TSN CFL Insider Dave Naylor dumped an avalanche of CFL news on Twitter Friday morning as it relates to the CFL’s Return To Play and Hub City scenarios. Here it is:

  • Based on statements from Manitoba government officials and info from CFL sources … what I know about the proposed CFL Hub in Winnipeg will follow in a series of Tweets.
  • Players coming from the U.S. will have to have negative COVID tests and are being required to isolate 14 days in home jurisdiction BEFORE coming to Winnipeg. This may also apply to players coming from other parts of Canada but still to be determined.
  • Players would be tested on days 1, 6 and 13 after arriving in Winnipeg. Isolation requirement is 7 days once they enter the bubble in addition to the 14 before they arrive in Winnipeg.
  • Hotels will be closed to all except players/coaches/staff … any violation of the bubble principle will result in the person being sent home.
  • Based on comments from Manitoba Minister of Health Cameron Friesen, it appears the CFL needs not just dollars from the Feds but a sign-off on safety of the hub as well. Yesterday in describing how the bubble would work he stated “provided that is all approved by the Feds”.
  • From Friesen: “Remember that we have 49 active cases right now that need to self-isolate and we don’t have people standing outside their doors … there’s a lot riding on it for these players and these teams to ensure this bubble is Covid-free … so that’s what we’re relying on.
  • To the question “would the CFL still play a shortened season if they don’t get federal government assistance?” The answer I’ve heard from every single person I’ve asked over the past four months is “NO”.

Late Friday afternoon Naylor added that it doesn’t seen as though much progress has been made:

  • Naylor Tweeted: “So are we any closer to CFL football in 2020? Not really. There’s progress in negotiations, still work to be done between the CFL and CFLPA. White waiting for response to request for financial assistance from the fed gov. That’s where we were 72 hours and where we are now.”