Roughriders GM Brendan Taman reported on Monday that contract extension talks with quarterback Darian Durant are coming along nicely but they’re nowhere near complete.

The word in the CFL is that when the new deal is reached, the nine-year veteran quarterback will be the highest-paid player in the CFL in the $500,000 per season range.  Durant has switched agents through this process and is now represented by Vancouver-based Dan Vertlieb.  SportsCage CFL Insider Arash Madani of Rogers Sportsnet doesn’t disagree with the notion that Durant should get top dollar, but at what price?

“He’s likely going to be right in and around there,” Madani said on Tuesday.  “However I think it would be great if Darian Durant wasn’t, from a cap standpoint.  I haven’t seen the Henry Burris contract but if the reports are accurate that he’s in the $425,000-$450,000 range, you hope Darian Durant isn’t getting those kind of dollars because you’re trying to work and win within a cap system.”

Madani figures throwing huge dollars at Durant could throw the Riders’ salary structure out of whack.

“Around $400,000 has to be the going rate for a quarterback, especially when you’ve just led your team to a Grey Cup, especially when Burris is making that kind of money and especially when Travis Lulay is making what he makes,” Madani continued.  “That’s market value.  What you want is for Durant to be paid among the top quarterbacks but from a cap standpoint, you hope he isn’t the highest-paid quarterback in the league.”

That’s not to say Durant doesn’t deserve to be the top dog however.

“Durant’s worth it.  Durant’s absolutely worth it,” Arash said.  “The top two guys right now, with Calvillo out of the mix, are Durant and Lulay.  Durant absolutely belongs in that conversation.  What I’m saying is if you’re a fan of the Saskatchewan Roughriders, if you’re the Roughriders football club, what you’re hoping for is Darian Durant is not going to be the highest-paid player in the league.

“You want to give him what he deserves, but at the same time you want somebody to block and catch for Durant.  We’re in a scenario now where a line has been drawn between the league and the players and we don’t know what the salary cap will be.”

On the flipside, should star running back Kory Sheets find his way back to the Riders from the NFL’s Oakland Raiders this summer, you know he’ll do so with his hand out.  Sheets will be a free agent as CFL teams go but is coming off a record-breaking campaign in 2013.  Madani figures the Riders need to be careful with what they offer Sheets in the event he does come back.

“At some point you have to make up your mind as to what your priorities are going to be and unless your name is Adrian Peterson, and this is not an NFL/CFL thing – this is a once-in-a-generation-talent sort of thing – then you’re replaceable,” Madani said.  “To me, what you want to do is allocate your dollars in the right areas and that’s Canadian offensive linemen, Canadian starters, quarterback and then the impact players.  Running backs in pro football, on both sides of the border, are incredibly expendable and spending in the neighbourhood of $150,000 on an import running back in a ratio league makes absolutely no financial sense.”

Of course we’re talking about a salary cap that, to date, no one is actually sure what it is.  CFL teams have been told the cap would go up following the 2013 season but so far no increase has been announced.  That’s a part of what the CFL and CFL Players Association are currently fighting over and according to Arash, there’s no end in sight.

“Twice meetings have been cancelled but I believe the league thought at some point the players would cave and maybe they will but I don’t get the sense, when you get a feel of what’s coming out of these meetings, the players are going to give and cave this time,” Madani reported.  “The Americans are often the players that want to play the most but I quoted new CFLPA President Scott Flory on Twitter yesterday and it was retweeted by Alex Suber, Keon Raymond and Nik Lewis.  All Americans.

“I don’t think the CFL was quite aware how much of a fight the players were going to bring.  I think we’re in for a real contentious couple of months coming up.”

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10 years ago

Ya running backs are a dime a dozen…that's whe we have had 3 in the past 50 years who are worth their salt…
What a stupid comment…
The Rock

10 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Once again…you are right out to lunch. Give your head a shake….3 in 50 years…can i have some of what your smokin?

10 years ago

I agree, Durant should get paid. But I hope theres enough to spread around.

The CFL will need to realize when the salaries go up, so does the talent. There is enough football players in the world to go around.

10 years ago

Darian should get paid without doubt. I think $450K would be perfect for him and the team. Make it happen.

10 years ago

That's right. It's not possible to get the level of salaries up to where the NFL's are but if they can be up at a level where guys on NFL practice rosters would take a look and jump at that instead of sitting. More talent means more credibility and more/better sponsorship. When you walk into a bar other than one in SK you see tons of NFL merchandise but virtually nothing connected to the CFL. EVERY bar in this country should be decked out with CFL stuff. Grocery stores should have cutouts of local star players promoting chips or pop… Read more »

10 years ago

Yup pay the man. He is in the conversation as the best player in the league and it is quite possible the most loyal rider qb ever. So lets get this deal done so Doubbles can retire a rider. Shane Regina

10 years ago

Salary cap is going up. DD deserves the $500K. Cap goes up will compensate for the #. Running backs of Sheets caliber are not a dime a dozen. If so everyone would perform like he did. Finally two top guys are Durant and Ray! Not Lulay who has a bad shoulder. Madani is clueless. Dave Naylor > Madani.

10 years ago

$450,000 absolute max for Durant! As far as sheets goes, yes he deserves a raise but it takes a lot more than two players to make a team. Maybe if we need more cap space we release Simon and free up over $100,000 from a player who has lost a step, close to retirement but still a good player.

10 years ago

Hey I agree that darian deserves a great big fat raise. Keep in mind that the Grey Cup was won as a team. Darian did not win the Grey Cup by himself. In fact Darian fumbled 3 times. The first time he took a snap in the game. Then again in the 1st Qtr which was snagged by Sheets who took it another 38 yards. Then in the second Qtr Darian turned it over on Hamiltons 8 yard line.So give Darian a raise but I wouldnt use the Grey Cup to try and get hime to be the highest paid… Read more »

10 years ago

I want to make a point about fans saying releasing Simon frees up money. Yes, of course it does but only for this season. Releasing Simon wouldn't have changed anything in regards to being able to sign Durant, keep Butler or any of the other FA's that left. Simon is only signed this season and all those guys that left signed multi year deals. Simon still might get cut but the reality is, if the Riders were looking to free up cap space, for this season and beyond, guys like Picard and Bagg will be the first ones in the… Read more »

10 years ago

Spock doesn't know logic. Darian's contract extension isn't based on one game. It's based on a big snapshot of Darian's play over the years he has been here. "Money" players rise to the occasion when it means the most and Darian has always raised his level of play in the playoffs. 5-1 record in division semi-final and finals over his years as a starter. 3 Grey Cup apperances in 5 years. Not a lot of QB's in the last 25 years in this legaue can say that. Absolutly there was a great team around Darian but give him the credit… Read more »

10 years ago

Just pay the man!!!!

10 years ago

I'm so glad Madani isn't our GM.

10 years ago

Paying one player in a team game way more than the rest of the teammates is not conducive to team chemistry or a winning culture. That's just human nature.

10 years ago

Realistic remuneration, $375,000.00-$400,000.00 max.

10 years ago

Doug Flutie had an awesome team around him yet still got paid way more than anybody else on his team. Same thing with Ray, Austin, Dunigan, McMannus, Calvillo, Dickenson and every other great QB that got big money.

You pay great QB's what they're worth. End of story. People that think the ceiling is at $400,000 are clueless and should really just not speak.

10 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

People that think the ceiling is at $400,000 plus are clueless and should not really speak. Saskatchewan starting QB not great. End of story.

10 years ago

I don't know why the common fan cares about payroll structure. DD's in the upper tier of CFL quarterbacks right now, and I'll let the GM worry about how to keep him happy.

10 years ago

Think about whether we would want Durant to play on another team, against us. No? Well, then pay the man already!!!!

10 years ago

So now Arash is an authority on Salary Management and player talent ??? Stick to getting the scoops, which you are very good at Arash; but since when does your opinion on what DD makes matter??? The Salary cap is going up but in no way was the League going to reveal what the new cap is BEFORE the free-agency period and before the new collective agreement is signed. If the League had made the new cap visible prior to those important items, some GM (or more than one of them) would have escalated salaries unnecessarily. I'm all for Players… Read more »

10 years ago

In Taman we trust, he knows exactly what the team needs to pay Durant and exactly what we need to keep set aside for a Sheets return. This is why we lost so many depth guys during the offseason so far. None of this should be a surprise to anyone. Injuries have always been my biggest concern with DD, Taman should and will use that as leverage to keep his salary down closer to $400,000-$450,000 me thinks

10 years ago

$500k is too much. His numbers don't support that. Yes he won a Grey Cup but this sport is a what have you done for me lately sport.

You pay a guy based on his ability not based on a trophy he just won and Durant isn't the best QB in the league.

I like him, I support him, but he's not the best.