LAKE FOREST, Ill. – A day later, Chicago Bears coach Marc Trestman wasn’t backing down.

He insisted he made the right move when he decided to go for a winning field goal on a second down in overtime at Minnesota on Sunday even if the decision did not pan out.

Trestman called on Robbie Gould for a 47-yarder that sailed wide right rather than run another play or two, and the Bears suffered a crushing 23-20 loss. Trestman acknowledged he second guesses himself “a lot afterward.”

“I want to be perfect for the guys,” he said. “And when things don’t work, I hold myself accountable for it because I’m making every decision in the best interest.”

He was adamant: Going for the field goal was the right call at that moment, that the decision did not fuel any second guessing in his mind.

“It does not. It really does not,” he said.

The Bears are in a tough spot trailing Detroit by a game in the NFC North at 6-6, with the Lions holding a head-to-head sweep and their shot at a wild card looking about as long as the 66-yard attempt Gould missed at the end of regulation.

They’ve dropped six of nine, with a Monday night matchup against Dallas up next, and it’s not clear if the injured Jay Cutler (high left ankle sprain) and Lance Briggs (shoulder) will return.

Trestman did not rule out either player but would not say if they will practice on Thursday. Cutler hopes to return against the Cowboys but was noncommittal during his weekly appearance on Chicago’s WMVP-AM 1000.

On Monday, the big topic of discussion was the decision to turn to Gould rather than try to shorten the distance.

The Bears were moving the ball after Minnesota’s Blair Walsh had a 39-yard field goal wiped out by a holding penalty and missed a 57-yarder.

Chicago took over at its 47. Matt Forte ran for 24 yards over the next five plays to put the ball on the 29, and that’s where Trestman decided it was time to end this thing.

So he called on Gould, one of the most accurate kickers in league history, but the plan backfired.

Minnesota went the other way for a winning 34-yard field goal by Walsh that dealt a serious blow to Chicago’s playoff hopes and sparked a discussion about Trestman’s decision.

Why didn’t he call at least another play to try to get closer, particularly given how the offence has moved this season and the defence has struggled?

Trestman said the ball was in the middle of the field, the kick was within Gould’s range and he didn’t want to risk a penalty or a fumble.

But is the angle of the kick that important in a dome, where there’s no wind?

Something else to consider: Although Gould is 6 of 7 on attempts from the 40 to the 49 this season, he’s just 72.2 per cent from that range in his career.

By comparison, he’s converted 90.6 per cent on attempts from the 30 to 39.

“I didn’t do it from an analytics standpoint,” Trestman said. “I did it from having been around Robbie the entire year and knowing how he kicks the ball and watching him kick in practice. I had no doubt that he was going to make the kick. You could say that about any kick. But there wasn’t analytics involved as much as there was, we’re clearly in his range. We’re in the middle of the field. We don’t know what’s going to happen on the next play, but it has a chance of not being in the middle of the field. I thought that was well worth the risk.’

“Every decision to do the things that we do, are based on this game,” Trestman said. “So I didn’t call on other experiences in other weeks, other than to make the decision that was best for our team yesterday.”

Associated Press

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10 years ago

I know Trestman is a nice guy and a great coach. But it sure is gratifying to see him get burned on a field-goal-to-end-the-game play. Whatever, we won the Cup this year. Enough of that.

10 years ago

I love reading american reporter articles. They are in full attack mode, looking for any reason it’s 1 person’s fault, any time their team doesn’t win. As they say hindsight is 20/20, but to start bringing out career stats to substantiate their view and that Trestman should have known that before the kick is dumb. If that was the criteria, Gould would be 0-0 this year, instead of 6-7, because they never would’ve given him chances to kick those. Rider fans get knocked for being too negative after a loss, and how it’s part of the fishbowl mentality. It’s most… Read more »

10 years ago

Sorry but this time I think Trestman blew it. 47 yards out is not a slam dunk no matter who the kicker. It was 2nd down in 4 down football. Doesn't CHI have a safe short pass or the ability to pound forward for a few yards. Shows no confidence in his offense.

The Woz
10 years ago

Anyone thinking that Dressler might end up with Trestman in Chicago can relax a little….since there is no guarantee that Trestman will be the coach there next year!…Chicago is a good team and they fired Lovie Smith because although he got them to the playoffs most years he could not get them over the hump…..Trestman comes in and does not even make the playoffs….the Executive could easily just say they made a mistake bringing in the unproven guy from the CFL and move on to someone else….guess we will see.

10 years ago

He's still in the hunt with a back-up QB Woz.

10 years ago

Trestman has a long NFL coaching history. I'm a Bears fan and there is no scenario that I can see that Trestman is not back as HC next year.

10 years ago

Trestman will be back, no Melton, no Collins, no Tillman, no Briggs, no Cutler…the run D is a mess with 2 rookie linebackers starting and yet they are still in every game. I'm heading to Chicago Saturday and going to take in the Monday nighter against the Cowboys…was really hoping for a win against Minny so the Bears would still be in the thick of the playoff hunt. Was an agonizing defeat that Minny tried to hand the Bears, but inability to get 1 yard to close out with a few minutes left, and the inability of the D to… Read more »

The Woz
10 years ago

Hope you all are right cause I like Trestman. Every team gets injuries though and even he would say that would be just an excuse….the teams they are losing to also have injury concerns and some would say (not me) that McCown is a better fit for Trestman's system than Cutler…

10 years ago

Once again Woz wants the last word. What a loser.

10 years ago

Woz makes a couple of comments and he’s already off his rocker. Take 2 Pro-bowlers off any team and see how it affects them, let alone losing 2 pro-bowlers off a defense!

You need to take another break Woz!

10 years ago

I strongly disagree. Trestman cost the Bears any shot at playoffs with that decision. Forte was running through the Minny Def like a hot knife through butter and could have moved the ball closer to the endzone for Gould to kick winning FG.

10 years ago

As Rod would say, "If my aunt had nuts, she would be my uncle". If any of you have played or coached in a semi or pro league, you point would be well taken. As far as the rest of the fantasy draft gamers, please play a game in person. Unbelievable how you can sit in Mom's basement and critique decisions AFTER the fact as none of you would say crap if your mouth was full of it if the FG was good! Laces out Dan!

10 years ago

I would take Obama over Woz anyday! In comparison, Woz would be like grade 9 (yes, like a highschool student in your arguments and logic), while Obama is like a freakin professor in University.

Please Obamam, come back!

10 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous


10 years ago

Who cares about your stupid aunt and uncle! If you don't like to hear other people's opinions about sports then you can stay away from sports blogs and forums and get your chores done so maybe your mommy and daddy will let you watch WWE Raw this week…