Stating the obvious – there are a lot of sports on television these days. Also obvious – the rise in quantity has not always helped quality.

Non-events being treated as sports events are on the rise as well.

Case in point: the “NHL TRADE DEADLINE,” which was treated as the biggest televised sporting event this week. In this exciting televised event, one can watch for hours as guys in suits sit behind a desk and pontificate on what might happen. Unnamed sources are quoted, teams are analyzed for needs, gaps and opportunities, video clips are shown and tables are created of players who “MAY GET TRADED.”

And then nothing happens.

Or something little happens, and they talk about that for hours anyway.

Or this year, one big trade was made before DEADLINE DAY and one big trade was made on

DEADLINE DAY, and gee wasn’t it exciting to watch and follow for hours on end?

If you didn’t get enough, TSN’s That’s Hockey was expanded to an hour on DAY AFTER DEADLINE DAY to make time to review the non-event, DEADLINE DAY, in detail.

Anything I needed to know about this non-event arrived on my Twitter feed – but even on Twitter there were too many Tweets for this non-event.

This exciting annual non-event ranks up there with some others:

NFL Pro Bowl

Maybe I shouldn’t say too much about this one, because I can’t honestly say I have sat through an entire game. Guys who aren’t in the Super Bowl but who are chosen as the best at their position get to go to Hawaii and play in a non-event game where they try not to get hurt. Only advantage would be watching it in person, sitting in Hawaii in mid-winter. But if I were in Hawaii, I probably would not be at the Pro Bowl.

NHL, NBA (Insert almost any sport) All-Star Game

I have also quit watching NHL and NBA all-star games. Sure, there are often some exciting plays, the uniforms are usually cool, guys get to play with new linemates…but is the sport meant to be played with no hits (hockey) and/or no defence (or even less than usual – NBA)?

The exception for me has become the Major League Baseball all-star game. This is worth watching for the strategy and desire to win, because the winning team earns home field advantage for their division in the World Series. With the designated hitter rule and home-field advantage on the line, this game actually means something, and the teams play like it.

Any Draft Day

I realize people love to see who goes to their favourite team on draft day. But in true over-hype, non-event tradition, things like NHL draft day turn into a week-long pontification. The first round may be worth televising…but what about all those kids in the audience who don’t get chosen? Ask Don Cherry – it breaks their hearts!

And in the annals of events that have been hyped ad nauseam

I’m sure I will get a lot of flak for even thinking this, and I hope this statement doesn’t result in revocation of my Canadian citizenship….the World Junior Hockey Championship. Sure, this is a good event to watch, for the most part. The hockey is good, the players are excited to represent their country, and as a proud Canadian I want to see our team win. But seriously, TSN has built so much hype into this event to get people to watch, that the pressure on this team every year is unbelievable, and completely unnecessary.

But at least it is a sporting event.

Follow Ardith on Twitter @Ardith_S

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10 years ago

I agree wholeheartedly!!

10 years ago

I agree halfheartedly!

10 years ago

TSN puts pressure on the Canadian Juniors? Thats questionable to say the least! Its the WORLDS. *headshake

10 years ago

Please stop blogging, this is complete and utter garbage. If you don't like these events then stop watching them and shut up about it! Guess what? Other people do like them and do watch them

10 years ago

Rod your long time passion has been to be a TV broadcaster. Just because you didn't make it, no need in bashing those who do. These shows are on for a reason. Cause they generate an audience and drive ratings. It's exciting for the fan to watch regardless of the position in the standings. If your team is out of the playoffs, you're hoping for some upgrades to help next season. If you're making a playoff push, you're looking for the GM of your team to make that deal to make your team that much stronger. What's not to like… Read more »

10 years ago

Rod: You have a great blog. I cannot believe the crap that you have to(or don't I guess) put up with. You post other peoples thoughts and you get ripped. Could it not be clearer, the ladies name/picture are right there. Clueless.
Thanks again for all the info.

Jordan P
Jordan P
10 years ago

The number of comments that have been deleted sickens me just as much if I could see their comments. I can only assume some of you Anonymous Hacks are bigoted, sexist jerks. I am so grateful that my wife loves sports just as much as I do. Does she have opinions I don't agree with? Hell yeah, but guess what? My guy buddies also have some weird opinions about sports too. To the goofballs making fun of Ardith, look around at the next Rider game, there's a lot of Women there. Heck, my wife and even my mother are likely… Read more »

10 years ago

I agree with Ardith 100%. I know most people on here are low functioning, and I am certain very few of them go to the Library to check out books to read. If you do happen to read there is history about ESPN called Those Guys Have all the Fun. In essence all 24/7 cable channels require content so putting on mindless crap like Drafts, or Trades and watching guys take Blackberry calls to announce rivetting items like Nick Schultz getting traded to Columbus etc., all of that is designed to give the Coach Surfer one more reason to stay… Read more »

10 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Your a 100% brown noser in life Obama, you'll agree with anything.

10 years ago

I bet the people who criticize Ardith's viewpoint own 5 or more pair of sweat pants.

10 years ago

Great blog as usual. We both enjoy reading Ardith. Does she have a bio we can read? The negative people on here don't speak for the Majority Rod.

10 years ago

I told Rod to tell Ardith to disregard the opinions on here that are contrary to hers.

In this land of the free Blog, always remember that Morons have the absolute right to be utterly and completely wrong.


10 years ago

Great. I missed your teaching. I agree about the repetitive nonsensical information and content on these channels. Perhaps you can do something of more substance like quote some more 80s movie lines or lines from songs to bring the world a more enlightened and fresh intellectual renaissance. Because what Chet said to Gary and Wyatt in Weird Science is pretty cutting edge, original stuff!

10 years ago

So let me get this straight, when there are huge worldly events taking place or when there is nothing to be excited about the media should just keep it all lame and boring??? No hype?? hahahahaha We all watched and are talking on this blog because of the hype. If you dont like 4 hrs of Thomas Vanek coverage once a year then dont watch, turn to Days of our Lives or something. What else would there be to get excited about? I personally love all the hype even when nothing happens but this year all the hype was warranted… Read more »

10 years ago

People have the right to their own opinions, but that being said if Ardith is going to attack sports programming she should be bracing herself for the backlash from fans of the shows she attacking, plain and simple. So everyone who is defending her and saying it's an outrage that she upset people are the ridiculous ones who need to check themselves before judging others!

10 years ago

Ardith is not attacking sports programming, and I am not judging anybody. If anyone has read this Blog since 2007 they will understand I do not judge people. Now putting people into classfications is an entirely different story. If an individual feels the need to sit in front of a TV to learn who Columbus took with their 7th round pick, or which nondescript NFL team took a nondescript Receiver with their 8th round pick those people are in a Classification of being devoid of any human value, or making any time of contribution to humanity. I would recommend it… Read more »

10 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Hmmm ! This obama character just described himself down to a T In his posted paragraphs 3/4/5. Couldn't have given a better descriptive opinion of this clown than the one he gave of himself as the slowest lowest denominator devoid of any human value, thank you obama.

From the engine that drives In the 306, V8.

10 years ago

spring runoff is here in full force!

obama, always entertaining, as per usual!

thanks rod, ardith, etc. "coach surfer", whether a typo or not, is quite awesome!


10 years ago

So if you disagree with Ardith's views then that makes you a bigot, sexist jerk? That's the biggest crock yet buddy. I don't care if you are her husband, don't go playing that card because all it does is discredit your argument. Does anyone take the reporting or opinions of Sara Orlesky, Jen Hedger, Kate Beirness or JSB any less seriously just because they are women? NO!

10 years ago

Obama. What did you sit in front of to memorize movie scripts off by heart? Are you actually okay? You have been quoting movies and tv shoes for years on here, and now you are going to start to rip the medium of movies and tv? Like, seriously…..are you okay?

10 years ago


You say that you, "don't judge people, but put them into classifications." Don`t you have to make a judgement in order to classify them ???? I think you may have missed that class in college, if you, in fact, went there.
