By Arash Madani CKRM

Kory Sheets, the Saskatchewan Roughriders tailback who set the record for most rushing yards in Grey Cup history last month, is eying the NFL and will be working out for the Indianapolis Colts, sources told Tuesday.

Sheets, a 2013 CFL all-star in his second season in the Canadian league, is a pending free agent and would be eligible to hit the open market Feb. 15 if he is not re-signed by Saskatchewan.

Sheets had a base salary of $62,000 in the CFL last season. Roster and game bonuses bumped his cap hit to $70,000. The minimum salary in the NFL is $405,000.

Sheets had a sensational season for the Grey Cup champions, rushing for more than 100 yards in the first six games of the season. He missed three contests due to injury, but still carried the ball 287 times for 1,598 yards. He finished the year with almost 1,800 all-purpose yards.

But it was in the playoffs that Sheets was unstoppable. In the West semi-final against B.C., the 28-year-old out of Purdue had 19 touches for 131 yards. The next week, he went into McMahon Stadium and was a one-man wrecking crew, carrying the ball 28 times for 177 yards and a touchdown, wearing out Calgary’s defence.

In the Grey Cup, Sheets was the Game MVP after his 20 rushes for 197 yards and two touchdowns. The signature play of the championship game came from him in the fourth quarter, on 2nd and 19, when he converted a first down to eclipse Johnny Bright’s 57-year Grey Cup rushing record and clinch the game for the Roughriders.

The Colts have long held a connection to the CFL and the Roughriders, in particular. The late Cal Murphy was a scout for former general manager Bill Polian and recruited Kenton Keith and John Chick to Indianapolis. Present Colts GM Ryan Grigson made one-time Saskatchewan linebacker Jerrell Freeman his first signing when taking his new post two years ago.

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The Woz
10 years ago

Good for him. My understanding is that he cannot go to a practice roster anymore since he used up that eligibility in previous stops with other teams. So if the colts like him he would have to be added to their roster and he would need to be paid as a veteran. So I am skeptical he will stick. Can't believe he only made $70000 last year….he stands to at least double that next year if he resigns with us.

10 years ago

It’s only a workout not a contract offer, however if he gets a training camp invite he instantly becomes Jerrell Freeman’s new training camp tackling dummy!

10 years ago

He'd be battling with 22 year old Trent Richardson at RB, wouldn't he?

Elmer from Dilke
10 years ago

The question is:

Is Madani shining light on the embarrassing CFL salaries public to heighten his own grandeur OR is it an attempt to embarrass the CFL/Bell Canada/TSN configuration to increase the salary levels to legitimate and credible levels?

Modern CFL?

Call us country dumb, but, if it looks like a mom & pop show, walks like a mom & pop show……….

10 years ago

Kinda unfair that he only made $70K last year. is worth about $200k in my books. Anyway, wish him luck. If he's going to be in the $500K range, cant really blam him, and his dream for a NFL spot.

10 years ago

Before someone harps on the CFL salaries you want to remember that $62,000 was an entry level contract. If he chose to negotiate with the Riders I'd bet he gets 3 times that.


10 years ago

Good for him, I still cheer for Freeman, Cam Wake & Thigpen in the NFL. Cheered hard for Chick when down there too.

10 years ago

yes, but have you seen richardson play with the colts since being traded there from cleveland, pretty much non-exsistance.

10 years ago

Who realistically is the Riders franchise player, Sheets or Durant? that's the question.

10 years ago

If it were not for the CFL Kory Sheets would be making $11 in a grocery store somewhere in the USA. These players are paid accordingly and if anyone doesn't think so ask Braley, Young, and Wettenhal how many people dial up to put serious offers on their franchises? I remember many years ago Rhett Dawson played here and packed it in and got on with life. He's doing quite well. Scott Schultz is another guy that called his own shot. Ron Lancaster said the day you sign your first contract is the day you start thinking about life after… Read more »

10 years ago

CFL salaries are embarrsingly low for the quality of product that is put out there. hopefully the cap goes up at least 15% and guys can actually afford to stay here

10 years ago

Sheets at 28 is up against younger players like Richardson-22, Donald Brown -26 and Dan Herron -24. Plus a few more stashed away in practice roster and injured lists. These were the starting RB's on the Colts roster on Sunday Nov 24 in PHX. I was at the game until half time. None of these backs looked impressive on that day.
But I hope for his sake he is not training camp fodder. Even if he does very well, will the Colts sign a 28 year old RB?
Good Luck Cory.

The Woz
10 years ago

Who knew who Kory Sheets was two years ago? I love the guy but I am not willing to break the bank to keep him. I think our O line can make anyone look good….Garrett for example. Roy Shivers used to say running backs are dime a dozen so I would rather spend big bucks on Darian, Dressler, Butler and the o-line and find another back if Sheets leaves….no way I pay him $150K to stay – spend that money elsewhere.

10 years ago

What have the Colts done for the Riders? Too bad the 'long standing connection' wasn't reciprocal…

10 years ago

Shut your face Woz. I hate the fact I have to pay you Old Age and Canada Pension. That's $1100 a month that could go towards paving a road.

10 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Sounds like you need a cupcake!

10 years ago

Sheets has to hope he can crack a NFL roster as a 3rd down back. He won't get a starting job as he's not fast enough. In my opinion he won't get a 3rd down back job either as he isn't a good enough blocker or pass catcher. I think he'll be lucky to make a practice roster or get a special teams job if he has some kind of tackling skills that I don't know about.

10 years ago

Woz – what was the teams record without Sheets? Not all rbs are created equal?

The Woz
10 years ago

Again I say that Sheets was more a creation of our o line. Remember when sheets was hurt we did not have our oline together either. And Garrett once he got the hang of things rushed for 150 behind the same line and some say should be protected in the dispersal. Look I would like to have Sheets back but I would not pay him $200K a year to throw off our cap space and be unable to sign guys like Butler and Dressler. If you can keep Sheets happy and sign the others then bonus. But in order we… Read more »

10 years ago
Reply to  The Woz

You likely won't see him Woz, he'll be to busy eating donuts at the nearest Tim Hortons.