There’s a report the Parker family is close to announcing the sale of the Regina Pats Hockey Club. As the story goes, the ownership group includes local businessmen Anthony Marquart and Todd Lumbard.

Marquart’s name first surfaced on this blog in August ( with regards to the purchase of the Pats.  Anthony is a Calgary product who now makes his home in Regina and is the President of Royalty Developments.  Lumbard is a successful Regina businessman, originally from Brandon, who played three seasons in goal for the Brandon Wheat Kings and Regina Pats in the 1980s.  It’s believed Lumbard could be named President of the hockey club once the sale is finalized.

While no news conference has been called by the team, speculation is there will indeed be a news conference Wednesday at 1:30 pm at the Brandt Centre. However sources tell me the new ownership group will not be unveiled at that time. That announcement is expected in May.


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10 years ago

Rod, I just wanted to say sorry. Your suggestion of Anthony marquart came out a long time ago. I stand corrected you have the scoop. Keep up the good work. Al.

10 years ago

No real surprise. The Parker's deserve every penny they get. It's a shame they never produced the winner that this city deserved, but it wasn't for a lack of trying. Lumbard is a sharp guy by all accounts. It will be interesting to see what happens to the hockey and office staff. While the rest of us speculate, their livelihood is in flux. Tough situation.

10 years ago

Never heard of Marquart….is this good for the Pats?

10 years ago

Is this good for the Pats?

10 years ago

////// GO WARRIORS GO //////

10 years ago

Of course its good for the Pats that's the worst question of the year so far…. I had heard from a close source (not saying to who out of respect to that person in the Pats organization) is that there was a trade worked out involving both Stephenson & Stevenson to go to Portland in the final hour but Russ Parker wouldn't allow it cause he wants some playoff revenue as most didn't predict that we would be missing our starting goalie & our top goal scorer come playoff time. Just saying this team has dropped the ball so many… Read more »

10 years ago

I wonder what excuse the are chair owners will come up with for avoiding Pats games now

10 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

What did u just say!? Duh!

10 years ago

To Anon…..the are chair owners were never the issue…if you can't put a consistant effort in to win people won't care and the parkers never made the effort to win…..just being a part of the league seemed to do. When they have had opportunitites to committ to winning in the past they moved in exact opposite directions. The Conacher experiment proved that…he wanted a winner…management wanted a midget aged team and didn't care about wins and loses..only about trying to get someone….anyone drafted so they would get the developement fee for that player. Far past time for this change if… Read more »

10 years ago

the "other station" claimed to break the story but had the owners name wrong … good reporting!

10 years ago

Timing is everything so today is not the day.

Please note eventually for a disgruntled fanbase cathartic excercise I am going to provide a truth telling historical analysis that will allow us all to move on.

Y'er Welcome

10 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

As if anyone cares.

10 years ago

Q: Is the LP in cahoots with your competition? When you break a scoop, you are never given credit for it (Dressler, Durant at mini-camp), but when they come up with a nugget like the Pats sale, they give them credit. It seems to me their journalistic morals could be put into question. Am I just dreaming this or is it fact?


10 years ago

Obama, deal was done last week, you have no further insight worthwhile.

10 years ago

Chad, the LP is print media. Doesn't matter how many 'scoops' they have, the end is near.

10 years ago

The thought that people stayed away because of ownership is ludicrous at beast. Selling advertising, billboards etc is insignificant. The size of our arena has nothing to do with filling the "Dome". Bogo deals on hotdogs blah blah.. Forget the marketing..meh.. The Parkers never won and that's the bottom line. They had nearly 20 years to produce a champion and never did. It was all about patchwork teams, questionable trades, sub par drafting and a whole lot of cronyism and ingrained incompetence. The big question will be if these guys are in it to win it, or if they are… Read more »

10 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Your comments are so true. It even happened here back in the late 70s and early 80s when the Pinder family owned the Pats. They hired the right people (Bob Strumm) and enjoyed all that success from Saskatoon. Exactly the way an owner should do it.

10 years ago

Another 3+ years or more of losing as new prospective ownership restructures and finds themselves moving forward.

10 years ago

/////// GO PATS GO ///////

10 years ago

Another business first, efficiency driven, kaizan culture at the top. Kinda works every one in 20 years. Enjoy the futility.

10 years ago

Multiple owners rarely works well. It hasn't in the past and likely won't going forward. Too many people with too many egos. Who does the GM take direction from? Who owns the majority of the shares and as such has the final say. It's almost as if Parker is putting people in play like he bought from. Perhaps trying to ensure they can't do better than he did.

10 years ago

Brent Parker leaked the sale info to CJME? That's a WOW.
