1. HOW THE RIDERS WILL RETURN: There’s not a doubt in my mind the Saskatchewan Roughriders will be back to normal by 2022. But if it takes that long, what will be the hangover left from all this time away? There are 2 concerns to consider here: A) A segment of the population will be so badly damaged, economically, that there will be limited resources for people to invest in the Riders. B) Another segment of the population will have found other ways to be entertained and will have moved on from the CFL. I’m not worried about either one of these scenarios derailing the Roughriders. Saskatchewan’s economy should come out of this mess in better shape than most. Two years off shouldn’t destroy anyone’s appetite for 3 down football. If anything, it should create more pent up demand.

2. CFL SEASON FOR 2021 SHOULDN’T BE IN DOUBT: Now that all stadiums in the league are outdoor, or at least retractable-to-outdoor, there’s no reason to think social distancing can’t be accomplished in all of them. BC Place has room for more than 50-thousand people. Even a crowd of 10-thousand would allow for crowds not much smaller than the Lions have been used to for the past few years anyway. Surely the Government of Canada would much rather subsidize this, rather than pay for players and staff to sit at home and do nothing. Public health doesn’t want large gatherings and for good reason. But that doesn’t mean the CFL or its teams should take a defeatist approach to this either. A can-do approach in asking the federal government for a small subsidy is not unreasonable. It’s in everyone’s best interests to play football in 2021 and the league has plenty of time to sort it out right now.

3. BASEBALL STADIUM DOWNTOWN: I want the private sector to fix Regina’s weedy, vacant lots downtown but I can’t help but think a pretty ballpark on the old railyards near the Dewdney strip would attract at least some condo developers. I want this to be a big priority in the mayoral race and as near as I can tell, only Jerry Flegel appears to be pushing the envelope on this. I don’t know if Jerry will win but if nothing else, I hope he has started a more intense conversation about how to move this along than we’ve seen from anyone else, so far.

4. WEST COST LEAGUE TRIES TO WIPE OUT WCBL: Some in the Western Canada Baseball League circles still can’t figure out why a group in Edmonton spent a fortune attracting a West Coast League franchise for 2021 when they already have an organization, and a good one, in the WCBL. One endgame being suggested is that new Edmonton Riverhawks owner Randy Gregg is banking on expansion to Calgary and convincing a couple of other Alberta WCBL teams to ‘switch sides’ in order to make his new operation viable. Calgary has never bought into these leagues so far and travel would still be a nightmare to the west coast. This is a hostile attempt by the Riverhawks, and the West Coast League in general, to put Saskatchewan teams out of business. Can’t see it happening and makes me hope even more to see that new Edmonton franchise go broke in its first 2 years.

5. MONTREAL SUFFERS REPEAT OF MLB STRIKE, SORT OF: The strike of 1994 robbed Montreal of its best shot ever at a World Series. This cancelled CFL season wasn’t quite so devastating but did wipe out any momentum the Alouettes had gained from a great finish to 2019. The challenge will be to recoup that momentum before the next season starts in 2021. Rejuvenating football in Montreal will be a tall order, no doubt. But shouldn’t be enough to derail the Alouettes, the way the strike of ’94 destroyed the Montreal Expos.

6. MONTREAL EXPO RETURN POST-COVID: Hard to say how the current world order will impact those efforts. However, I do think a Tampa Bay world championship this year would help in that when the Rays see no boost at the gate from it when things return to normal, it will confirm to Major League Baseball that Tampa Bay is not a major league city.  

7. OTHA FOSTER: Biggest reason the CFL needs to organize its business plan came by way of a reminder as to why all-star SAM linebacker Otha Foster didn’t play in 2019. Chose to sit out, rather than accept the nickels and dimes he was being offered. If this isn’t enough to convince the league to shorten its coaching staffs and quit overpaying its head coaches and general managers, then I don’t know what is.

8. DARKHORSE FOR NEXT NHL SEASON: Taylor Hall is way overdue for a deep playoff run. And so, for that reason, I’m picking the Buffalo Sabres. Plus, they’re returning to their sweet, royal blue jerseys. And don’t forget, uniforms matter!

9. WHAT I DON’T MISS FROM DAILY PRO FOOTBALL BEAT: Coaches media scrums. They get so redundant.

10. WEEKLY WISDOM: If you count all of your assets. You will always show a profit.

(Follow Brendan on Twitter at @brendanhowardmc)