Football maven John Lynch announced his retirement from broadcasting on Monday’s SportsCage.  Here’s the prepared statement John read on-air:

“You know at some time in life you reach that point where you are not really as good as you used to be, whether it’s as an athlete, an administrator, or a doctor or lawyer.  And when you are in the broadcasting business it’s when your voice and reflexes begin to deteriorate and for me I have sadly reached that point.

“This will be my last regular broadcast and it’s been a slice going back to 1969 when Bob Hutton at CJME took me under his wing as host on CFL football on CJME.

“Then it was the legendary Doug Alexander at CKCK who thought I could be a colour commentator in 1976 and that lasted until 1985 and I had the pleasure of working with some of the best in the business like the Bald Baron Ron Barnett, Dale Isaac and a colour commentator of the calibre of Alan Ford.

“Then there is the Access appearances on TV on In The Huddle from 1987 till present, and of course my long affiliation with CKRM and the incredible opportunity to work with a broadcaster who, simply put, is the best.  Rod Pedersen is that as a person, and as a broadcaster.

“And of course the focus of all my efforts is my beloved Saskatchewan Roughriders who Don Perkins in Rouleau go me hooked up with when I was seven years old and under the leadership of Jim Hopson, have become the best organization in the league and the biggest draw whether at home or on the road.”

“The interaction with the fans of this great province who love this team so much is a fabulous experience, and to top things off, by being part of the broadcast crew for both radio and television for the 101st Grey Cup that was played here three months ago was totally mind-boggling.  With that, what a way to go out.

“Then there is the wonderful support I have received from my wife Margie and my family who have supported me all the way.

“Now, you can rejoice  because you will be rid of me and my hilarious jokes.

John Lynch”

*Thank you for all your efforts over the decades John, and your passion for the Saskatchewan Roughriders and CKRM

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Handy Andy
Handy Andy
10 years ago

A tradgedy! Lynch is timeless and should not be retiring. Seriously, what a man! I sure loved listening to him over the years. All the best to you, Frenzy! God bless.

10 years ago

Mr. Lynch:
I loved your passion towards football in this province. You were never afraid to ask the "tough" questions. Thank you for your 45 years of being the "Voice" of Rider fans and making those 2 hour rides home after the game most entertaining!


10 years ago

Congrats on a great career Mr. Lynch, you have done well. The admiration that you get from your colleagues speaks for itself and reflects the dedication that you put into the business for so many years. People may have disagreed with your opinions but nobody can argue your enduring support of this football team and its fans. Rod I'm sure yesterday must have been a tough one for you. It must be a mixed bag of emotions seeing the retirement of not only one of your mentors in the business but also a close friend. Lynch is right, you're the… Read more »

10 years ago

John Lynch is the legend because whether you agreed or disagreed with his assessments you had to listen to him. People did not turn the dial when he was on the air, and he brought it each and every broadcast. They don't make these guys anymore, and there are only a few left now. Frenzy was not from the cookie cutter mold. 1996/97 that year they had the telethon Frenzy was maybe the one guy in Regina that always wore a Roughrider jacket before it was fashionable to do so. He represented the emotions of Rider Nation and it was… Read more »

10 years ago

Going to miss You John….

Rally Driver
10 years ago

John should be the first media person inducted into The Plaza of Honour. One of the few things that have been constant, over the last few decades of Rider football, has been John's voice. He is a unique individual whose perspective was always worth listening to. He has a legion of fans that relate to his perspective and will still approach him at the grocery store to hear it. It's been a heck of a ride.

10 years ago


Congrats on a Hall of Fame broadcasting career. You not only had the memory of Riders stats like nobody else, but you also had the flare to enliven a broadcast with years of colour commentary and analysis. We will miss you. Enjoy retirement and your family. You deserve it.

Aaron Anderson

10 years ago

I have know John since the early 70's. This man has a photographic football memory. He can tell you plays in game you long forgot.
We are going to miss you John. Good luck in your retirement.

10 years ago

John, I will miss listening to you. I wish you all the best in your retirement.
Brad T

10 years ago

Yes, we will all miss John and his great memory for facts and events. Have a great retirement!

Pat in MJ

10 years ago

A Saskatchewan Icon. Straight up.

Thank you Mr. Lynch and all the best in your retirement.