REGINA – The Saskatchewan Roughriders say they can stay focused amid the hype of playing the Grey Cup on home turf in front of their notoriously rabid fans.

Hundreds of fans took to the streets in downtown Regina after the Riders beat the Calgary Stampeders in the CFL West Division final and earned a spot in the Grey Cup.

Riders running back Kory Sheets got a first hand glimpse of the enthusiasm after the flight back from Calgary late Sunday night.

“You know, it was funny, me and Terrell Maze were walking through the house last night, somebody stopped their car and got out and was screaming and yelling. It was like ‘Congratulations. Yay!’ And then they just got back in the car and pulled off,” Sheets said with a laugh at a news conference Monday in Regina.

“I’m expecting a lot of that this week.”

Sheets, who signed with the Riders in February of 2012, has never been in Saskatchewan when the team has made it to the Grey Cup. In fact, he says he hasn’t played in a championship game outside of high school.

He says he’s getting advice on how to handle the situation from veteran players such as quarterback Darian Durant.

“Darian was telling me last night it’s going to be crazy, just might as well soak it all up,” said Sheets.

The Roughriders will face the Hamilton Tiger-Cats in this year’s championship game, which will be played Sunday at Mosaic Stadium.

This will mark the third time Saskatchewan has hosted the Grey Cup, but the first time the Riders will play in the big game at home. It will also be the last Grey Cup played at Mosaic Stadium, which will be torn down when a new stadium is built for the 2017 season.

Riders head coach Corey Chamblin says players and coaches both know they can’t let this week become a distraction.

“The team’s been pretty focused,” said Chamblin.

“We’re staying in the hotel. I’ll do a good job of curfewing the guys and making sure their mindset’s there, and staying on their butts and making sure that we practise the right way. But this is a focused group and I think they understand that we’ve come through a lot to get here and don’t let anything derail us now.”

Before the West final, Chamblin said he was preparing as though it was “just the next game.” The coach said Monday that his perspective hasn’t changed.

“The biggest thing, like I said, is not getting caught up in all the hype and the things that go around the game,” said Chamblin.

“There’ll be some new guys that are not used to it, but for the most part, that locker room, they’ve all been in Grey Cups and they understand it and they understand what it takes to win it.”

The Riders last won the Grey Cup in 2007, but were finalists in ’09 and ’10.

Sheets, who rushed for 177 yards and a touchdown in the 35-13 West final win over the Stampeders, says the fans will bring a hometown advantage on Sunday.

“This is not a neutral site and it’s not going to be a neutral site game,” Sheets said. “Our fans are going to be crazy and if they’re not in the game, they’re probably going to be standing outside watching the game from the fences. I’m expecting it to be loud and crazy and the 13th man to show up in our favour.”

Canadian Press

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10 years ago

This is the year 2013 and I really think the 13 man is going to b a huge differences and after we win the rides will dedicate the win to the 13 th man in 2013…it's the 13th man's year Go Riders

10 years ago

Enjoy this week for all It's worth, the REDBLACKS expansion draft the end of the 2013 CFL season. Should he very Interesting to whichi players are made available and how competitive their team turns out for 2014.

10 years ago

As for the Austin photo… It honors the past, therefore it is not a problem.

Austin helped with 2 of 3 Rider Cups – a great part of the Riders history; no need to make a change now. The Grey Cup coming up is about now – the photo was about then… the two have nothing to do with each other.

Here's the other thing; you take down Austin's picture next thing you know the players of Hamilton have additional motivation. Suddenly they're doing it for the coach…

Riders better not add motivation to the Ticats.

10 years ago

McHenry knee was down on the 1 yard line before he fumbled. The TSN replay from the end zone showed the play the best. Does any one have the game taped or on PVR to back me up. McHenry would be vindicated.

10 years ago

Years ago, I was flipping channels on the radio and stumbled on a Pats game. I was absolutely impressed by the announcers voice. It was yours Rod. I never missed a game for the rest of the year. I was so happy when you got the job announcing the rider games. I know Rider Nation loves your voice but I hope somehow you could get a big city sport announcers job. With your voice and personality you deserve a big pay raise. Good luck. Go riders. Want to see a Grey cup ring for DD and Bagg.

10 years ago

Hi Rod, Love your blog. Long time reader. I'm not sure what but something on your blog has changed in the last few weeks and it is now regularly crashing my browser on my iPad. I thought I would mention it as I'm sure you have other iPad readers. It may be that I'm using an iPad one but there are lots of those out there. On a more interesting topic, totally pumped about Riders being back in the Grey Cup after a short two year break. I love that we finished last in the CFL just two years ago… Read more »

10 years ago

I loved Neal Hughes' comment yesterday about how he will tell his children about this Grey Cup. It puts it in perspective, the enormity of a home game for the Cup, especially for a Saskatchewan boy. There is a lot of pride and a lot of local talent on this team. As a fan, of course I want them to win. But more than anything, I want that win for the team — they deserve it so much.

10 years ago

For what it's worth, if you look back at the 07 Grey Cup Durant was one of the players dumping the Gatorade on Austin, the other being Eddie Davis. Heard that Kent said something to the effect that Durant is one of the smartest QB's he's ever seen. And now they'll be going head to head for all the marbles.


Nathan T
10 years ago

Leave up the austin poster for now, no need to give ham extra motivation. But that said, austin left in 94, came back to coach for a year then took off again, he did great things for the riders that we should respect, but he never wanted to be here. We should be giving his football god status to richie hall. He's stuck it out here aamongst all the critisism and was also a part of the '89 and '07 grey cups. And now he has the chance to become the first and i believe only person to own 3… Read more »