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It’s Random Thoughts Day here on the Commentary. Let’s go! …


#1 – The biggest story of the week in Canadian sports is the firing of Chris Jones as Head Coach & GM of the CFL’s Edmonton Elks.

In a poll of RP Show viewers, 94% said it was the right move after Jones had only won eight games in three seasons in the Alberta capital.

Will Jones coach again? For sure. If he started calling in favors, he’d have a job in five minutes but I’m sure he’d rather get a gig on his own merit.

Shoot … there are already rumors he’ll take over in Hamilton! But that’s doubtful since he and Ticats GM Ed Hervey are like oil and water.


#2 – NFL training camps are opening this week across the league and I’ve never been more excited for an NFL season.


Because yours truly is now NFL-accredited and to be honest, it feels great!

There is never any shortage of things to talk about with the NFL and it’s nice to hook up with the biggest league on the continent. That league has been great to me the past couple of years.





# 3 – Watching the highlights and postgame interviews from Tuesday night’s All Star Game – won 5-3 by the American League – I’m wondering who brought back the fad of moustaches among athletes?

Hey – it’s your face – do with it what you’d like however I’ve always preferred the clean-shaven look. And it certainly makes the players look at least a decade older.

Maybe that’s what they want?


And #4 – Summer in Canada means golf highlights, soccer and some tennis mixed in to fill up the network highlight shows. But sorry, not here.


Football, baseball and hockey are enough for me and I assume that suits you just fine as well.


That’s today’s Rod Pedersen Commentary.

(The Rod Pedersen Show airs daily at 12 pm & 5 pm ET on Game+TV, WQEE Radio, Podcast & YouTube Live)


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2 months ago

Rod said, “Will Jones coach again? For sure”

He’s wrecked two CFL franchises. Isn’t that enough?
Besides, I don’t understand why a team would hire a man who has skiped out on just about every contract he’s ever signed. He’ll honour his EE contract though, they still owe him for another year. 

Pondo Sinatra
Pondo Sinatra
2 months ago
Reply to  Tom

Who do you think you are Ullyses S Grant? – that former US President was flat broke. He had to choices. Sign a deal that gave him $1000.00 for his Autobiography to be published to which he agreed. Mark Twain overheard this and told him don’t do it – he’d publish it for free and take a royalty. Grant said, “By golly I gave a man my word” – Tough beans – business is business. It takes two to sign a contact. His contacts were approved and there were clauses that provided him an out to pursue employment at higher… Read more »

2 months ago
Reply to  Pondo Sinatra

Gee, the rest of the coaches and managers in the league abide by their contracts…….whatever could be the problem with Jones?? Could it perhaps be that he only cares about ONE thing? That being HIMSELF??

Angelo Skaggs
Angelo Skaggs
2 months ago
Reply to  BoltBoy

Clearly you just don’t have an understanding of employment law. I’ll mansplain it for you. This would not be something you’d be familar with as I can already tell you are chained to a cubicle. You most likely make a nice middleing public sector salary. Nobody notices if you are at work or not. When you hit 30 years and the rule of 80 you’ll just pension out – and then another entry level person will move into the cubicle or maybe they realize the role should just be collapsed and taken off the org chart. Chris Jones would have… Read more »

2 months ago
Reply to  Tom


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