certainly brings with it new investment, new energy and new ideas on how to build on past successes. We are committed to building a competitive, winning franchise that delivers a great experience for everyone involved, especially our Pats fans. We will be working at creating the best possible game experience for them."

Marquart also said that in the coming weeks they will be sitting down with all Pats management, coaches, and employees to discuss their needs, their ideas, their goals, and their career aspirations. Once they've done that, they'll be rolling out a business plan that will chart a course for a successful future for all of the Pats stakeholders – especially the fans.


"The future looks very bright for the Regina Pats" says Marquart, "And we look forward to sharing more details with you as they become available." The sale of the Pats is contingent on approval from the WHL Board of Governers who will convene on April 30th to make their ruling.

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10 years ago

Shaun and Gavin could have bought the team outright with their pocket change. They're good folks though and I'm sure they'll work with the rest of the owners to do what's right to make the team successful.


10 years ago

@ Rex, Yes they could, but here is another nugget. Without any prior knowledge of how this will work I am sure of one thing. Shaun Semple will make sure there is a Center Ice Clock in the Center of the Brandt Center…. These guys are legitimate business people who run organizations based on results, and have to compete against stringent competition. The "systemic" issue which plagued this team for two decades is now packing up a Uhaul. These guys will put the right system in place, and this team will now run like a professional franchise. These guys are… Read more »

10 years ago

Man the world must be turning upside down. First Obama is praising capitalist businessmen who vote for the SaskParty. Next thing you know he'll be cursing down Cam Broten because he's a Blades fan from Saskatoon. And then refer to Sports on Tap as a rat-infested dump. What next!

10 years ago

Who's bringing up who votes for whom? I want to be clear on something. I have no issue with Business. If you look at these businesses how many people make a good living working at Brandt Industries? How much does Brandt put back into the community? They are a billion dollar private organization that pays taxes unlike Brad Wall's buddies at Cameco. Look at the funeral business (plural) that Todd Lumbard runs. That is an extremely complex business that not only provides a service, if anything it provides people a comfort level. He can't operate like a beligerant a-hole in… Read more »

10 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Hmmm, obama, this a**clown a prime example of online disinhibition effect known as a (flamer).

Don't bother me, I'm working you a**clown, l8tr.

From the engine that drives In the 306, V8.

10 years ago

Y'er welcome.
Oskee wee wee.

10 years ago

"Center Ice Clock in the Center of the Brandt Center". Where it will show replays of the centre man passing the puck through the centre ice area.

Now I gotta run to the store; used up all my "centre".

10 years ago


That's what has me SO worried about my blades. I can totally see exactly the issues that plagued the Pats are now coming to the surface in Saskatoon.

Having an owner party with the players is a really bad message to send out.

10 years ago

The second I heard the Blades were being sold to a Car Dealer I grimaced.

By far and away that is the scummiest type of business with the brightest shine of them all.

Most of them operate as pure dysfunction.

10 years ago

Peter Pocklington was a car dealer before he bought the Oilers. Depending on your point of view, that either turned out really good (5 Stanley Cups) or really bad (trading Gretzky and almost moving the team).

10 years ago

Well I believe Jimmy Pattison from the Luseland SK area is one of the richest Billionaires in Canada and was also a car salesman at one point in life.

10 years ago

Depends how you defined success. Al Capone was successful.