(March 13, 2014) Saskatoon – Saskatoon Health Region provides the following update on the condition of Kootenay Ice hockey player and Montreal Canadiens prospect Tim Bozon at the request of his family.

Tim Bozon remains in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) at Royal University Hospital in Saskatoon after being admitted on March 1 with Neisseria Meningitis. He remains in ICU however doctors have indicated his condition remains critical but stable and improving. He has been in an induced coma since being admitted to the ICU but doctors are now working to slowly wake him.

His family has indicated that Tim has responded to verbal stimuli.

Tim’s parents, Philippe and Helene, have been overwhelmed by the e-mail and social media messages from people around the world showing support for their son. The family is very appreciative and will respond sometime in the near future. The family also wants to express thanks to the doctors and staff at Royal University Hospital for the care Tim has received.

There have been many enquiries from individuals and organizations wanting to make donations to assist the family during this difficult time. The Western Hockey League (WHL) has established a trust fund to assist the Bozon family with medical and rehabilitation costs as insurance coverage is limited.  Details regarding the “Tim Bozon Trust” will be released by the WHL later this week.

The family appreciates the media’s interest in Tim and in helping to educate the community about meningitis. They do not wish to provide any interviews at this time and will coordinate updates to media, when appropriate, through Saskatoon Health Region communications.

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10 years ago

This is very encouraging news. I pray for a full recovery.

10 years ago

Great news!

Prayers with this young lad.